Site do Laboratório de Interações entre Animais e Plantas - UFSCar Campus Sorocaba

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Alexander V. Christianini  - Professor Associado

Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Campus Sorocaba

Rodovia João Leme dos Santos km 110 - Bairro Itinga

CEP: 18052-780 - Sorocaba - SP


Tel: 55 15 3229-8851

Para ver meu currículo completo acesse o meu Lattes clicando aqui

For a Curriculum vitae please click on the link above (in portuguese)


Cursos para a graduação/Undergraduate courses

Ecologia I: conceitos gerais e aplicações / Ecology I: general concepts and applications

Bioestatistica e experimentação / Biostatistics

Estatística aplicada à educação / Statistics applied for education

Cursos para a pós-graduação / Graduate courses (

Redação científica / Scientific writing

Interação planta-animal / Plant-animal interactions


Artigos científicos (os pdfs destes artigos podem ser baixados para uso pessoal somente; em caso de qualquer problema me escreva para obter uma cópia do artigo de interesse ou acesse meu perfil no Research Gate):

Scientific articles (pdf files for personal use only; in case of any trouble in downloading the file from sources, please write to me for a copy or find me on Research Gate)


Artigos em Revisão / Manuscripts in review

47 - Campagnoli ML & Christianini AV. Tegu lizard disperses an invasive plant. 

More news soon! :)

Aceitos / Accepted / Early view

46 - Campagnoli ML, Batsteli AF, Pizo MA, Christianini AV. 2023. Individual body mass and sex of a frugivorous bird affect the quality of seed dispersal. Biotropica

Publicações / Publications

45 - Ferreira GP, Antunes AZ, Campagnoli ML, Christianini AV. 2023. Sleeping accomodations for researchers increases the likelihood of biodiversity inventories in protected areas. Integrative Conservation 2(1): 62-68 (open access) 

44 - Azevedo-Silva M et al. 2023. Are there edge effects on the genetic diversity of the Trap-jaw Ant (Formicidae:Ponerinae) in a Neotropical savanna fragment? A first assessment. Environmental Entomology  52: 279-285.  

43 - Silva RR, et al. 2022. ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in the Atlantic forests in South America. Ecology 103: e03580 

42 - Rebolo IF, Zirondi HL, Fidelis A, Christianini AV. 2022. Native ants help to spread an invasive African grass in the Cerrado. Biotropica 54: 6-11 

41 - Campagnoli ML & Christianini AV. 2022. Temporal consistency in interactions among birds, ants and plants in a Neotropical savanna. Oikos DOI: 10.1111/oik.08231

40- Furtado LO, Felicio GR, Lemos PR, Christianini AV, Martins M, Carmignotto AP. 2021. Winners and Losers: How Woody Encroachment Is Changing the Small Mammal Community Structure in a Neotropical Savanna. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 772744 

39 - Alcolea M, Durigan G, Christianini AV. 2021. Prescribed fire enhances seed removal by ants in a Neotropical savanna. Biotropica 54: 125-134 

38 - Mariano V & Christianini AV. 2021. Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on seed germination under field conditions: A meta-analysis. Acta Oecologica 113: 103791 

37 - Pedroso PM, Mariano V, Kimura MG, Christianini AV. 2021. Drought changes fruit phenology, but does not affect seed predation of a keystone palm. Flora 283: 151917 

36 - Pivello VR, Vieira I, Christianini AV, Ribeiro DB, Menezes LS, Berlinck CN, Melo FPL, Marengo JA, Tornquist CG, Tomas WM, Overbeck GE. 2021. Understanding Brazil's catastrophic fires: causes, consequences and policy needed to prevent future tragedies. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19: 233-255. 

35 - Navarro AB, Magioli M, Bogoni JA, Moreira MZ, Silveira LF, Alexandrino ER, da Luz DTA, Pizo MA, Silva WR, de Oliveira VC, Donatelli RJ, Christianini AV, Piratelli AJ, Ferraz KMPMB. 2021. Human-modified landscapes narrow the isotopic niche of neotropical birds. Oecologia 196: 171-184.

34 - Xavier RO, Christianini AV, Pegler G, Leite MB, Silva-Matos DM. 2021. Distinctive seed dispersal and seed bank patterns compared to native grasses contribute to the success of invasive African grasses in a Neotropical savanna. Oecologia 196: 155-169.

33 - Agaldo J, Christianini AV, Chapman HM. 2021. Interactions between ants and non-myrmecochorous diaspores in a West African mountain landscape. Journal of Tropical Ecology 37: 1-9.

32 - Bruno MMA, Massi KG, Sumiya S, Christianini AV, Hay JD. 2020. Individual crop variation increases predispersal predation by beetles in a tropical palm. Seed Science Research 31: 43-46. 

31 - Batisteli AF, Costa RO, Christianini AV. 2020. Propagule pressure and biotic resistance: low seed density increases seed survival of an invasive plant. Austral Ecology 45(7): 1007-1015.

30 - Meiga AYY, Christianini AV. 2020. Potential impact of mammal defaunation on the early regeneration of a large-seeded palm in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 15(2): 177-193 (link)

29 - Christianini AV, Cestari C. 2019. Natural history notes: diet of Caiman yacare. Herpetological Review 50(4): 777 (link)

28 - Camargo PHSA, Rodrigues SBM, Piratelli AJ, Oliveira PS, Christianini AV. 2019. Interhabitat variation in diplochory: Seed dispersal effectiveness by birds and ants differs between tropical forest and savanna. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 39: 48-57 (link)

27 - Mariano V, Rebolo IF, Christianini AV. 2019. Fire sensitive species dominate the seed rain in a long unburned Cerrado: Implications for plant community diversity and woody encroachment in savannas. Biotropica 51: 5-9 (free access link)

26 - Salles LFPPF, Christianini AV, Oliveira PS. 2018. Dirt roads and fire breaks produce no edge effects on litter dweling arthropods in a tropical dry-forest: a case study. Journal of Insect Conservation 22: 647-657 (link)

25 - Christianini AV. 2018. Several cavity-nesting birds fight for a single tree hollow in an Atlantic forest fragment: consequence of increasing nest site limitation? Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 26(1): 12-14 (pdf)

24 - Christianini AV. 2017. Crop size influences in pre-dispersal seed predation in the Brazilian cerrado. Acta Botanica Brasilica 32: 135-140 (pdf)

23 - Oliveira PS, Christianini AV, Bieber AGD, Pizo MA. 2017. Anthropogenic disturbances affect the interactions between ants and fleshy fruits in two Neotropical biodiversity hotspots. In: Paulo S. Oliveira; Suzanne Koptur (Org.). Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of humans on terrestrial ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Pp. 133-156. (link

22 - Mariano V, Christianini AV. 2016. Reproductive phenology, seed removal and early regeneration in relation to distance from parental plants of a native palm in small Atlantic forest fragments. Acta Botanica Brasilica 30: 176-182 (pdf)

21 - Camargo PHSA, Martins MM, Feitosa RM, Christianini AV. 2016. Bird and ant synergy increases the seed dispersal effectiveness of an ornithochoric shrub. Oecologia 181: 507-518 (pdf

20 - Martins K, Kimura RK, Francisconi AF, Gezan S, Kainer K, Christianini AV. 2016. The role of very small fragments in conserving genetic diversity of a common tree in a hyper fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest landscape. Conservation Genetics 17: 509-520 (pdf)

 19 - Christianini AV. 2015. Dispersão de sementes por poneromorfas. In: As formigas poneromorfas do Brasil. (Orgs. Delabie JHC, Feitosa RM, Serrão JE, Mariano CSF, Majer JD). Editora da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, p. 345-360. (you can download the book - in portuguese- for free here)

18 - Christianini AV, Martins MM. 2015. Frugivoria e dispersão de sementes. In: Sementes florestais: da ecologia à produção. (Orgs. Piña-Rodrigues FCM, Figliola MB, Silva A.).  Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes (ABRATES), p. 83-101. (link)

17 - Meiga AAY, Christianini AV. 2015. Changes in seed predation of Attalea dubia in a gradient of Atlantic forest disturbance in Brazil. Palms 59(3): 135-144 (pdf)

16 -  Messias PA, Vidal Jr JD, Koch I, Christianini AV. 2014. Host specificity and experimental assessment of the early establishment of the mistletoe Phoradendron crassifolium (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler (Santalaceae) in an Atlantic forest fragment. Acta Botanica Brasílica 28: 577-582 (pdf).


15 - Christianini AV, Oliveira PS, Bruna EM, Vasconcelos HL. 2014. Fauna in decline: meek shall inherit. Science 345 (6201): 129. (Letter to the editor) (pdf).


14 - Oliveira Jr PRR, Nema Neto M, Christianini AV, Francisco MR. 2014. On the nest, eggs, and hatchlings of the Yellow-legged Thrush in Brazilian Atlantic forest. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 22: 53-56 (pdf)


13 - Christianini AV, Galetto L, Garibaldi L, Cetra M. 2013. Ecologia aplicada à conservação. In: Conservação da biodiversidade: dos conceitos às açoes (ed. Piratelli A.J. y Francisco M.R). Technical Books Editora, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (link) 


12 - Christianini AV & Oliveira PS 2013. Edge effects decrease ant-derived benefits to seedlings in a neotropical savanna. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7: 191-199 (pdf)


11 - Christianini AV, Forzza RC & Buzato S. 2013. Divergence on floral traits and vertebrate pollinators of two endemic Encholirium bromeliads. Plant Biology 15: 360-368 (pdf)  


10 - Christianini AV, Mayhé-Nunes AJ & Oliveira PS 2012. Interactions between ants and fallen diaspores: are there ant-plant partner choices? Biotropica 44: 360-367 (pdf)

9 - Christianini AV & Oliveira PS 2010. Birds and ants provide complementary seed dispersal in a neotropical savanna. Journal of Ecology 98: 573-582 (pdf)

8 - Christianini AV & Oliveira PS 2009. The relevance of ants as seed rescuers of a primarily bird-dispersed tree in the Neotropical cerrado savanna. Oecologia 160: 735-745 (pdf)

7 - Christianini AV & Galetti M 2007. Spatial variation in post-dispersal seed removal in an Atlantic forest: effects of habitat, location, and guilds of seed predators. Acta Oecologica 32/3: 328-336 (pdf)

6 - Christianini AV, Mayhé-Nunes AJ & Oliveira PS 2007. The role of ants in the removal of non-myrmecochorous diaspores and seed germination in a Neotropical savanna. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 343-351 (pdf)

5 - Christianini AV & Galetti M 2007. Toward reliable estimates of seed removal by small mammals and birds in the Neotropics. Brazilian Journal of Biology 67: 203-208 (pdf)

4 - Christianini AV 2006. Fecundidade, dispersão e predação de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlântica. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 29: 587-594 (pdf)

3 - Christianini AV 2005. A feeding record of the Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus in its southern range. Ararajuba. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 13: 55-56 (pdf)

2 - Christianini AV & Machado G 2004. Induced biotic responses to herbivory and associated cues in the Amazonian ant-plant Maieta poeppigii. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 102: 81-88 (pdf)

1 - Forzza RC, Christianini AV, Wanderley MGL & Buzato S. 2003. Encholirium (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae): conhecimento atual e sugestões para conservação. Vidalia 1: 7-20 (pdf)


Artigos de divulgação e opinião/ Opinions and articles for the general public:

Campagnoli ML & Christianini AV. 2022. Variações temporais na abundância de aves e suas repercussões nas interações com plantas. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia (junho) 

García, D & Christianini AV. 2020. Arde el Brasil de Bolsonaro: contexto global de un desastre ecológico (in spanish) - TheConversation 

Tragédia silenciosa (Silent tragedy - text about the great number of road killed animals in Brazilian roads)  leia aqui; you can read it here (in portuguese)- Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul - Pág. A2- May-04-2018

Unicórnios realmente existiram (Unicorns really existed) leia aqui (in portuguese) - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul - Pág. A2- December-01-2017

As abelhas estão declinando: e daí? (Bees are decling: so what?) leia aqui; read it (in portuguese)- Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul - Pág. A2- October-24-2016

A crise hídrica veio para ficar: que podemos fazer? (The water crisis has come to stay: what we can do?) leia aqui; read it (in portuguese)- Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul - Pág. A2 - March 23 - 2015 

Cobertura na mídia / Media Coverage:

Interview for Radio UFSCar about wildfire impacts in Brazil (please see publication 36 above):

Facebook coverage link

Alex fala para a Rádio Cruzeiro do Sul sobre o papel de formigas em um mundo em transformação. (link para o audio)

Alex talks to Radio Cruzeiro do Sul about the role of ants in our changing ecosystems (link above - audio in portuguese)


 Última atualização: 25 de novembro de 2023

Last update: November 25, 2023