About me

I am from Hong Kong, a popular tourist attraction and a global financial hub, with vibrant and diversified cultures. I received my bachelor degree in mathematics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007, and my doctoral degree in mathematics from Cornell in 2014. I am in the second year of my postdoctoral fellowship in the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Math. Division. So far I have been enjoying staying here.

My pastimes include playing table tennis(though not a good player), playing Chinese chess online, reading classical texts on history, watching all sorts of movies except the spooky ones. When I am really stressed, I write Chinese calligraphy on blackboards with a brush soaked in water. I find that it has an amazing effect of putting my mind at ease.

My Chinese name is 霍志廣. 'Fok' corresponds to the first character and 'Chi-Kwong' corresponds to the last two. I regard 'Chi-Kwong' as my first name, even though many Americans think that 'Chi' is the first name. More on Chinese names