
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Finance

Initiative at the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services

Podcasts with guest speakers (~15 minutes):

How do we avoid negative effects from the use of AI in finance? How do we prevent a scenario when AI outsmarts existing financial regulations? In this podcast we discuss the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Finance.

Professor John Hull enlightens us on the financial aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning: its applications, regulatory issues, and risks. He shares insights profiled in his recently published book, Machine Learning in Business - An Introduction to the World of Data Science (third edition).

Short podcasts on AI/ML in Finance (2-3 minutes):

What does Supervised Learning mean? What problems in finance can it solve and when does it become useless? How did Google apply Supervised Learning to revolutionize Machine Translation in 2016? This three-minute podcast on Supervised Learning will help you find answers to these questions.

What is Unsupervised Learning, where is it applied, and how dangerous can it be? How did Unsupervised Learning help Alibaba to better target its financial products? To find out, listen to this two-minute podcast.

How can you successfully target financial products when you don’t have much information about customers’ preferences? What is Semi-Supervised Learning, what applications does it already have, and is it easy to apply? To get answers to these questions, listen to this three-minute podcast on Semi-Supervised Learning.

How did DeepMind use Reinforcement Learning to teach a machine to play chess and other complex games better than humans? What is Reinforcement Learning, where was it already applied in finance and when can it fail? This three-minute podcast on Reinforcement Learning will help you find out answers to these questions.