I. Health Economics & Political Economy of Health

(6) “Does democracy make taller men? Cross-country European evidence" With Joan Costa-Font (LSE). Economics & Human Biology, Volume 45 (2022), pp.1-25. Previous version with the title "Taller in Transition? Exposure to a Liberal Democracy and Heights in Europe”.  Featured as CESifo WP series  (2022). ISSN: 1570-677X. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2022.101117

(5)  “Voting Up? The Effects of Voting Rights Extension on and Human Stature” with Joan Costa-Font (LSE), and Timothy J. Hatton (UEssex/ANU).  Economica, Volume 89 (2022): 161-190. (f&c). IZA discussion paper No. 12389. CESifo Working Paper Series 7701. (January 2022) https://doi.org/10.1111/ecca.12393. ISSN: 1468-0335

(4)  On the codetermination of tax-financed medical R&D and healthcare expenditures: Models and evidence.” (with Roger Congleton); European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 54 (2018); 175-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.03.006. ISSN: 0176-2680.

(3)  The Electoral Politics and the Evolution of Complex Healthcare Systems.(with R.D. Congleton and R. Pietrantonio); Kyklos, Vol.70 (2017): 483–510. (leading article of the issue). https://doi.org/10.1111/kykl.12146. ISSN (Online): 1467-6435. 

(2) NIH Biomedical Funding: Evidence of Executive Dominance in Swing-Voter States during Presidential Elections.” Public Choice, Vol.168.3-4 (2016): pp.239–263. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11127-016-0358-z. ISSN: 1573-7101. (f&c)

(1)  “On Medical Progress and Health Care Demand: A CES Perspective Using the Grossman Model of Health Status.”Health Economics, 24-12: (2015): pp. 1632–1637. https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.3109. ISSN (Online): 1099-1050. (f&c)

II. Other publications

(5) "Is Russia Really a Normal Country? A Numerical Taxonomy of Russia in Comparative Perspective" with Jeffrey Kopstein Constitutional Political Economy, Vol. 33, 217-232 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10602-021-09344-8. ISSN (Online): 1572-9966.

(4)  Do Economic Recessions Squeeze the Middle Class? (with Joan Costa-Font, LSE). CESifo WP; LIS working paper version. Vox.eu media coverage. Economics & PoliticsVol.32 (2020): 335-355; (f&c). https://doi.org/10.1111/ecpo.12145. ISSN (online): 1468-0343. 

(3) “Local Government Fiscal Policy, Social Capital and Electoral Payoff: Evidence across Italian Municipalities” (with Luca Andriani and Andrea Filippetti), Kyklos, (2019) Vol. 72-4, 503-526. https://doi.org/10.1111/kykl.12209. ISSN (online): 1467-6435. The previous version appeared as: “Social Capital and Government Performance. The Role of Local Re-elections across Italian Municipalities. Media coverage (in Italian) from “La Voce.”

(2) Teaching Mathematical Economics Using Public Choice: The Median Voter Model.” Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Vol.14.2: (2015): pp. 50-65. (f&c)

(1) “Distributional and Encompassing Coalitions in the Olsonian Theory of Interest Groups: A Strategy-Shift Effect Analysis." Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice vol. 26, nos. 2 and 3, 2008 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1332/251569208X15664518307989. ISSN (Online): 2515-6926.


(5) BOOK CHAPTER: "Do democratic regimes exhibit ‘better’ health outcomes? ", (with Joan Costa-Font) in: Batinti, Costa-Font, Turati (Eds.) Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems, Edward Elgar Publishers, Ltd. (2023). (pp. 27-41). https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800885066

(4) BOOK CHAPTER: "An introduction to the Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems", (with Joan Costa-Font and Gilberto Turati) in Batinti, Costa-Font, Turati (Eds.) Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems, Edward Elgar Publishers, Ltd. (2023). BOOK CHAPTER. (pp. 2-10). https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800885066

(3) CO-EDITED BOOK: Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems (2023), Co-Edited with Joan Costa-Font, and Gilberto Turati, Edward Elgar Publishers, Ltd. (2023), ISBN: 978 1 80088 505 9. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800885066.

(2) The Political Economy of Health and Healthcare: The Rise of the Patient Citizen.” (with Joan Costa-Font & Gilberto Turati). Cambridge University Press (CUP, 2020). BOOK:  https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108653015.

(1) BOOK CHAPTER: Public Choice and the Modern Welfare State.” (with R. Congleton, F. Bose, Y. Kim, and R. Pietrantonio) in Shughart, W. F., L. Razzolini and M. Reksulak (Eds.) Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Edward Elgar Publishers, Ltd. (2013). BOOK CHAPTER. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781849806039.00035