

Vector-Valued Gaussian Processes and their Kernels on a Class of Metric Graphs

Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Simulating Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on Graphs with Euclidean Edges (arxiv)

Assessing the Competitiveness of Matrix-Free Block Likelihood Estimation in Spatial Models (arxiv)


Versatile Parametric Classes of Covariance Functions that Interlace Anisotropies and Hole Effects

Statistica Sinica (forthcoming)

Gaussian Random Fields on the Product of Spheres: Theory and Applications

Electronic Journal of Statistics, 18(1), 1394-1435

Matrix-Valued Isotropic Covariance Functions with Local Extrema

Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 200, 105250

Hybrid Parametric Classes of Isotropic Covariance Functions for Spatial Random Fields 

    Mathematical Geosciences (forthcoming)

Effective Sample Size for Georeferenced and Temporally Evolving Data

Spatial Statistics, 53, 100721

The Gauss Hypergeometric Covariance Kernel for Modeling Second-Order Stationary Random Fields in Euclidean Spaces: its Compact Support, Properties and Spectral Representation

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36(9), 2819-2834

Covariance models and simulation algorithm for stationary vector random fields on spheres crossed with Euclidean spaces 

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(5), A3114–A3134

Assessing the effective sample size for large spatial datasets: A block likelihood approach

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 162, 107282

The F family of covariance functions: A Matérn analogue for modeling random fields on spheres

Spatial Statistics, 43, 100512

Multivariate Isotropic Random Fields on Spheres: Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Lp Fast Approximations

Electronic Journal of Statistics, 15(1), 2360-2392

Bivariate Matérn Covariances with Cross-Dimple for Modeling Coregionalized Variables

Spatial Statistics, 41, 100491

A spectral algorithm to simulate nonstationary random fields on spheres and multifractal star-shaped random sets

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34(12), 2301-2311

The turning arcs: a computationally efficient algorithm to simulate isotropic vector-valued Gaussian random fields on the d-sphere 

Statistics and Computing, 30(5), 1403-1418

Karhunen-Loève expansions for axially symmetric Gaussian processes: modeling strategies and L2 approximations

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34(11), 1953-1965

Cross-Dimple in the Cross-Covariance Functions of Bivariate Isotropic Random Fields on Spheres

Stat, 9(1):e301

Axially symmetric models for global data: A journey between geostatistics and stochastic generators 

Environmetrics, 30(1), e2555

Covariance functions for multivariate Gaussian fields evolving temporally over planet Earth 

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(8), 1593-1608

Regularity properties and simulations of Gaussian random fields on the sphere cross time

Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12(1), 399-426

Modeling Temporally Evolving and Spatially Globally Dependent Data

International Statistical Review, 86(2), 344-377

Asymmetric Matrix-Valued Covariances for Multivariate Random Fields on Spheres

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(10), 1850-1862

The dimple problem related to space-time modeling under the Lagrangian framework

Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 162, 110-121

Estimating covariance functions of multivariate skew-Gaussian random fields on the sphere

Spatial Statistics, 22, 388-402

Likelihood-based inference for multivariate space-time wrapped-Gaussian fields

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(13), 2583-2597

Composite likelihood inference for multivariate Gaussian random fields

Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, 21(3), 448-469