Alessandra Basso

I am a philosopher of science interested in economics and the  social sciences more broadly.  

From June 2022, I am a Newton International Fellow at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. My Fellowship is funded by The British Academy, and the project I am carring out concerns the epistemological foundations of inequality measurement. You can find out more about this project here. 

In Cambridge, I amalso a Research Associate at King's College

I have a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Helsinki and I am part of the TINT Centre for the Philosophy of Social Science. Before my PhD, I completed a MSc at the London School of Economics. I have also studied economics as a Bachelor's student at the University of Bologna. 

I am a member of the Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ) and assistant editor of Philosophy of Social Science for PhilPapers.

Here you can find about my research at the University of Helsinki.