Since September 2023, I am a Social Science Research Scholar at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, and a Lecturer in the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy at Stanford University. Before that, I was a Lecturer in Political Science at Stanford University, and the Director of the Data Science track in Political Science. teaching classes in the Department of Political Science and the Department of Economics.  Subjects include social data science, research methods, causal inference, and the math camp for incoming grad students in Political Science.

In my research, I focus on the evolution of cooperation among individuals and groups, with a particular emphasis on the role of reputational concerns. I also investigate the formation of preferences and of cultural norms, as well as their effects on behavior and long term outcomes. In older research, I study macroeconomic fluctuations and the economic effects of uncertainty. My research has been published in journals in economics, biology and political science, and makes use of formal modelling, causal identification and computer simulations. I received my PhD in economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.