
Welcome to my personal web page!

I am an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Management Control at HEC Paris. I teach Financial Accounting on the MBA program at HEC and  my archival research expertise spans several areas: specifically, I conduct archival financial empirical research, investigating: (i) how firms' mandatory reporting and/or disclosure policies affect the decision-making behavior of capital market participants; (ii) how anti-corruption laws that seek to limit the influence of money in politics affect the behavior of firms and politicians; and (iii) how capital market participants (e.g., investors, creditors, analysts, suppliers) are making use of alternative sources of financial data (e.g., big data) in their decision-making.

My official HEC site


Department of Accounting & Management Control

Tél. : +33 1 39 67 72 11   |  Mobile : +33 7 53 18 07 35

Address : 1 Rue de la Libération 78351 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex   |  Office: W2 – 039  |  Email: mensah@hec.fr