
-Our new publication in Science Advances "Diachronic modeling of the population within the medieval Greater Angkor Region settlement complex" received a lot of press.

-A recording of a lecture I gave at the UCLA as part of their Archaeology Pizza Talks can be viewed here (March 2021)

-Miriam Stark and I were interviewed by Dr. Rob Dunn in the NC State University Applied Ecology News website about climate change and collapse at Angkor. (September 2020)

-Angkor Wat archaeological dig yields new clues to its civilization's decline an article I wrote for the The Conversation (July 2019).

-I was interviewed for this story (in French) about Angkor in Quebec Science (June 2019).

-I am quoted in this article about the discovery of many new temples in Kratie on The Daily Mail (May 2019).

-A story in the Cannon Beach Gazette about a lecture I gave there in March 2019.

- How archaeologists found the lost medieval megacity of Angkor on Ars Technica (July 2016).

-I wrote a short piece on our 2015 fieldwork for the Khmer Times: Household Archaeology at Angkor Wat (July 2016). This was kindly translated into Khmer by the US Embassy, which you can read here.

- A short profile on Alison Carter in the Phnom Penh Post (July 2016). Khmer language version here.

- A story in Prochea Prey (in Khmer) on Alison Carter's lecture at the APSARA Authority offices in June 2016 [see file attached below].

-I am quoted in this article about the discovery and excavation of a bronze workshop in Angkor Thom in the Phnom Penh Post (March 2016)