I am the chair of Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning in the Institut für Mathematik, in the Universität Potsdam. You can find the website of our team here.
News: From 2025 on, I will be co-editor of EJS, together with Arnak Dalayan.
I am associate editor of the Journal of the European Mathematical Society since 2022, associate editor of the Annals of Statistics since 2020, associate editor of the Bernoulli Journal since 2019, associate editor of SIAM UQ since 2022, associate editor of ESAIM since 2021. I was the recipient of the DFG von Kaven Ehrenpreis 2020. Together with Nicolas Verzelen, I am also the co-coordinator for the ANR-DFG joint PRCI project ASCAI (coordinator on the German side).
News: Together with colleagues from Toulouse, Montpellier and Berlin, we will start in Potsdam a Deutsch-Französische Doktorandenkollegs from 2025 on!
Research interests:
Machine Learning and Mathematical Statistics: High or Infinite-Dimensional Statistical Inference, Unsupervised Learning (clustering, ranking, seriation...), Sequential Sampling and Bandit Algorithms, Anomaly Detection, Applications in Digital Engineering and Neuroscience.
Recent event:
MuSyAD closing workshop: 20-22 Nov. 2023 in Potsdam, see infos
Workshop ASCAI: 20-21 Feb. 2024 in Potsdam, see infos
Workshop Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age: 20-22 March 2024 in Potsdam, see infos.
Dr. Chloe Rouyer (funded by the DFG SFB 1294 on Data Assimilation, project A3)
Dr. Clement Berenfeld (funded by ASCAI)
Maximilian Graf (funded by the FG "Statistics in the Information Age")
Victor Thuot (jointly supervised with Nicolas Verzelen)
Dr. Franziska Göbel (funded by Uni Potsdam)
Dr. Tomas Kocak (funded by Uni Potsdam
Anne Gael Manegueu (funded by the DFG SFB 1294 on Data Assimilation, project A3)
Former members of the group :
Apolline Rodary (former intern, now at ENS Lyon)
Emmanuel Pilliat (jointly supervised with Nicolas Verzelen and Joseph Salmon - now Assistant Professor at ENSAI)
Pierre-Marie Desbouchages (former intern - now studying in ENS Cachan)
Victor Thuot (former intern - now PhD in Montpellier)
Dr. James Cheshire (former PhD - now at Telecom Paris)
Dr. Joseph Lam-Weil (former PhD - now at Universite de Lorraine)
Dr. Andrea Locatelli (former PhD - now at ShareNow)
Juliette Achdou (former intern - now at 1000Merci)
Dr. Claire Vernade (former postdoc jointly with Amazon Research Berlin - now at Google Deepmind)
Dr. Maurilio Gutzeit (Former PhD student funded by the DFG Emmy Noether grant MuSyAD (CA 1488/1-1) and by the OvGU - now working at IQTIG)
Emmanuel Pilliat (Former intern - studying at ENS Lyon)
Julien Chhor (Former intern - now writing his PhD at ENSAE-CREST)
Thomas Perrin (former intern - studying at Polytech' Clermont-Ferrand)
Acknowledgements :
I am funded by the SFB 1294 Data Assimilation “Data Assimilation — The seamless integration of data and models", Project A03, by the DFG on the GRK 2433 DAEDALUS, by the DFG on the Research Unit FOR 5381 "Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age - Statistical Efficiency and Computational Tractability", by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the DFG on the French-German PRCI ANR ASCAI CA 1488/4-1 "Aktive und Batch-Segmentierung, Clustering und Seriation: Grundlagen der KI". I am also grateful to the DFG for the von Kaven Ehrenpreis 2020.