

The Power of The Federal Reserve Chair, (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia), 2023, Vol. 64, No. 2 (May), pp. 727-756,  International Economic Review

Fiscal Rules as Bargaining Chips (with Facundo Piguillem), 2021, Review of Economic Studies, September, Vol. 88(5) No. 322: 2439-2478, slides 

Nation-building, Nationalism and Wars (with Alberto Alesina and Bryony Reich), 2020, Journal of Economic Growth, 25(4):381-43, slides

Legal Efficiency and Consistency (with Luca Anderlini and Leonardo Felli), 2020, European Economic Review, January, vol, 121.

Mind Changes at the FOMC (2019) (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia), Economics Letters, vol. 184, November. 

Collective versus Individual Decisionmaking: a Case Study of the Bank of Israel Law (2017) (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia), European Economic Review, vol 93: 73-89.

Spending Biased Legislators: Discipline Through Disagreement,  (2015) (with Facundo Piguillem)  Quarterly Journal of Economics 130(2),  pp. 901-949. presentation slides

Doubts and Dogmatism in Conflict Behavior, (2015) (with Sidartha Gordon) Economic Journal, Volume 125(589), pp 1790-1817, December  wp version

Dissent in Monetary Policy Decisions (2014) (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia) Journal of Monetary Economics vol(6), pp: 137-154. wp version

Why Stare Decisis?” (2014) (with Luca Anderlini and Leonardo Felli), Review of Economic Dynamics vol(4), pp: 726-738. wp version

Legal Institutions,Innovation and Growth (2013) (with Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli, Giovanni Immordino), International Economic Review  vol(54) 937-956 (08) wp version

Ideology and Endogenous Constitutions, (2013) Economic Theory, 52(3) 885-913, April wp version

Monetary Policy by Committee: Consensus, Chairman Dominance or Simple Majority? (with. Francisco Ruge-Murcia) Quarterly Journal of Economics  Vol. 125, No. 1 (February 2010), pp. 363-416.

Committees as Substitutes for CommitmentInternational Economic Review, 51 (1); (February 2010), pp. 213-236.

The Dynamic (In)efficiency of Monetary Policy by Committee (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking  40(5), 2008, 1001-1032.

Preference Heterogeneity in Monetary Policy Committees (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia) International Journal of Central Banking,  4(1), March 2008, 213-233

Other Writing 

What Motivates Leaders to Invest in Nation-building? (with Paola Giuliano, and Bryony Reich). Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures, 2023 edited by Dominic Rohner and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (CEPR e-book)

Monetary Policy Committees: Voting and Deliberation  (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia)  in Hawks and Doves: Deeds and Words, Economics and Politics of Monetary Policy Making. edited by Donato Masciandaro and Sylvester Eijffinger. 2018, CEPR Press

Collective Decision Making and Monetary Policy (with Francisco Ruge-Murcia)  SUERF CPs 2016/4, Central Banking and Monetary Policy: Which will be the New Post-crisis Normal?, edited by Ernest Gnan and Donato Masciandaro. pp. 43-50.  Larcier Editions

Working Papers 

Sticky Spending, Sequestration, and Government Debt, (with Facundo Piguillem), online appendix, slides  September, 2023 conditionally accepted American Economic Review

Dynamic Bargaining over Redistribution in Legislatures, (with Facundo Piguillem), January 2016. presentation slides R&R Journal of the European Economic Association