
Hi, welcome to my personal website!

I am currently working as a Senior Researcher at National Bank of Slovakia in Bratislava and at the same time I am active in Czech academia. I am part of the SYRI project at CERGE-EI. I hold research and teaching position at MENDEL University in Brno and  University of Economics in Prague.  I have previously worked as: i) post-doc Researcher at Vienna University of Economics and Business ii) Quantitative Strategies Researcher at Wood&Co. with focus on algorithmic trading, iii) at Axa I was responsible for strategic asset allocation, iv) at the Czech Ministry of Finance I was head of Risk Management and Portfolio Strategy unit. 


National Bank of Slovakia

Imricha Karvaša 1

813 25 Bratislava

Mobile: + 420  777 071 29(4+3)
