Alexander C. McLain 

Associate Professor 

Google Scholar Page 

Biostatistical Methods Publications and R code

GitHub page

Curriculum vitae

Email: mclaina at mailbox dot sc dot edu


B.S. in Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2002.

M.S., Statistics, University of South Carolina, 2005.

Ph.D., Statistics, University of South Carolina, 2008.

Research Interests

My research has been focused on the formulation, implementation, and advancement of statistical methodologies that are applicable across diverse fields. Specifically, my work has been devoted to developing and applying statistical methods specially designed for survival analysis, longitudinal studies, joint analysis of longitudinal and survival data, and handling of high-dimensional data.

This broad scope includes creating statistical tools that enable predictive inference from complex clustered or longitudinal data, the statistical modeling of length-biased survival outcomes and - more recently - developing techniques for variable selection, predictive inference, and multiple testing within high-dimensional datasets.

In summary, my research encompasses a multifaceted approach to statistical methodology, aiming to address various challenges in the field and contribute to our understanding and analysis of complex data structures. I'm always interested in finding new ways to make sense of complex data. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, please contact me.

Last Updated: January 31, 2019.