
“Leaving the (Fund) Gate Ajar: Investor Protection or Marketing Ploy?”, with W. Hu and P. Lam, 2024, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 83, 102227. 

“Microvillage: assessing the viability of increasing supply of affordable, sustainable and socially integrated small homes”, with R. Tucker, U. De Jong, L. Johnson, N. Johnston, F. Michaux, E. Warner and F. Andrews, 2024, Housing Studies 39:1, 52-74. 

 “A Global Perspective on the Impact of Covid-19 on Peer-to-peer Accommodation: Human Mobility, Case Number and Lockdown Policies”, with M. Cheng and M. Hu, 2023, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality  Management 35, 2838-2867. 

  “Superannuation Fees, Asset Allocation and Fund Performance”, with A. Ainsworth, S. Akhtar, A. Corbett and T. Walter, 2022, forthcoming, Australian Journal of Management

 “Sharing the Dividend Tax Credit Pie: The Influence of Individual Investors on Ex-Dividend Day Returns”, with A. Ainsworth, 2022, Journal of Financial Markets 62, 100740

“Street Name Fluency and Housing Prices”, with S. Agarwal and M. Hu, 2022, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. SSRN working paper link: 

“COVID-19 and Housing Prices: Australian Evidence with Daily Hedonic Returns”, with M. Hu and D. Zou, 2021, forthcoming, Finance Research Letters.SSRN working paper link: 

“Melting Pot or Salad Bowl: Cultural Distance and Housing Prices”, with M. Hu, Real Estate Economics 49, 235-367. SSRN working paper link:

“Speculative Asset or New Technology? Evidence from Heterogeneous Trading on Bitcoin”, with M. Li and H. Zheng, 2020, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 67, 101209-101224. SSRN working paper link:

“Outshine to Outbid: Weather-Induced Sentiments on Housing Market”, with M. Hu, 2020, Management Science 66, 1440-1472. SSRN working paper link:

“Can Firm-Specific Dividend Drop-Off  Ratios be Used to Infer Shareholder Marginal Tax Rates?”, with A. Ainsworth and T. Walter, 2020, Accounting & Finance 60, 507-534. 

“CFDs, Forwards, Futures and the Cost of Carry”, with F.D. Foster and W.M. Liu, 2018, Pacific Basin Finance Journal 54, 183-198.

"Bitcoin: Media of Exchange or Speculative Assets? ", with D. Baur and K. Hong, 2018, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 54, 177-189. SSRN working paper link:

“Testing the Effect of Portfolio Holdings Disclosure in an Environment Absent of Mandatory Disclosure”, with Z. Chen and D. Gallagher, 2017, Accounting & Finance 57(S1), 101-116. 

“How has the Relevance of Institutional Brokerage Changed?”, with K. Fong, F.D. Foster and D. Gallagher, 2016, International Review of Finance 16(4), 499-524. SSRN working paper link:

“Global Information Distribution in the Gold OTC Markets”, with E. Chai and J. Wang, International Review of Financial Analysis 41, 2015, 206-217.

“A Model of Emulation Funds” with Z. Chen, F.D. Foster and D. Gallagher, Accounting & Finance 55(3), 2015, 717-748. SSRN working paper link:

“Does a Nearby Murder Affect Housing Prices and Rents? The Case of Sydney”, with A. Klimova, Economic Record 90(s1), 2014, 16-40. SSRN working paper link:

"Waiting Costs and Limit Order Book Liquidity: Evidence from the Ex-Dividend Deadline in Australia" with A. Ainsworth, Journal of Financial Markets 20, 2014, 101-128. SSRN working paper link:

“Contracts for Dummies? The Performance of Investors in Contracts for Difference”, Co-authored with S. Choy, Accounting & Finance 54(3), 2014, 965-997. SSRN working paper link:

Australian Financial Review article on paper here

"Estimating the Excess Returns to Housing at a Disaggregated Level: An Application to Sydney 2003-11", with D. Melser, 2014, Real Estate Economics 42(3), 756-790. SSRN working paper link:

“Individual Investors and Broker Types”, with D. Gallagher and K. Fong, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49(2), 431-451. SSRN working paper link:

“Does an Emulation Fund Outperform Its Target Fund?” with Z. Chen, F.D. Foster and D. Gallagher, Australian Journal of Management, Volume 38, Issue 2, 2013, 401-427. SSRN working paper link:

“The Value of Alpha Forecasts in Portfolio Construction”, with K. Fong and D. Gallagher, Australian Journal of Management, Volume 34, Issue 1, 2009, 97-121. SSRN working paper link:

“Benchmarking Benchmarks: Measuring Characteristic Selectivity Using Equity Portfolio Holdings Data”, with K. Fong and D. Gallagher, Accounting and Finance, Volume 48, 2008, pp. 761-781. SSRN working paper link:

“The State of Origin of Australian Equity: Does Active Fund Manager Location Matter?”, with K. Fong and D. Gallagher, Australian Journal of Management, Volume 32, Issue 3, 2008, pp. 503-524. SSRN working paper link:

“Where Do Australian Active Equity Managers Outperform?”, with K. Fong and D. Gallagher, JASSA, Summer Issue, 2007, pp. 5-10.