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*indicates undergraduate co-authors
Tetrault E, Aaronson B, Gilbert MC, Albertson RC. (2024) Foraging-induced craniofacial plasticity is associated with an early, robust and dynamic transcriptional response. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 291(2021): 20240215. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.0215
Lloyd E, Rastogi A, Holtz N, Aaronson B, Albertson RC, Keene A. (2024) Ontogeny and social context regulate the circadian activity patterns of Lake Malawi cichlids. J Comp Physiol B 194: 299–313.
Kozol RA, Conith AJ, Yuiska A, Cree-Newman A, Tolentino B, Banesh K, Paz A, Lloyd E, Kowalko JE, Keene AC, Albertson RC, Duboue EK (2023) A brain-wide analysis maps structural evolution to distinct anatomical module eLife 12:e80777.
Tetrault E, Swenson J, Aaronson B, Marcho C, Albertson RC. (2023) The transcriptional state and chromatin landscape of cichlid jaw shape variation across species and environments. Mol Ecol. 32(14): 3922-3941. doi: 10.1111/mec.16975.
Packard MC, Gilbert MC, Tetrault E, Albertson RC. (2023) Zebrafish crocc2 mutants exhibit divergent craniofacial shape, misregulated variability, and aberrant cartilage morphogenesis. Dev Dyn. 252(7):1026-1045. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.591.
Duenser A, Singh P, Lecaudey LA, Sturmbauer C, Albertson RC, Gessl W, Pashay Ahi E. (2023) Conserved Molecular Players Involved in Human Nose Morphogenesis Underlie Evolution of the Exaggerated Snout Phenotype in Cichlids. Genome Biology and Evolution. 15(4): evad045.
Conith AJ, Hope SA*, Albertson RC. (2023) Covariation of brain and skull shapes as a model to understand the role of crosstalk in development and evolution. Evol Dev. 25(1):85-102. doi: 10.1111/ede.12421.
Gilbert MC, Piggott SN*, Albertson RC. (2022) Substrate type induces plastic responses in the craniofacial morphology of a winnowing cichlid. Hydrobiologia. Epub Nov 14.
Gilbert MC, Lerose CS*, Conith AJ, Albertson RC. (2022) Breaking constraints: The development and evolution of extreme fin morphology in the Bramidae. Evol Dev. 24(3-4):109-124. doi: 10.1111/ede.12409.
Moore EC, Ciccotto PJ, Peterson EN, Lamm MS, Albertson RC, Roberts RB. (2022) Polygenic sex determination produces modular sex polymorphism in an African cichlid fish. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 119(14):e2118574119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2118574119.
McWhinnie K, Gibson J, Gislason M, Windmill J, Albertson RC, Parsons K. (2022). Assessing the Levels of Functional Adaptation: Finite Element Analysis Reveals Species, Hybrid, and Sexual Variation in the Biomechanics of African Cichlid Mandibles. Evol Biol 49:205–220.
Conith AJ, Albertson RC. (2021) The cichlid oral and pharyngeal jaws are evolutionarily and genetically coupled. Nat Commun. 12(1):5477. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25755-5.
Gilbert MC, Tetrault E, Packard M, Navon D, Albertson RC. (2021) Ciliary rootlet coiled-coil 2 (crocc2) is associated with evolutionary divergence and plasticity of cichlid jaw shape. Mol Biol Evol. 38(8):3078-3092. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab071.
Navon D, Hatini P*, Zogbaum L*, Albertson RC. (2021). The genetic basis of coordinated plasticity across functional units in a Lake Malawi cichlid mapping population. Evolution. 75(3):672-687. doi: 10.1111/evo.14157.
Lloyd E, Chhouk B*, Conith AJ, Keene AC, Albertson RC. (2021) Diversity in rest-activity patterns among Lake Malawi cichlid fishes suggests a novel axis of habitat partitioning. J Exp Biol. 224(7):jeb242186. doi:10.1242/jeb.242186.
Zogbaum L*, Friend PG*, Albertson RC. (2021) Plasticity and genetic basis of cichlid gill arch anatomy reveal novel roles for Hedgehog signaling. Mol Ecol. 30:761–774. doi: 10.1111/mec.15766.
Conith AJ, Hope SA*, Chhouk BH*, Albertson RC. (2021) Weak genetic signal for phenotypic integration implicates developmental processes as major regulators of trait covariation. Mol Ecol. 30:464–480.
Gilbert MC, Conith AJ, Lerose CS*, Moyer JK, Huskey SH, Albertson RC. (2021) Extreme Morphology, Functional Trade-offs, and Evolutionary Dynamics in a Clade of Open-Ocean Fishes (Perciformes: Bramidae). Integr Org Biol. 3(1):obab003. doi: 10.1093/iob/obab003.
Navon D, Male I, Tetrault ER, Aaronson B*, Karlstrom RO, Albertson RC. (2020) Hedgehog signaling is necessary and sufficient to mediate craniofacial plasticity in teleosts. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 117(32):19321-19327. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1921856117.
Gilbert MC, Akama A, Cox Fernandes C, Albertson RC. (2020) Rapid morphological change in multiple cichlid ecotypes following the damming of a major clearwater river in Brazil. Evol Applications. 13(10): 2754-2771.
Conith AJ, Kidd MR, Kocher TD, Albertson RC. (2020) Ecomorphological divergence and habitat lability in the context of robust patterns of modularity in the cichlid feeding apparatus. BMC Evol Biol. 20(1):95. doi: 10.1186/s12862-020-01648-x
Conith MR, Conith AJ, Albertson RC (2019). Evolution of a soft-tissue foraging adaptation in African cichlids: Roles for novelty, convergence, and constraint. Evolution. 73(10):2072-2084. doi: 10.1111/evo.13824.
Albertson RC, Pauers MJ (2019). Morphological disparity in ecologically diverse versus constrained lineages of Lake Malawi rock-dwelling cichlids. Hydrobiologia. 832:153-174.
Conith AJ, Lam DT*, Albertson RC (2018). Muscle-induced loading as an important source of variation in craniofacial skeletal shape. Genesis. 57(1):e23263. doi:10.1002/dvg.23263.
Conith MR, Hu Y, Conith AJ, Maginnis MA*, Webb JF, Albertson RC (2018). Genetic and developmental origins of a unique foraging adaptation in a Lake Malawi cichlid genus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115(27):7063-7068. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1719798115.
Albertson RC (2018). “Cellular Basis of Evolution in Animals: An Evo-Devo Perspective”. In Cells in Evolutionary Biology: Translating Genotypes into Phenotypes - Past, Present, Future.pp 213-234. (Eds Hall BK, Moody SA). CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL USA.
Parsons KJ, Son Y*, Crespel A, Thambithurai D, Killen S, Harris M, Albertson RC (2018). Conserved but flexible modularity in the zebrafish skull: Implications for craniofacial evolvability. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 285(1877). doi: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2671.
Albertson RC, Kawasaki KC, Tetrault ER, Powder KE (2018). Genetic analyses in Lake Malawi cichlids identify new roles for Fgf signaling in scale shape variation. Commun Biol. 1:155. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-018-0060-4.
Powder KE, Albertson RC. “Identifying the Genomic Basis Underlying Phenotypic Variation.” Oxford Bibliographiesin "Evolutionary Biology". Ed. Karin Pfennig. New York: Oxford University Press, 26 April 2018. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199941728-0106.
Hu Y, Albertson RC (2017). Baby fish working out: An epigenetic source of adaptive variation in the cichlid jaw. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284(1860).
Navon D, Olearczyk N*, Albertson RC (2017). Genetic and developmental basis for fin shape variation in African cichlid fishes. Mol Ecol. 26:291-303.
Matthews DG*, Albertson RC (2017). Effect of craniofacial genotype on the relationship between morphology and feeding performance in cichlid fishes. Evolution. 71:2050-2061.
Voskoboinikova O, Detrich HW, Albertson RC, Postlethwait JH, Ghigliotti L, Pisano E (2017). Evolution reshaped life for the water column: the skeleton of the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarctica Boulenger, 1902. In: The Antarctic Silverfish: a Keystone Species in a Changing Ecosystem (Vacchi M, Pisano E, Ghigliotti L Eds). Pp. 3-26. Springer International Publishing. Cham Switzerland.
Powder KE, Albertson RC (2016). Cichlid fishes as a model to understand normal and clinical craniofacial variation. Dev Biol. 415(2):338-346.
Romulus Abila, Peter Akoll, Craig Albertson, Diogo Antunes, Taylor Banda, Roger Bills, Alex Bulirani, August Chocha Manda, Andrew S. Cohen, Filipa Cunha-Saraiva, Sofie Derycke, Ian Donohue, Mingliu Du, Akaibe Migumiru Dudu, Bernd Egger, Karoline Fritzsche, Joachim G. Frommen, Hugo F. Gante, Martin J. Genner, Andreas Härer, Hiroki Hata, Kenneth Irvine, Pascal Isumbisho Mwapu, Luc Janssens de Bisthoven, Arne Jungwirth, Prince Kaleme, Cyprien Katongo, Loic Kéver, Stephan Koblmüller, Ad Konings, Anton Lamboj, Franziska Lemmel-Schaedelin, Gonzalo Machado Schiaffino, Koen Martens, Pascal Masilya Mulungula, Axel Meyer, Heather Louise More, Zuzana Musilova, Fidel Muterezi Bukinga, Donatien R. Muzumani, Gaspard Ntakimazi, William Okello, Harris Phiri, Lobomir Pialek, Pierre Denis Plisnier, Joost A.M. Raeymaekers, Jelena Rajkov, Oldrich Rican, Reade Roberts, Walter Salzburger, Isa Schoen, Kristina M. Sefc, Pooja Singh, Paul Skelton, Kevin Schneider, Jos Snoeks, Christian Sturmbauer, Hannes Svardal, Ola Svensson, Julian Torres Dowdall, George F. Turner, Alexandra Tyers, Jacco C. van Rijssel, Maarten van Steenberge, Maarten Vanhove, Erik Verheyen, Alexandra T. Weber, Olaf Weyl, Angelika Ziegelbecker, Holger Zimmermann. 2016. Oil extraction imperils Africa’s Great Lakes. Science, 354(6312), 561-562.
Parsons KJ, Conith M, Navon D, Wang J*, Ea I*, Groveas K*, Campbell C, Albertson RC (2016). Foraging environment determines the genetic architecture and evolutionary potential of trophic morphology in cichlid fishes. Mol Ecol. 25: 6012-23. doi: 10.1111/mec.13801.
Hu Y, Ghigliotti L, Vacchi M, Pisano, Detrich W, Albertson RC (2016). Evolution in an extreme environment: Developmental biases and phenotypic integration in the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioids. BMC Evol Biol. 16(1):142.
Hu Y, Albertson RC (2016). Developmental Biases on Morphological Evolvability. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 1, pp. 399–403. Oxford: Academic Press.
Kague E, Roy P, Asselin G*, Hu G, Simonet J, Stanley A, Albertson RC, Fisher S (2016). Osterix/Sp7 limits cranial bone initiation sites and is required for formation of sutures. Dev Biol. 413(2):160-72.
Powder KE, Milch K*, Asselin G*, Albertson RC (2015). Constraint and diversification of developmental trajectories in cichlid facial morphologies. EvoDevo. 6:25.
Parsons KJ, Wang J*, Anderson G*, Albertson RC (2015). Nested Levels of Adaptive Divergence: The Genetic Basis of Craniofacial Divergence and Ecological Sexual Dimorphism. G3 (Bethesda). 5(8):1613-24.
Concannon MR, Albertson RC (2015). The genetic and developmental basis of an exaggerated craniofacial trait in East African cichlids. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 324(8):662-70.
Smith AJ, Nelson-Maney N*, Parsons KJ, Cooper WJ, Albertson RC (2015). Body Shape Evolution in Sunfishes: Divergent Paths to Accelerated Rates of Speciation in the Centrarchidae. Evol Biol. 42(3):283-295.
Koblmüller S, Albertson RC, Genner MJ, Sefc KM, Takahashi T (2015). Preface: Advances in cichlid research: behavior, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Hydrobiologia. 748:1–5.
Powder KE, Cousin H, McLinden G*, and Albertson RC (2014). A non-synonymous mutation in the transcriptional regulator lbh is associated with cichlid craniofacial adaptation and neural crest cell development. Mol Biol Evol. 31(12):3113-24.
Albertson RC, Powder KE, Hu Y, Coyle KP, Roberts RB, Parsons KJ (2014). Genetic basis of continuous variation in the levels and modular inheritance of pigmentation in cichlid fishes. Mol Ecol. 23(21):5135-50.
Hu Y, Albertson RC (2014) Hedgehog signaling mediates adaptive variation in a dynamic functional system in the cichlid skull. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111(23): 8530-8534.
Parsons KJ, Taylor AT*, Powder KE, Albertson RC (2014) Wnt signalling underlies the evolution of new phenotypes and craniofacial variability in Lake Malawi cichlids. Nat Commun. 5:3629.
Brennan PLR, Irschick DJ, Johnson NA, Albertson RC (2014) Oddball science: Why funding studies of unusual evolutionary phenomena is critical. BioScience. doi:10.1093/biosci/bit039.
Hu Y, Parsons KJ, Albertson RC (2014) Evolvability of the cichlid jaw: New tools provide insights into the genetic basis of phenotypic integration. Evol Biol. 41:145-153.
Cooper WJ, Wirgau RM*, Sweet EM, Albertson RC (2013) Deficiency of zebrafish fgf20a results in aberrant skull remodeling that mimics both human cranial disease and evolutionarily important fish skull morphologies. Evol Dev. 15(6):426-441.
Parsons KJ, and Albertson RC (2013) Unifying and generalizing evo-devo’s two strands. Trends Ecol Evol. 28(10): 584-591.
Irschick DJ†, Albertson RC†, Brennan P, Podos J, Johnson NA, Patek S, Dumont E (2013) Expanding evo-devo beyond morphology: A predictive framework for linking genes to resource use at the macro-evolutionary level. Trends Ecol Evol. 28(5):267-273. († co-first authors)
Kultz D, Clayton DF, Robinson GE, Albertson RC, et al. (2013) New Frontiers for Organismal Biology. BioScience. 63(6): 464-471.
Parsons KJ, and Albertson RC (2013) From Black and White to Shades of Gray: Unifying Evo-Devo Through the Integration of Molecular and Quantitative Approaches. In Advances in Evolution and Development. Streelman JT (ed.). Wiley, USA. pp. 81-109.
Jacobs NL, Maine E, Albertson RC, Wiles J (2013). Using model organisms in an undergraduate laboratory to link genotype, phenotype, and the environment. J Biol Education. 47(1):52-59.
Koblmüller S, Albertson RC, Genner MJ, Sefc KM, Takahashi T (2012) Cichlid evolution: Lessons in diversification 2012. Int J Evol Biol. 2012: 349485.
Brzozowski FJV, Roscoe J*, Parsons KJ, Albertson RC (2012). Sexual-dimorphism in color trait integration and the resolution of sexual conflict in Lake Malawi cichlids. J Exp Zool Part B: Mol Dev Ev. 318:268-278.
Albertson RC, Cooper WJ, Mann KA (2012). More than Meets the Eye: Functionally Salient Changes in Internal Bone Architecture Accompany Divergence in Cichlid Feeding Mode. Int J Evol Biol. 2012: 538146.
Parsons KJ, Márquez E, Albertson RC. (2012). Constraint and opportunity: the genetic basis and evolution of modularity in the cichlid mandible. Am Nat. 179(1): 64-78.
Patten SA, Jacobs NL, Zaouter C, Drapeau P, Albertson RC, Moldovan F. (2012). Novel role of chd7 in retinal organization and vertebral mineralization in a zebrafish model of CHARGE syndrome. PLoS ONE. 7(2):e31650.
Koblmüller S, Albertson RC, Genner MJ, Sefc KM, Takahashi T (2011) Cichlid evolution: Lessons in diversification. Int J Evol Biol. 2011: 847969.
Parsons KJ, Son Y*, Albertson RC. (2011) Hybridization promotes evolvability in African Cichlids: Connections between transgressive segregation and phenotypic integration. Evol Biol. 38(3):306-315.
Cooper WJ, Wernle J, Mann K, Albertson RC. (2011). Functional and genetic integration in the jaws of Lake Malawi cichlids. Evol Biol. 38(3):316–334.
Roberts RB, Hu Y, Albertson RC, Kocher TD. (2011). Craniofacial evolution: Species divergence and ongoing adaptation via the hedgehog pathway. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108(32):13194-9.
Parsons KJ, Cooper WJ, Albertson RC. (2011). Modularity of the oral jaws is linked to repeated changes in the craniofacial shape of African cichlids. Int J Evol Biol. 2011: 641501.
Jacobs-McDaniels NL, Albertson RC. (2011). Chd7 plays a critical role in zebrafish somitogenesis. Dev Dyn. 240:2272-2280.
Parsons KJ, Andreeva V*, Cooper WJ, Yelick PC, Albertson RC. (2011) Morphogenesis of the zebrafish jaw: Development beyond the embryo. Methods Cell Biol. 101:225-248.
Jacobs NL, Albertson RC, Wiles JR. (2011). Using Whole Mount in situ Hybridization to Link Molecular and Organismal Biology. J Vis Exp. 2011 Mar 31;(49). doi: pii: 2533. 10.3791/2533.
Carleton KL, Hofmann CM, Klisz C, Patel Z, Chircus LM, Simenauer LH, Soodoo N, Albertson RC, and Ser JR. (2010) The genetic architecture of visual sensitivities tuned by differential opsin gene expression in cichlid fishes. J Evol Biol. 23(4):840-53.
Cooper WJ, Parsons KJ, McIntyre AM*, Kern BS*, McGee-Moore AC*, and Albertson RC. (2010) Bentho-pelagic divergence of cichlid feeding architecture has been consistent and prodigious during multiple adaptive radiations within African rift-lakes. PLoS ONE. 5(3): e9551.
Stewart TA*, and Albertson RC. (2010) Evolution of a unique predatory feeding apparatus: Functional anatomy, development, and a genetic locus for jaw laterality in Lake Tanganyika scale-eating cichlids. BMC Biology. 8:8.
Albertson RC, Yan Y-L, Titus TA, Pisano E, Vacchi M, Yelick PC, Detrich WH, and Postlethwait JH. (2010) Molecular pedomorphism underlies craniofacial skeletal evolution in Antarctic notothenioid fishes. BMC Evol Biol. 10:4.
Albertson RC, Cresko W, Detrich HW, and Postlethwait JH. (2009) Evolutionary mutant models for human disease. Trends Gen. 25(2):74-81.
Parsons KJ, and Albertson RC. (2009) Roles for BMP4 and CAM1 in shaping the jaw: Evo-devo and beyond. Ann. Rev. Genet. 2009. 43:369-88.
Albertson RC, and Yelick PC. (2009) Morphogenesis of the jaw: Development beyond the embryo. Methods Cell Biol. 91:453-473.
Parsons KJ, Cooper WJ, and Albertson RC. (2009) The pitfalls of using principal components analysis to produce a common trait space: Implications for inferring the roles of selection, contingency and chance in adaptive radiations. PLoS ONE. 4:e7957.
Albertson RC. (2008) Morphological divergence predicts habitat partitioning in a Lake Malawi cichlid species complex. Copeia. 2008(3):690-99.
Cooper WJ, and Albertson RC. (2008) Quantification and variation in experimental studies of morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 321(2):295-302.
Streelman JT, Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2007) Variation in body size and trophic morphology within and among genetically differentiated populations of the cichlid fish, Metriaclima zebra, from Lake Malawi. Freshwater Biol. 52:525-538.
Albertson RC, and Yelick PC. (2007) Fgf8 haploinsufficiency results in distinct craniofacial defects in adult zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 306:505-15.
Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2006) Genetic and developmental basis of cichlid trophic diversity. Heredity. 97:211-21.
Streelman JT, and Albertson RC. (2006) Evolution of Novelty in the Cichlid Dentition. J Exp Zool B: Mol Dev Evol. 306B:216-26.
Adams DS, Robinson KR, Fukumoto T, Yuan S, Yelick P, Albertson RC, Kuo L, McSweeney M, and Levin M. (2006) Early, H+-V-ATPase-dependent proton flux is necessary for consistent left-right patterning of non-mammalian vertebrates. Development. 133:1657-71.
Albertson RC, Streelman JT, Kocher TD, and Yelick PC. (2005) Integration and evolution of the cichlid mandible: Molecular basis of alternate feeding strategies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:16287-92.
Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2005) Genetic architecture sets limits on transgressive segregation in hybrid cichlid fishes. Evolution. 59:686-690.
Albertson RC, and Yelick PC. (2005) Roles for fgf8 signaling in left-right patterning of the visceral organs and craniofacial skeleton. Dev. Biol. 283:310-21.
Albertson RC, Payne-Ferreira T, Postlewait JH, and Yelick PC. (2005) Identification, genetic mapping, and targeted disruption of the Activin RIIA and RIIB genes in zebrafish. Dev. Dyn. 233:1405-18.
Before 2005
Albertson RC, and Yelick PC. (2004) Morphogenesis of the jaw: Development beyond the embryo. Methods Cell Biol. 76:437-454.
Albertson RC, Streelman JT, and Kocher TD. (2003a) Directional selection has shaped the oral jaws of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100(9):5252-5257.
Albertson RC, Streelman JT, and Kocher TD. (2003b) Genetic basis of adaptive shape differences in the cichlid head. J Heredity 94(4):291-301.
Streelman JT, Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2003). Genome mapping of the orange blotch colour pattern in cichlid fishes. Mol. Ecol. 12:2465-2471.
Streelman JT, Webb JF, Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2003) The cusp of evolution and development: a model of cichlid tooth shape diversity. Evol Dev. 5:600-8.
Kocher TD, Albertson RC, Carleton KL, and Streelman JT. (2002) The genetic basis of biodiversity: genomic studies of cichlid fishes. In Aquatic Genomics: Steps Toward a Great Future, pp. 35-44. Shimizu N, Aoki T, Hirono I, Takashima F. (eds.). Springer, Tokyo.
Albertson RC, and Kocher TD. (2001) Assessing morphological differences of an adaptive trait: a landmark-based morphometric approach. J. Exp. Zool. 289:385-403.
Albertson RC, Markert J, Danely PD, and Kocher TD. (1999) Phylogeny of a rapidly evolving system: the cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96:5107-5110.