
Current project at Campo Experimental Napostá convenio UNS y MDA-PBA here.

2020 - 2023 Natural grassland improvement with native species in southwest Buenos Aires.-

2019 - 2020 Response of Pampas grassland to extreme drought.-

2016 - 2018 Agroforestry systems with native species for soil, biodiversity and ecosystem services restoration in the Caldenal.-

2015 - 2018 Structure, importance, functional ecology and formation of soil seed banks in Pampas grasslands subjected to natural disturbances.-

2013 - 2015 Response of the seed bank to grazing in mountain grasslands in the southern Pampa.-

2011 - 2013 Litter effects on vegetation: effects of biological, mechanical and chemical interactions in vegetation establishment.-

2009 - 2012 Vegetation islands in the Rionegrino monte: system analysis and restoration perspectives.-

2006 - 2011 Floristic recovery of mountain pampa grassland after exclusion of feral horses.-

2006 - 2009 Species replacement on grazed grasslands in the southern Caldenal: consequences on primary productivity, nitrogen cycle, plant diversity and animal grazing behaviour.-

2005 - 2006 Restoration of natural system invaded by non-native species in the Ernesto Tornquist Provintial Park.-

2005 - 2006 Studies on biodiversity, population control and species conservation in the south-west of Buenos Aires province.-

Working at Estancia Funke