Key publications

A. Roche and F. Forbes. Partial volume estimation in brain MRI revisited, 2014. In Proc. MICCAI, volume 8673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 771-778, Boston, USA, France, Sep. 2014. Springer Verlag.

A. Roche. Approximate inference via variational sampling. International Journal of Applied Statistics and Probability, 1(3):110-120, 2013.

A. Roche. Closed-form relaxation for MRF-MAP tissue classification using discrete Laplace equations. In Proc. MICCAI, volume 7511 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 355-362, Nice, France, Oct. 2012. Springer Verlag.

A. Roche, D. Ribes, M. Bach-Cuadra, and G. Krueger. On the convergence of EM-like algorithms for image segmentation using Markov random fields. Medical Image Analysis, 15(6):830-839, 2011.

A. Roche. A four-dimensional registration algorithm with application to joint correction of motion and slice timing in fMRI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30(8):1546-1554, 2011.

M. Keller, A. Roche, A. Tucholka, and B. Thirion. Dealing with spatial normalization errors in fMRI group inference using hierarchical modeling. Statistica Sinica, 18(4), 2008.

A. Roche. EM algorithm and variants: an informal tutorial, 2003. Web tutorial.

A. Roche, G. Malandain, and N. Ayache. Unifying maximum likelihood approaches in medical image registration. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology: Special issue on 3D imaging, 11:71-80, 2000.