Research Interests
Labour Economics, Wage Inequality, Applied Microeconometrics, Spatial Economics, International Trade.
Papers in Refereed Journals
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2025), "China's Import Competition, Innovation Strategies, and the Role of Unions", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, forthcoming. doi: DOWNLOAD.
Matano A., Naticchioni P., Vona F., (2023), "The Institutional Wage Adjustment to Import Competition: Evidence from the Italian Collective Bargaining System", Oxford Economic Papers, 75(3), 631-651, July, DOWNLOAD.
Di Paolo A., Matano A. (2022), "The Impact of Combining Work with Study on the Labour Market Performance of Graduates: the Joint Role of Work Intensity and Job-Field Match", International Journal of Manpower, 43(7), 1556-1578, DOWNLOAD.
Matano A. (2022), "Spatial Externalities in Big Cities and Duality of the Labour Market", Journal of Regional Science, vol.62(2), 471-498. DOWNLOAD.
Obaco M., Royuela V., Matano A., (2021), "On the link between material deprivation and city size: Ecuador as a case study", Land Use Policy, Vol.111 (December), 104761. DOWNLOAD.
Matano A., Obaco M., Royuela V., (2020), "What Drives the Spatial Wage Premium for Formal and Informal Workers? The Case of Ecuador", Journal of Regional Science, vol.60(4), 823-847. DOWNLOAD.
Colantone I., Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2020), "New Imported Inputs, Wages and Worker Mobility", Industrial and Corporate Change, vol.29(2): 423-457. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Ramos R., (2018), "Remittances and Educational Outcomes: a Regional Investigation for Moldova", Annals of Regional Science, vol.60(3): 451-471. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2017), "The Extent of Rent Sharing along the Wage Distribution", British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol.55(4), 751-777. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2016), "What Drives the Urban Wage Premium? Evidence along the Wage Distribution", Journal of Regional Science, vol.56(2), 191-206. DOWNLOAD
Nieto S., Matano A., Ramos R., (2015), "Educational mismatches in the EU: Immigrants vs Natives", International Journal of Manpower, vol.36 (4), 540-561. DOWNLOAD
Cavallaro E., Esposito P., Matano A., Mulino M., (2013), “Technological Catching Up, Quality of Exports and Competitiveness: a Sectoral Perspective". Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade, vol. 49(6), pp.4-21. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2013), “Rent Sharing as a Driver of the Glass ceiling Effect". Economic Letters, vol. 118 (1), pp.55-59. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2012), “Wage Distribution and the Spatial Sorting of Workers”. Journal of Economic Geography, vol.12 (2), pp.379-408. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2010), “Trade and Wage Inequality: Local vs Global Comparative Advantages”. World Economy, vol.33(12), pp.1757-1787. DOWNLOAD
Papers in Other Journals
Ramos R., Matano A., Nieto S., (2015), "EU Immigrant Integration Policies and Returns on Human Capital", The International Spectator, 50:3, pp-78-87. DOWNLOAD
Matano A., Naticchioni P. (2011), “Rent Sharing in Italy: Evidence from Employer-Employee Data", European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol.8(2),pp.265-279. DOWNLOAD
Papers Edited in Books
- Matano A., (2019), “Premio Salariale Urbano e Mercato del Lavoro Duale”, in Allegato al XVIII Rapporto Annuale INPS: Valutare con i dati amministrativi. Progetti VisitInps Scholars. DOWNLOAD.
- Ramos R., Matano A., (2015), “Remittances, Education and Return Migration: Evidence for Immigrants in Spain”, in Research and Assessment on Euro-Mediterranean relations, DocumentsIEMED, European Institute of the Mediterranean (eds). DOWNLOAD.
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2009), “Commercio Internazionale e disuguaglianze: il ruolo dei vantaggi comparati locali e globali”, in L’Italia delle Disuguaglianze, curated by Lorenzo Cappellari, Paolo Naticchioni e Stefano Staffolani, Carocci (eds).
- Matano A., (2010), “The labour market” in Immigrazione e Integrazione nel Lazio, CREL, University of Rome “La Terza” (eds.).
- Matano A., (2008) “Flexible Jobs”, in Rapporto annuale sullo stato e le prospettive dell'economia, dello sviluppo e del lavoro nella Regione Lazio 2008, CREL, University of Rome “La Terza” (eds.).
Working Papers
- Matano A. (2021), "Spatial Externalities in Big Cities and Duality of the Labour Market", WorkINPS Papers Series 2021/38. DOWNLOAD
- Di Paolo A., Matano A. (2021), "The Impact of Combining Work with Study on the Labour Market Performance of Graduates: the Joint Role of Work Intensity and Job-Field Match", AQR Working Paper 2021/3, IREA Working Paper 2021/09. R&R for International Journal of Manpower. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A., Naticchioni P., Vona F., (2019), "The Institutional Adjustment Margin to Import Competition: Evidence from Italian Minimum Wages", AQR Working Paper 2019/4, IREA Working Paper 2019/05 and IZA discussion paper n.12714. R&R for Oxford Economic Papers. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A., Obaco M., Royuela V., (2018), "What Drives the Spatial Wage Premium for Formal and Informal Workers? The Case of Ecuador", AQR Working Paper 2018/6 and IREA Working Paper 2018/13. DOWNLOAD
- Colantone I., Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2018), "New Imported Inputs, Wages and Worker Mobility", AQR Working Paper 2018/4, IREA Working Paper 2018/7, XREAP WP2018-06 and IZA discussion paper n.12715. DOWNLOAD
- Colantone I., Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2018), "New Imported Inputs, Wages and Worker Mobility", BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper N.2018-77. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2017), "The Extent of Rent Sharing along the Wage Distribution", IZA Discussion Paper n.10570. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2017), "The Extent of Rent Sharing along the Wage Distribution", IREA Working Paper 2017/04. DOWNLOAD andAQR Working Paper 2017/02. DOWNLOAD.
- Matano A., Naticchioni P., (2015), "What Drives the Urban Wage Premium? Evidence along the Wage Distribution", CREI Working Paper 8/2015. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A., Ramos R., (2013), "Remittances and Educational Outcomes: Evidence for Moldova", WP3.10, SEARCH Working Paper Series. DOWNLOAD.
- Ramos R., Matano A., (2013), "Remittances, education and return migration. Evidence for immigrants in Spain", WP3.11, SEARCH Working Paper Series. DOWNLOAD.
- Ramos R., Matano A., Nieto S., (2013), "Immigrant-Native Wage Gaps and the Returns to Human Capital", WP3.8, SEARCH Working Paper Series. DOWNLOAD.
- Nieto S., Matano A., Ramos R., (2013), "Skill mismatches in the EU: Immigrants vs Natives", WP3.8, SEARCH Working Paper Series and IZA Discussion Paper n.7701. DOWNLOAD.
- Cavallaro E., Esposito P., Matano A., Mulino M., (2012), "Technological Catching up, quality of exports and competitiveness: a sectoral perspective", Working Paper 158, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Department of Public Economics. DOWNLOAD.
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2012), "Rent Sharing as a Driver of the Glass Ceiling Effect", IZA Discussion Paper n.6875 DOWNLOAD.
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2012), "What Drives the Urban Wage Premium? Evidence along the Wage Distribution", IZA Discussion Paper 7811, Working Paper DE_ISFOL n.13/2012, IREA Working Papers 201203. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2011), "Rent Sharing as a Driver of the Glass Ceiling Effect", Working Paper DE_ISFOL n.12/2011. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2011), "Is there Rent Sharing in Italy? Evidence from Employer-Employee Data", Working Paper DE_ISFOL n.11/2011. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2009), “Wage Distribution and the Spatial Sorting of Workers and Firms”, Working Paper DE-ISFOL n.8/2009. DOWNLOAD
- Matano A. Naticchioni P. (2008), “Trade and Wage Inequality: Local versus Global Comparative Advantages", Working Paper DE-ISFOL n.6/2008. DOWNLOAD
- "Gli ostacoli all'incremento dei tassi di attività e di occupazione: un confronto intraeuropeo!", (2004) research commssioned by the 'Studiare e Sviluppo' Society. Countries analyzed: Spain, Greece and Portugal. DOWNLOAD