
Pro-origami is a system for automatically generating protein structure cartoons. The cartoons are intended to make protein structure easy to interpret by laying out the secondary and super-secondary structure in two dimensions in a manner that makes the structure clear.

Update (22 May 2024): Now that there is no longer anyone associated with Pro-origami with an account at the University of Melbourne, it seems that the Pro-origami server [Pro-origami website on Internet Archive (Wayback Machine)] is no longer operating. The only option now is to download and run it locally on your own Linux server, PC or laptop.

Update (26 May 2024): Actually, thanks to Wayne and GESIS Notebooks, there is a way you can run Pro-origami without needing to install anything or register. Just go here and click the 'launch binder' badge to get started.

Installing the Pro-origami software

The Pro-origami software for automatically generating protein structure cartoons is usually used via the Pro-origami server. However you can also install the software on your own system, should you need to (for example to make sure you can keep using it if the server is down, or to deal with structures that are large and cause gateway timeout errors on the server). A 64-bit Linux system is required. You do not need root (administrator) access on the system, and you can install it anywhere (somewhere under your home directory, for example). It only requires about 122 MB of disk space.

As described on the Pro-origami "About" page (via Wayback Machine), Pro-origami consists of a large number of software components depending on many libraries, so the easiest way to install it is via the CDE (Code, Data, and Environment) package which you can download from (via Wayback Machine). I have also stored a copy at in case the original server is unavailable.

The instructions for doing this on the Pro-origami "About" page (via Wayback Machine) are very brief, and a little misleading, as third and final step shows the command

./ /tmp/pdb1qlp.ent.gz

to make a cartoon from a PDB file in the /tmp directory. This works, however it is misleading as it makes it appear you can use a PDB file from anywhere. However this is not really true, as the CDE environment means that it will only work from some locations; specifically those that are not intercepted by the CDE system. So it will fail if you try to use a PDB file from under /home or /usr, for example. The simplest solution is to simply copy the PDB files you want into the same directory as the script (which will be your working directory when you run it).

Here is a transcript of a shell session showing exactly how to install and use Pro-origami on your own system, to create a cartoon for the cryoEM structure of glutamate dehydrogenase from Thermococcus profundus in complex with NADP, PDB identifier 8HIZ. The commands you enter are in bold. Note that since the Pro-origami server is no longer available, replace the URL in the wget command with

alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~$ wget 09:07:48-- ( to (||:80... connected.HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: 45761074 (44M) [application/x-gzip]Saving to: ‘proorigami-cde-package.tar.gz’
proorigami-cde-pack 100%[===================>]  43.64M  3.00MB/s    in 15s     
2023-02-09 09:08:03 (2.97 MB/s) - ‘proorigami-cde-package.tar.gz’ saved [45761074/45761074]
alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~$ tar zxf proorigami-cde-package.tar.gz alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~$ cd proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami/alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~/proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami$ cp ~/Downloads/8hiz.pdb.gz .alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~/proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami$ ./ 8hiz.pdb.gz !!! Residue GLN   13 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue ASP   22 A has  1 instead of expected   4 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue LYS  113 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue LYS  211 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue ARG  246 A has  1 instead of expected   7 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue ARG  265 A has  1 instead of expected   7 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue GLU  266 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue LYS  271 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue LYS  304 A has  1 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     Calculated solvent accessibility refers to incomplete sidechain !!!
 !!! Residue LYS  419 A has  6 instead of expected   5 sidechain atoms.     last sidechain atom name is  OXT     calculated solvent accessibility includes extra atoms !!!
WARNING: (helix clustering) no reference strand for helix ALPHA ALPHAHELIX_A_8[366..391]WARNING: (helix clustering) no reference strand for helix ALPHA ALPHAHELIX_A_9[395..414]overlap count for 8HIZ-1.svg (default) is 0going back to to default gapsize (overlap count 0) for 8HIZ-1.svgoverlap count for 8HIZ-2.svg (default) is 0going back to to default gapsize (overlap count 0) for 8HIZ-2.svgGtk-Message: Failed to load module "gail"Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"Background RRGGBBAA: ffffffffArea 0:0:284:1193 exported to 284 x 1193 pixels (90 dpi)Bitmap saved as: 8HIZ-1.pngGtk-Message: Failed to load module "gail"Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"Background RRGGBBAA: ffffffffArea 0:0:1063:779 exported to 1063 x 779 pixels (90 dpi)Bitmap saved as: 8HIZ-2.pngalex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~/proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami$ display 8HIZ-1.png &alex@alex-Inspiron-15-3567:~/proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami$ inkscape 8HIZ-1.svg

Unfortunately, I no longer have access to log in to the Pro-origami server to fix problems or update documentation, and the CDE software seems to be no longer available anywhere, and links to its documentation on the Pro-origami "About" page (via Wayback Machine) no longer work. For more information on CDE, see:

Guo, P. J., & Engler, D. R. (2011, June). CDE: Using System Call Interposition to Automatically Create Portable Software Packages. In USENIX Annual technical conference (Vol. 21). 


If you use Pro-origami in your research, please cite:

Dwyer, T., Marriott, K., Wybrow, M. (2009). Dunnart: A Constraint-Based Network Diagram Authoring Tool. In: Tollis, I.G., Patrignani, M. (eds) Graph Drawing. GD 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5417, pp. 420-431. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00219-9_41 

Stivala, A., Wybrow, M., Wirth, A., Whisstock, J. C., & Stuckey, P. J. (2011). Automatic generation of protein structure cartoons with Pro-origami. Bioinformatics, 27(23), 3315-3316. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr575

Screenshot of ImageMagick display from command "display 8HIZ-1.png"
Screenshot of Inkscape window from command "inkscape 8HIZ-1.svg"

Changing the options

The options for generating the cartoon (via Wayback Machine) can be changed by editing the PTGRAPH2_OPTIONS string in the script. The available options can be shown by running the script with no parameters (note always running via cde-exec from the proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami directory):

[stivala@icslogin01 proorigami]$ pwd/home/stivala/proorigami-cde-package/cde-root/home/proorigami[stivala@icslogin01 proorigami]$ ../../../cde-exec  ../../usr/local/proorigami-prod/ptgraph/ptgraph2.pyUsage: ../../usr/local/proorigami-prod/ptgraph/ [-35acdnhrmvixgqzuwy] [ -o sse_color_scheme] [ -l connector_color_scheme ]  [ -b sse_label_scheme ]  [ -k <color> ] [ -g <separation> ] [ -e <color_list>|auto ] [ -f <color_list>|auto ] [-p domain_prog] [-t struct_prog] PDBfile  -3 include 3_10 helices in diagram  -5 include pi helices in diagram  -a use Dunnart automatic graph layout  -c use HELIX and SHEET cards from PDB file  -d use GraphViz dot instead of Dunnart SVG  -n use GraphViz neato instead of Dunnart SVG  -p domain_prog : use domain_prog to parse domains       supported is 'none' or 'ddomain' (default)       or 'cath:cdf_file_name'  -h graph hydrogen bonds with GraphViz  -b SSE labelling scheme: 'none', 'sequential', 'separate' (default)  -t struct_prog : use struct_prog define secondary structure       supported is 'stride' or 'dssp' (default)  -r compute angles internally, not with external TableauCreator  -m write MATLAB M-files to plot strand axes  -s write PyMOL .pml command file to show SSE definitions  -v print verbose debugging messages to stderr  -i use distance matrix information instead of     heuristic/aesthetic algorithm for helix placement  -j only valid when not using -i. Don't align helices     on strand axes if they would push sheets apart  -k <color> cluster helices, shading them all <color>  -e <color_list>|auto shade nearby helix clusters the same color  -x draw connector arrowheads  -f <color_list>|auto shade each sheet a different color  -g <separation> set the strand and minimum object separation  -l connector color scheme: 'all[:<color>]' (default), 'chain[:<color_list>]', 'domain[:<intra_color>,<inter_color>'], crossing:<color_list>  -o SSE color scheme: 'none' (default), 'simple:sheet=<sheet_colors>.helixcluster=<helixcluster_colors>.alpha=<helix_alpha_colors>.pi=<helix_pi_colors>.310=<helix_310_colors>.terminus=<terminus_colors>', 'gradient', 'sheet', 'fold'  -u multidomain cartoon: place all domains in the one     SVG file instead of one per file  -w interdomain connectors: when using multidomain     cartoons, draw connectors between domains     (only in conjunction with -u)  -q label start and end of helices and strands with     first and last PDB residue id in that SSE.  -y use uniform scaling to try to avoid overlaps.     Ugly and often does not work anyway, use only as     last resort  -z print version information and exit

For example, the default is:

PTGRAPH2_OPTIONS="-r35 -t dssp -k purple -l crossing:black,red,green,navy,blue -b sequential -j -e auto -f auto -o gradient -p ddomain"

Protein substructure search

The Pro-origami server can also be used as a query interface to a substructure search program. The two programs it incorporates for this are QP Tableau Search and SA Tableau Search. Source code for these programs is available from my GitHub repository: 

Related software

As I have not been able to update the Pro-origami server since 2017, the links to related software there are out of date, and there are some new ones published since then. Here are some other software or servers that may potentially be used as alternatives to Pro-origami (or indeed in one case which incorporate Pro-origami themselves). 

[Formatted as bullet points as tables do not seem to be available in the "new" Google Sites.]