List of Publications

Peer-reviewed Edited Books


1. Ponce, Aldo . Forthcoming. Huellas de la Guerra: Los Costos Sociales de la Violencia Criminal en México. Mexico City: Editorial CIDE.

Peer-reviewed Articles

24.  Ponce, Aldo. Forthcoming. "¿A Qué Candidato Elimino?  El Uso de las Tachas Electorales en las Elecciones Subnacionales Peruanas." Política y Gobierno 

Title in English: "Which Candidate Do I Eliminate? The Use of Electoral Challenges in the Peruvian Subnational Elections"

23. Ponce, Aldo, and Susan Scarrow. 2022. “Party Institutionalization and Partisan Mobilization”. Government & Opposition. Available at

22. Lagunes, Gabriel, and Aldo Ponce. 2022. “Cuando el Castigo no es Piadoso: El Miedo al Delito y las Demandas por Penas Severas. Evidencia del Caso Mexicano.” Revista Mexicana de Análisis Político y Administración Pública (REMAP), XI(22): 41-68. Available at:

Title in English: “When Punishment is not Merciful: Fear of Crime and Preferences for Severe Penalties. Evidence from the Mexican Case” 

21. Ponce, Aldo, and Ching-Hsing Wang. 2022. “The Hong Kong Crisis and its Effect on the 2020 Presidential Election in Taiwan”. Political Science. Available at DOI: 10.1080/00323187.2022.2042337  

20. Ponce, Aldo, Fernanda Somuano, and Rodrigo Velázquez. 2021. “Meet the Victim: Police Corruption, Violence, and Political Mobilization” Governance. Available at


19. Kingstone, Peter, and Aldo Ponce. 2021. “Investment in the Latin American Telecommunications Sector: Assessing the Role of Political Institutions” Politics & Policy, 49(5): 1092-1120.


18. Rojas, Javier, and Aldo Ponce. 2021. “Lento or Presto? Subnational Government Capacities and the Pace of Implementation of Contentious Policies” Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(107): 1-21

17. Ponce, Aldo, Susan Scarrow, and Susan Achury. 2020. “Quotas, Women’s Leadership, and Grassroots Women Activists: Bringing Women into the Party?" European Journal of Political Research (EJPR), 59(4): 867-885. 

16. Ponce, Aldo, Rodrigo Velázquez, and Jaime Sáinz Santamaría. Online First. “Do Local Elections Increase Violence? Electoral Cycles and Organized Crime in Mexico”. Trends in Organized Crime. DOI 10.1007/s12117-019-09373-8

15. Ponce, Aldo, and Rodrigo Velázquez. 2019. “Understanding the Political Goals of Non-Binding Resolutions: Evidence from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies” The Journal of Legislative Studies (JLS), 25(2): 229-249. 

14. Ponce, Aldo. 2019. Violence and Electoral Competition:  Criminal Organizations and Municipal Candidates in Mexico. Trends in Organized Crime.

13. De Lira, Héctor, and Aldo Ponce. 2018. “La Política del Gasto Público Estatal en México: El Rol de la Fragmentación Legislativa y del Gobierno Dividido” Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político (SAAP). 

Title in English: “The Politics of State Public Expenditures in Mexico: The Role of Legislative Fragmentation and Divided Government”

12. Atuesta, Laura, and Aldo Ponce. 2017. “Meet the Narco:  Increased Competition among Criminal Organizations and the Explosion of Violence in Mexico." Global Crime 

11. Córdova, Jassel, and Aldo Ponce. 2017. "Los Tipos de Corrupción y la Satisfacción con los Servicios Públicos. Evidencia del Caso Mexicano.” región y sociedad. Revista de el Colegio de Sonora, XXIX (70): 231-262.

Title in English: “Types of Corruption and Satisfaction with Public Services: Evidence from the Mexican Case"

10. Anaya-Muñoz, Alejandro, Héctor Núñez, and Aldo Ponce. 2017. “Setting the agenda: Social influence in the effects of the Human Rights Committee in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe,”  The Journal of Human Rights.  

9. Ponce, Aldo. 2016. “Cárteles de Droga, Violencia y Competitividad Electoral a Nivel Local: Evidencia del Caso Mexicano”. Latin American Research Review (LARR), 51(4): 62-85.

Title in English: “Drug Cartels, Violence, and Electoral Competitiveness at the Local Level: Evidence from the Mexican Case”.

8. Ponce, Aldo, and Susan Scarrow. 2014. "Which Members? Using Cross-National Surveys to Study Party Membership." Party Politics, 1-14.

7. Ponce, Aldo, and Cynthia McClintock. 2014. “The Explosive Combination of Inefficient Local Bureaucracies and Mining Production: Evidence from Localized Societal Protests in Peru." Latin American Politics and Society (LAPS), 56(3): 118-140.

6. Calvo, Ernesto and Aldo Ponce. 2013. “Meet the Producer: Exchange Rate Shocks, Public 

Media, and the Legislative Importance of Economic Sectors." Studies in Comparative International Development

(SCID), 48(4): 331-355.

5. Alemán, Eduardo, Aldo Ponce, and Iñaki Sagarzazu. 2011. “Legislative Parties in Volatile Non-Programmatic Party Systems: The Peruvian Case in Comparative Perspective,” Latin American Politics and Society (LAPS), 53(3): 57-81.

4. Tiede, Lydia and Aldo Ponce. 2011. “Ruling against the Executive in Amparo Cases: Evidence from the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal,” The Journal of Politics in Latin America (JPLA), 3(2): 107-140.

3. Ponce, Aldo and Susan Scarrow. 2011. “Who Gives? Political Donations in Europe.” West European Politics (WEP), 34 (5), 997–1020.

2. Ponce, Aldo. 2010. “Foreign Direct Investment and Civil Rights: Testing Decreasing Returns to Civil Rights.” Romanian Journal of Political Science, 10 (1), 5-21.

1. Ponce, Aldo. 2006. “Apertura comercial e inversión directa extranjera: el impacto de los tratados de libre comercio en América Latina.” Revista Apuntes, No. 58-59, 139-160.

Peer-reviewed Research Notes

2. Tiede, Lydia, and Aldo Ponce. 2014. "Evaluating Theories of Decision-making on the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal."  The Journal of Politics in Latin America (JPLA), 2: 139-164.

1. Ponce, Aldo, Amalia Mena-Mora, and Brandon Rottinghaus. 2012. “El Papel de la Propensión al Riesgo en las Decisiones de Voto: El Caso de las Elecciones Mexicanas del Año 2000”, Política y Gobierno, 19(1): 71-99.

Peer-reviewed Book Chapters

10.  Ponce, Aldo. Forthcoming. “The Weakening of the Mexican Party System: The Rise of AMLO’S MORENA” In Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy, edited by Thomas Poguntke and Wilhelm Hofmeister. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

9. Macias, Martín, and Aldo Ponce. Forthcoming. “Los Narcos y los Corruptos: Las Organizaciones Criminales y sus Efectos sobre la Percepción de la Corrupción en México” In Huellas de la Guerra: Los Costos Sociales de la Violencia Criminal en México, edited by Aldo Ponce. Mexico City: Editorial CIDE.

8. Ponce, Aldo. 2019. “Drug Policy, Violence, and Support for the Judiciary in Latin America: The “Drug Trafficking Trap”” Research Handbook on Law and Courts. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

7. Ponce, Aldo. 2019. “La Democracia a Nivel Local Bajo Ataque: La Violencia y sus Costos Políticos en México” In Lecturas sobre Problemas de la Democracia en México, edited by Juan Poom. Hermosillo: El Colegio de Sonora. 

6. Ponce, Aldo. Forthcoming. "Supervisión Legislativa Ex Ante en un Contexto de Partidos Débiles y Limitadas Capacidades Legislativas. Evidencia del Caso Peruano” In Supervisión Legislativa del Poder Ejecutivo en América Latina, edited by Rodrigo Velázquez. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

5. Ponce, Aldo. 2016. “Strong Presidents, Weak Parties, and Agenda Control: Lawmaking in Democratic Peru” In Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America,edited by Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

4. Ponce, Aldo. 2016. “From Freedom to Repression and Violence: The Evolution of Drug Policy in Peru.” In Drug Policies and the Politics of Drugs in the Americas, edited

by Beatriz Labate, Clancy Cavnar, & Rodrigues, Thiago Cham: Switzerland, Springer International Publishing.

3. Ponce, Aldo. 2015. “Satisfacción Judicial, Procedimientos Judiciales y Delitos Contra la Salud: Evidencia de los Centros Federales de Readaptación Mexicanos”, Mexico City:

Editorial CIDE.

2. Pérez-Correa, Catalina, and Aldo Ponce. 2015. “Derechos de los internos y sobrepoblación carcelaria: Garantizando la integridad física de las personas privadas de libertad”, Mexico City:

Editorial CIDE.

1. Kingstone, Peter, and Aldo Ponce, 2010. “From Cardoso to Lula: The Triumph of Pragmatism in Brazil” In Leftist Governments in Latin America: Successes and Shortcomings, edited 

by Kurt Weyland, Wendy Hunter and Raúl Madrid, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 98-123.

Other Publications

10. Ponce, Aldo, Fernanda Somuano, and Rodrigo Velázquez. 2021. “Enojo y Resignación: Corrupción Policial y Protesta en México”. Revista Nexos, October 18.

9.  Rojas, Javier, and Aldo Ponce. 2021. “Fortalecer antes de Implementar: Capacidades Estatales, Federalismo y Reforma Educativa en México” Revista Nexos, September 15.

8.  Ponce, Aldo, Rodrigo Velázquez, and Jaime Sáinz Santamaría. 2021. “Violencia Municipal y Espesa” Revista Nexos, February 1.

7.  Ponce, Aldo, Susan Scarrow, and Susan Achury. 2020. “What can Parties do to Involve More Women in Party Politics?” Democratic Audit, February 18.

6. Ponce, Aldo. 2017. “Drug Cartels and their Interference in Politics: The Loss of Electoral Competitiveness in Municipal Elections in Mexico”. Panoramas, March 3.

5. Tiede, Lydia, and Aldo Ponce. 2015. “Decision-making on the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal after Fujimori”. Panoramas, January 8.

4. Ponce, Aldo, and Cynthia McClintock. 2014. “Local Resource Curse and its Consequences on Localized Societal Protests: Evidence from Peru.” Panoramas, December 31.

3. Ponce, Aldo. 2014. “Narcos, Violencia y Competitividad Electoral a Nivel Municipal: Evidencia del Caso Mexicano.” Cuadernos de Trabajo del Monitor del Programa de Política de Drogas. Número 5

2. Ponce. Aldo. 2007. “Unemployment and Opportunism: The Piquetero movement.” Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research, 1(2).

1. Heffley, Dennis, William Lott, and Aldo Ponce. 2007. “The Painful Burden of Health Care Costs.” The Connecticut Economy, Vol. 15, Issue Winter.