Research home page

Alex Stivala

Research fellow, SoNAR-C Social Network Analysis Research Center and Institute of Computing, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.

Official USI staff page

Source code on GitHub 


Google Scholar profile 

All of my publications are available for free online (via this website).

You can also find the publications prior to 2018 on my now defunct University of Melbourne website (via Wayback Machine).

Unpublished manuscripts

Journal articles

Book chapter


Slides from my conference presentations.

Supplementary material for publications

Source code, data sets, web server (where applicable) etc. related to the publications above are available via the following links. You can also find source code in my GitHub repositories or for code prior to 2018 on the much older site (which I can no longer update, however) (via Wayback Machine).


Note regarding Pro-origami

Update (22 May 2024): Now that there is no longer anyone associated with Pro-origami with an account at the University of Melbourne, it seems that the Pro-origami server [Pro-origami website on Internet Archive (Wayback Machine)] is no longer operating. The only option now is to download and run it locally on your own Linux PC, server,  or laptop. More information on installing Pro-origami locally

Other research


Teaching materials are available here



Please use my gmail address below.

Please note that I can no longer access my old University of Melbourne address Email sent there will be silently lost forever.