Scientific production


[B6] Cunniffe, N, Hamelin, F., Iggidr, A., Rapaport, A. and Sallet, G. (2024) "Identifiability and Observability in Epidemiological Models - A primer", SpringerBriefs in Mathematics.

[B5] Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport A. and Sari T. (2021) "El quimiostato: Teoría matemática del cultivo continuo de microorganismos", ISTE International.

[B4] Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport A. and Sari T. (2019) "Optimal Control in Bioprocesses: Pontryagin's Maximum Principle in Practice" Wiley, Hoboken.

[B3] Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport A. and Sari T. (2019) "Optimisation des bioprocédés: pratique du principe du maximum de Pontryagin" ISTE, Londres.

[B2] Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport A. and Sari T. (2017) "The Chemostat: Mathematical Theory of Microorganisms Cultures". Wiley, Hoboken.

[B1] Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport A. et Sari T. (2017) "Le chémostat: théorie mathématique de la culture continue de micro-organismes". ISTE, Londres.


[P2] Rapaport A., Rousseau A., Harmand J. "Procédé de traitement d'une ressource fluide, programme d'ordinateur et module de traitement associés" (in french), Patent FR 3 006 309 - 13 55129, 2014.

[P1] Rapaport A., Harmand J., Haidar I., "Stabilisation de procédés biotechnologiques présentant une instabilité due à une inhibition par le substrat, par des configurations de type poche" (in french), Patent FR 2 986 522 - 12 51140, 2013.

Contributions in applied mathematics and automatic control:

[M90] Rapaport, A., Laraj, O. and El Khattabi, N. (2024) "Comparison of solutions for non-monotone dynamical systems", Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 191, N. 105862.

[M89] Goreac, D. and Rapaport, A. (2024) "L∞/L1 duality results in optimal control problems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (in press).

[M88] Goreac, D. and Rapaport, A. (2024) "About optimal control problem under duration constraint and infimum gap", AIMS Series on Applied Mathematics "Ivan Kupha Legay: a tour through controlled dynamics", Vol. 12, pp. 269-279.

[M87] Taylor, J., Rapaport, A. and Dochain, D. (2024) "Convex representation of metabolic networks with Michaelis-Menten kinetics", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 86, N. 65.

[M86] Guilmeau, T. and Rapaport, A. (2024) "Multiplicity of neutrally stable periodic orbits with coexistence in the chemostat subject to periodic removal rate", SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 84, N. 1, pp. 39-59.

[M85] Rapaport, A. and Mimouni, I. (2023) "The role of permanently resident populations in the two-patches SIR model with commuters", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 85, N. 3.

[M84] Molina, E., Rapaport, A. and Ramirez, H. (2022) "Equivalent formulations of optimal control problems with maximum cost and applications", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 195, pp. 953-975.

[M83] Guilmeau, T. and Rapaport, A. (2022) "Singular arcs in optimal periodic control problems with scalar dynamics and integral input constraint", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 195, pp. 548-574.

[M82] Dali-Youcef, M., Rapaport, A. and Sari, T. (2022) "Performance study of two serial interconnected chemostats with mortality", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 84, N. 10.

[M81] Molina, E. and Rapaport, A. (2022) "An optimal feedback control that minimizes the epidemic peak in the SIR model under a budget constraint", Automatica, Vol. 46.

[M80]  Taylor, J., Rapaport, A. and Dochain, D. (2022) "Convex optimization of bioprocesses", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 67.

[M79] Haidar, I., Barbot, J.-P. and Rapaport A. (2022) "A muti-observers approach for a class of bidimensional non-uniformly observable systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , Vol. 67, N. 12, pp. 6912-17.

[M78] Bayen, T., Boumaza, K. and Rapaport, A. (2021) "Necessary optimality condition for the minimal time crisis relaxing transverse condition via regularization", ESAIM Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 27, N. 105.

[M77] Caraballo, T., Lopez-de-laCruz, J. and Rapaport, A. (2021) "Study of the dynamics of two chemostats connected by Fickian diffusion with bounded random fluctuations", Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol. 22(3), N. 2240002.

[M76] Boumaza, K., Kalboussi, N., Rapaport, A., Roux, S. and Sinfort, C. (2021) "Optimal control of a crop irrigation model under water scarcity" Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol 42(6), pp. 1612-1631.

[M75] Boumaza, K., Bayen, T. and Rapaport, A. (2021) "Penalty function method for the minimal time problem", ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys, Vol. 71, pp. 21-32.

[M74] Bayen, T., Rapaport, A. and Tani F.-Z. (2020) "Improvement of performances of the chemostat used for continuous biological water treatment with periodic controls", Automatica Vol 121, N. 109199.

[M73] Caraballo, T., Colucci, R., Lopez de la Cruz, J. and Rapaport, A. (2020) "Study of the chemostat model with non-monotonic growth under random disturbances on the removal rate", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 17 (6), pp. 7480-7501.

[M72] Crespo, M. and Rapaport, A. (2020) "Analysis and optimization of the chemostat model with a lateral diffusive compartment", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 185, pp. 597–621.

[M71] Rapaport, A., Nidelet, T., El Aida S. and Harmand J. (2020) "About biomass overyielding of mixed cultures in batch processes", Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 322, pp. 1-26.

[M70] Ouchtout S., Mghazli Z., Harmand J., Rapaport A. and Bethachmi Z. (2020) "Analysis of an anaerobic digestion model in landfill with mortality term", Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 19 (4), pp. 2333-2346.

[M69] Rapaport, A. and Dochain D. (2020) "A robust asymptotic observer for systems that converge to unobservable states. A batch reactor case study", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 65(6), pp. 2693-2699.

[M68] Dali-Youcef, M., Rapaport, A. and Sari, T. (2020) "Study of performance criteria of serial configuration of two chemostats", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 17 (6), pp. 6278-6309.

[M67] Bayen T., Rapaport A. and Tani, F.-Z. (2020) "Optimal periodic control for scalar dynamics under integral constraint on the control", Mathematical Control and Related Fields, Vol. 10(3) , pp. 547-571.

[M66] Haddon, A., Ramirez, H. and Rapaport A. (2019) "Optimal and sub-optimal controls for biogas production", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications Vol. 183 (2), pp. 642-670.

[M65] Crespo, M., Ivorra, B., Ramos, A.M. and Rapaport A. (2019) "Shape optimization of spatial chemostat models", Elec. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 84, pp. 1-26.

[M64] Caraballo, T. Colucci, R. Lopez-de-la-Cruz, J. and Rapaport A. (2019) "A way to model stochastic perturbations in population dynamics models with bounded realizations", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Vol. 77, pp. 239-257.

[M63] Rapaport, A. and Riquelme, V. (2019) "Controlling recirculation rate for minimal-time bioremediation of natural water resources", Automatica, Vol. 106, pp. 77-82.

[M62] Bayen T. and Rapaport A. (2019) "Minimal time crisis versus minimal time to reach a viability kernel: : a case study in the prey-predator model", Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 40 (2), pp. 330-350.

[M61] Rapaport A. and Veruete M. (2019) "A new proof of the competitive exclusion principle in the chemostat", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, Vol. 24(8), pp. 3755-3764.

[M60] Kalboussi N., Rapaport A., Bayen, T. Ben Amar N., Ellouze F. and Harmand J. (2019) "Optimal control of membrane filtration systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64 (5).

[M59] Caraballo T., Garrido-Atienza M.-J., López-De-La-Cruz, J. and Rapaport A.  (2019) "Modeling and analysis of random and stochastic input flows in the chemostat model", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, Vol 24(8), pp. 3591-3614.

[M58] Rapaport A.(2018) "Properties of the chemostat model with aggregated biomass", European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 29 (6), pp. 972-990.

[M57] Rapaport, A. Rojas-Palma, A., de Dreuzy, J.-R. and Ramirez, H. (2017) "Equivalence of finite dimensional input-output models of solute transport and diffusion in geoscience", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62 (10), pp. 5470-5477.

[M56] Gajardo P., Harmand J., Ramirez H., Rapaport A., Riquelme V. and Rousseau A. (2017) "Modeling and control of in-situ decontamination of large water resources", ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys, Vol. 57, pp. 70-85.

[M55] Bayen, T. and Rapaport A. (2017) "About the minimal time crisis", ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys, Vol. 57, pp. 1-11.

[M54] Ramirez H., Rapaport A., Riqueleme, V. (2016) "Optimal feedback synthesis and minimal time function for the bioremediation of water resources with two patches", SIAM J. Control & Optim., Vol. 53 (4), pp. 1697-1718.

[M53] Fekih-Salem R., Rapaport A. and Sari T. (2016) "Emergence of coexistence and limit cycles in the chemostat model with flocculation for a general class of functional responses", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 40 (17-18), 7656-7677.

 [M52] Barbier S., Rapaport A. and Rousseau A. (2016) "Modelling of biological decontamination of water resource in natural environment and related feedback strategies", J. Scien. Comput., Vol. 68(3), 1267-1280.

[M51] Bayen T. and Rapaport A. (2016) "About Moreau-Yosida regularization of the minimal time crisis problem", J. Convex Analysis, Vol. 23(1), 263-290.

[M50] Rapaport A., Bayen, T. Sebbah, M. Donoso-Bravo A. and Torrico A. (2016) "Dynamical modelling and optimal control of landfills", Mathematical Methods and Models in Applied Sciences (M3AS), Vol. 26(3), 901-929.

[M49] Rapaport A., Haidar I. and Harmand J. (2015) "Global dynamics of the buffered chemostat for a general class of growth functions", J. Mathematical Biology, Vol. 71(1), pp. 69-98.

[M48]  Caraballo T., Han X. H., Kloeden P. and Rapaport A. (2015) "Dynamics of Nonautonomous Chemostat Models", Continuous and Distributed Systems II Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol. 30,  pp. 103-120.

[M47] Bayen T., Rapaport A. and Sebbah M. (2014) "Minimal time of the two tanks gradostat model under a cascade inputs constraint", SIAM J. Control & Optim., Vol. 52(4), pp. 2568-2594.

[M46] Rodriguez J.C., Ramirez H., Gajardo P. and Rapaport A. (2014) "Optimality of affine control system of several species in competition on a sequential batch reactor", Inter. J. Control, Vol. 87(9), pp. 1877-1885.

[M45] Fekih-Salem R., Harmand J., Lobry C., Rapaport, A. and Sari T. (2013) "Extensions of the chemostat model with flocculation", J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 397, pp. 292-306.

[M44] Gajardo P., Ramirez H. Riquelme V. and Rapaport A. (2012) "Bioremediation of natural resources via optimal control techniques", BIOMAT 2011 Mondaini R. Ed, Word Sci. Publ., pp. 178-190.

[M43] Dochain D., de Leenheer P. and Rapaport A. (2012) "About transgressive over-yielding in the chemostat", IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Vol. 45(2), pp. 653-658.

[M42] Jerry M., Raissi N. and Rapaport A. (2011) "Viability analysis for an explicit inshore-offshore model". JP Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1(1), pp. 41-60.

[M41] Rapaport A. and Dochain D. (2011) "Minimal time control of fed-batch processes with growth functions having several maxima", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 56(11), pp. 2671-2676.

[M40] Haidar I., Rapaport A. and Gérard F. (2011) "Effects of spatial structure and diffusion on the performances of the chemostat", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 8(4), pp. 953-971.

[M39] Gajardo P., Harmand J., Ramírez H. and Rapaport A. (2011) "Minimal-time bioremediation of natural water resources". Automatica, Vol. 47(8), pp. 1764-1769.

[M38] Mazouni, D., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Hammouri, H. (2010) "Optimal Time Switching Control for Multi Reaction Batch Process", Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 31, pp. 289-301.

[M37] Jerry M., Rapaport A. and Cartigny P. (2010), "Can protected areas potentially enlarge viability domains for harvesting management?" Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. Vol. 11 (2), pp. 720-734.

[M36] El Hajji M. and Rapaport A. (2009),"Practical coexistence of two species in the chemostat - a slow-fast characterization -", Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 218 (1), pp. 33-39. 

[M35] Piazza A. and Rapaport A. (2009), "Optimal Control of Renewable Resources with Alternative Use", Mathematical and Computer Modelling , Vol. 50 (1-2), pp. 260-272.

[M34] Rapaport A., Dochain D. and Harmand J. (2009), "Long run coexistence in the chemostat with multiple species", Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 257 (2), pp. 252-259. 

[M33] Rapaport A., Dochain D. and Harmand. J. (2008), "Practical coexistence in the chemostat with arbitrarily close growth functions", ARIMA, Vol. 9, pp. 231-243.

[M32] Gajardo, P., Ramirez, H. and Rapaport, A. (2008) "Minimal time sequential batch reactors with bounded and impulse controls for one or more species", SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 2827-2856. 

[M31] Dramé, A., Lobry, C., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Mazenc, F. (2008) "Multiple Stable Equilibrium Profiles in Tubular Bioreactors", Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 48, pp. 1840-1853. 

[M30] Rapaport, A. and Harmand, J. (2008), "Biological control of the chemostat with non-monotonic response and different removal rates", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 539-547. 

[M29] Rapaport, A., Harmand, J. and Mazenc, F. (2008) "Coexistence in the design of a series of two chemostats", Nonlinear Analysis : Real World Applications, Vol. 9, pp. 1052-1067. 

[M28] Haegeman, B. and Rapaport, A. (2008) "How flocculation can explain coexistence in the chemostat", Journal of Biological Dynamics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-13. 

[M27] Rapaport, A. and Cartigny, P. (2007) "Nonturnpike Optimal Solutions and Their Approximations in Infinite Horizon", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 1-14. 

[M26] Lobry, C., Mazenc, F. and Rapaport, A. (2007) "Persistence in Ratio-Dependent Models of Consumer-Resource Dynamics", Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conf. Vol. 15, pp. 211-220. 

[M25] Grognard, F., Mazenc, F. and Rapaport, A. (2007) "Polytopic Lyapunov functions for persistence analysis of competing species", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Serie B, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 73-93. 

[M24] Mazenc, F., Lobry, C. and Rapaport, A. (2006) "Stability Analysis of an Ecological Model", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 341, pp. 113-120. 

[M23] Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Mazenc, F. (2006), F."Output tracking of continuous bioreactors through recirculation and by-pass", Automatica, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1025-1032. 

[M22] Rapaport, A., Terreaux, J.P. and Doyen, L. (2006) "Viability analysis for the sustainable management of renewable resources", Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 43, pp. 466-484. 

[M21] Dramé, A., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Lobry, C. (2006), "Multiple steady state profiles in interconnected biological systems", Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 379-393. 

[M20] Di Marco, S. and Rapaport, A. (2005), "Characterization and Approximation of Value Functions of Differential Games with Maximum cost in Infinite Horizon", International Game Theory Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 369-393. 

[M19] Rapaport, A. and Dochain, D. (2005), "Interval Observers for Biochemical Processes with Uncertain Kinetics and Inputs", Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 193, No. 2, pp. 235-253. 

[M18] Lobry, C., Mazenc, F. and Rapaport, A. (2005), "Persistence in ecological models of competition for a single resource", Comptes-rendus Mathématiques, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 340(3), pp. 199-204. 

[M17] Rapaport, A. and Cartigny, P. (2005), "Competition between Most Rapid Approach Paths : Necessary and Sufficient Conditions", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 1-27. 

[M16] Rapaport, A. and Cartigny, P. (2004), "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Turnpike Optimality : The Singular Case", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Optimal Control, Stabilization and Nonsmooth Analysis, Springer, Vol. 301, pp. 85-100. 

[M15] Rapaport, A. and Cartigny, P. (2004), "Turnpike Theorems in Infinite Horizon by a Value Function Approach", ESAIM Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations (COCV), Vol. 10, pp. 123-141. 

[M14] Rapaport, A. and Maloum, M. (2004), "Design of exponential observers for nonlinear systems by embedding", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 14, pp. 273-288.

[M13] Rapaport, A. and Astolfi, A. (2004), "A remark on the stability of interconnected nonlinear systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 120-124. 

[M12] Rapaport, A. and Gouzé, J.L. (2003), "Parallelotopic and practical observers for nonlinear uncertain systems", International Journal of Control, Vol. 76, No. 3, pp. 237-251.    

[M11] Rapaport, A., Sraidi, S. and Terreaux, J.P. (2003), "Optimality of greedy and sustainable policies in the management of renewable resources", Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 23-44.

[M10] Rapaport, A, Astolfi, A., Ortega R. and Sepulchre R. (2002), "Discussion on : Stabilization and disturbance attenuation of nonlinear systems using dissipativity theory by A. Astolfi, R. Ortega and R. Sepulchre", European Journal of Control, Vol. 8, pp. 432-434. 

[M9] Rapaport, A. et Cartigny, P. (2002), "Théorème de l'Autoroute et équation d'Hamilton-Jacobi", Comptes-rendus Mathématiques, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 335(12), pp. 1091-1094. 

[M8] Doyen, L. and Rapaport, A. (2002), "Set-Valued Observers for Control Systems", Dynamics and Control, Vol. 11, pp. 283-296. 

[M7] Rapaport, A. and Astolfi, A. (2002), "Practical L2 disturbance attenuation for nonlinear systems", Automatica, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 139-145. 

[M6] Bernhard, P., Crepey, S. and Rapaport, A. (2001), "Comparison of two numerical schemes for barrier and value of a simple pursuit-evasion game", In Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications, Annals of the International Society of Dynamical Games, Vol. 6, Birkhauser, pp. 253-273. 

[M5] Astolfi, A. and Rapaport, A. (1998), "Robust stabilization of the angular velocity of a rigid body", Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 257-264. 

[M4] Rapaport, A. (1998), "Characterization of barriers of differential games", Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 151-180. 

[M3] Rapaport, A. and Vinter, R. (1996), "Invariance Properties of Time Measurable Differential Inclusions and Dynamic Programming", Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 423-448. 

[M2] Bernhard, P. and Rapaport, A. (1996), "Min-Max Certainty Equivalence Principle for Differential Games", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, No. 8, pp. 825-842.

[M1] Bernhard, P. and Rapaport, A. (1995), "On a theorem of Danskin with an application to a theorem of von Neumann-Sion", Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1163-1181.

Contributions in applicative domains:

[A54] Haddon, A., Rapaport, A., Roux, S. and Harmand, J. (2023) "Model Based Optimization of Fertilization with Treated Wastewater Reuse", Advances in Water Resources, Vol; 181, N. 104561.

[A53] Ellouze, F., Kammoun, Y., Kalboussi, N., Rapaport, A., Harmand, J., Nasr, S. and Ben Amar, N. (2023) "Optimal control of backwash scheduling for pumping energy saving: Application to the treatment of urban Wastewater", Journal of Water Process Engineering , Vol. 56.

[A52] Didi, I., Rapaport, A., Dib, H. and Cherki, B. (2023) "A positive observer for the chemostat model with biogas measurement", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 122, pp. 49-58.

[A51] Kefi, M., Kalboussi, N., Rapaport, A., Harmand, J. and Gabtni, H. (2023) "Model-based approach for treated wastewater reuse strategies focusing on water and its nitrogen content - a case study for olive growing farms in peri-urban areas of Sousse, Tunisia", Water, Vol. 15(4), N. 755.

[A50] Ait-Mouheb, N., Bouarfa, S., Collard A.L, Guigui C., Labille J., Lombard R., Mathias J.-D., Molle, B., Molle, P., Patureau, D., Rapaport A., Roche N., Sperandio M., Tomas  S., Harmand J. (2023) "The challenges of Process Engineering for the reuse of treated wastewater within INRAE's REUSE network - the need for a multidisciplinary and multi-scale approach", MATECWeb, Vol. 379, N. 08001.

[A49] Kalboussi, N., Biard, Y., Pradeleix, L., Rapaport, A., Sinfort, C. and Ait-Mouheb, N. (2022) "Life-cycle assessment as decision support tool for water reuse in agriculture irrigation", Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 836, N. 155486.

[A48] Tan, S., Krichen, E., Rapaport, A., Passeport, E. and Josh, T. (2022) "Fitting second-order cone constraint to microbial growth data", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 118, pp. 165-169.

[A47] Rapaport, A., David, R., Dochain, D., Harmand, J. and Nidelet, T. (2022) "Consideration of maintenance in wine fermentation modeling", Foods, Vol. 11, N. 1682.

[A46] Taylor, J., Rapaport, A. and Dochain, D. (2022) "A sequential convex moving horizon estimator for bioprocesses", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 116, pp. 19-24.

[A45] Haidar, I., Desmond-Le Quéméner, E., Barbot, J.-P., Harmand, J. and Rapaport, A. (2022) "Modelling and optimal control of an electro-fermentation process within a batch culture", Processes, Vol. 10, N. 535.

[A44] Coche, A., Babey, T., Rapaport, A., Vieublé-Gonod, L., Garnier, P., Nunam, N. and de Dreuzy, J.R. (2022) "Competition between low-density bacteria as an unexpected factor regulating carbon mineralization in bulk soil", Soil Biology & Biochemistry , Vol. 164.

[A43] Hanaki, M., Harmand, J. Mghazli, Z., Rapaport, A., Sari, T. and Ugalde, P. (2021) " Mathematical study of a two-stage anaerobic model when hydrolysis is the limiting step", Processes, Vol. 9 N. 2050.

[A42] Krichen, E., Rapaport, A. Le Floc'h, E and Fouilland, E. (2021) "A new kinetics model to predict the growth of micro-algae subject to fluctuating availability of light", Algal Research, Vol. 58, N. 102362.

[A41] Taylor, J. and Rapaport, A. (2021) "Second-order cone optimization for the gradostat" Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 151, N. 107347.

[A40] Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Dochain D. (2020) "Increasing the dilution rate can globally stabilize two-step biological systems", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 95, pp. 67-74.

[A39] Ugalde-Salas, P., Desmond-Le Quemener, E., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Bouchez T. (2020) "Insights from Microbial Transition State Theory on Monod's Affinity Constant", Scientific Reports Vol. 10, N. 5323.

[A38] Krichen E. Rapaport A., Fouilland E. (2020) "About frame estimation of growth functions and robust prediction in bioprocess modeling", Journal of Process Control Vol. 85, pp. 121-135.

[A37] Krichen E., Rapaport A., Le Floc'h E. and Fouilland E. (2019) "Demonstration of facilitation between microalgae to face environmental stress", Scientific Reports 9:16076, pp. 1-11.

[A36] Kalboussi N., Roux S., Cheviron B. Harmand J, Rapaport A. and Sinfort C. (2018) "Contribution of modeling to the decision support for agriculture reuse of treated wastewater", Journal International Sciences de l'Eau, du Climat et de l'Environnement, Vol. III (1), pp. 102-107.

[A35] Crespo M., Orsoni J., Bortoli J. Rapaport A., Rousseau A. and Jauzein V. (2018) "Optimal strategies to refill hydric reservoirs with reused water - application to the Jaunay case study", Journal of Water Science, Vol. 31(4), pp. 377-385.

[A34] Landa M., Blain S., Harpmand J., Monchy J. Rapaport A. and Obernosterer, I. (2018) "Major changes in the composition of a Southern Ocean bacteria community in response to diatom-derived dissolved organic matter", FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 94(4).

[A33] Ait-Mouheb N., Bahri A., Ben Thayer B., Benyahia B., Bourrié G., Cherki B., Condom N., Declercq R., Gunes A., Héran M., Kitir N., Molle N., Patureau D., Pollice A., Rapaport A., Renault P., Riahi K., Romagny B., Sari T., Sinfort C., Steyer J.P., Talozi S., Topcuoglu B., Turan M., Wéry N., Yıldırım E. and Harmand J. (2018) "The reuse of reclaimed water for irrigation around the Mediterranean Rim: a step towards a more virtuous cycle?", Regional Environmental Change, Vol 18(3), pp. 693-705.

[A32] Krichen E., Harmand J., Torrijos M., Godon J.J., Bernet N. and Rapaport A. (2018) "High diversity biomass promotes density-dependent growth rate", Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 130, pp. 66-75.

[A31] Kalboussi N., Harmand J., Rapaport A., Bayen T., Ellouze F. and Ben Amar N. (2018) "Optimal control of physical backwash strategy - towards the enhancement of membrane filtration process performance", J. of Membrane Science , Vol. 545, pp. 38-48.

[A30] Rapaport A. (2018) "Some non-intuitive properties of simple extensions of the chemostat model", Ecological Complexity, Vol. 34, 111-118.

[A29] Babey T., de Dreuzy J.R., Rapaport A. and Rojas-Palma A. (2017) "Inherent relevance of MRMT models to concentration variance and mixing-induced reactivity", Advances in Water Resources , Vol. 110, pp. 291-298.

[A28] Crespo, M., Ivorra, B., Ramos, A. and Rapaport A. (2017) "Modeling and optimization of activated sludge bioreactors for wastewater treatment taking into account spatial inhomogeneities", J. of Process Control, Vol. 54, pp. 118-128.

[A27] Babey T., Vieublé-Gonod L., Rapaport A., Pinhiero M., Garnier P. and de Dreuzy J.-R. (2017) "Spatio-temporal simulations of 2,4-D pesticide degradation by micro-organisms in 3D soil-core experiments", Ecological Modelling, Vol. 344, pp. 48-61.

[A26] Pimentel G., Almeida P., Hantson A.-L., Rapaport A. and Vande-Wouver A. (2017)  "Experimental validation of a simple dynamic model of a laboratory scale recirculating aquaculture system fitted with submerged membrane bioreactor", Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 122, pp. 1-12.

[A25] Wade M., Harmand J., Benyahia B., Bouchez T., Chaillou S., Cloez B., Godon J.J., Lobry C., Moussa Boubjemaa B., Rapaport A., Sari T. and Arditi R. (2016) "Perspectives in Mathematical Modelling for Microbial Ecology", Ecological Modelling, Vol. 321, pp. 64-74.

[A24] Courties A., Riedel T. Rapaport A., Lebaron P. and Suzuki M. (2015) "Light-driven increase in carbon yield is linked to maintenance in the proteorhodopsin-containing Photobacterium angustum S14", Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 6, article 688.

[A23] Pimentel G., VandeWouver A. Harmand J. and Rapaport A. (2015) "Design, Analysis and Validation of a Simple Dynamic Model of a Submerged Membrane Bioreactor", Water Research, Vol. 70, pp. 97-108.

[A22] Jaillard B., Rapaport A., Harmand J., Brauman A. and Nunan N. (2014) "Community assembly effects shape the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships", Functional ecology, Vol. 28 (6), pp. 1523-33.

[A21] Perveen N., Barot S., Alvarez G., Klumpp K., Martin R., Rapaport A. and Fontaine S. (2014) "Priming effect and microbial diversity in ecosystem functioning and response to global change: a modeling approach using the SYMPHONY model", Global Change Biology, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 1174-1190.

[A20] Tapia E., Donoso-Bravo A., Cabrol L., Alves M., Pereira A., Rapaport A. and Ruiz-Filippi G. (2014) "A methodology for a quantitative interpretation of DGGE with the help of mathematical modelling. Application in bio-hydrogen production", Water Science and Technology, Vol 69(3), pp. 511-517.

[A19] de Dreuzy J.R., Rapaport A., Babey, T. and Harmand J. (2013) "Influence of porosity structures on mixing-induced reactivity at chemical equilibrium in mobile/immobile Multi-Rate Mass Transfer (MRMT) and Multiple INteracting Continua (MINC) models", Water Resources Research, Vol. 49, pp. 1-19.

[A18] Sieber J., Rapaport A., Rodrigues S. and M. Desroches (2013) "A method for the reconstruction of unkwnown non-monotonic growth functions in the chemostat", Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng., Vol. 36, pp. 1497-1507.

[A17] Hajji, M. and Rapaport A. (2013) "Design of a Cascade Observer for a Model of Bacterial Batch Culture with Nutrient Recycling", In Biomass Now, Cultivation and Utilization, Chap. 5, IntechOpen, pp. 97-112.

[A16] Deygout C., Lesne A., Campillo F. and Rapaport A. (2012) "Homogenised model linking microscopic and macroscopic dynamics of a biofilm: application to  growth in a plug flow reactor", Ecological  Modelling, Vol 250, pp. 15-24.

[A15] Haidar I., Rapaport A. and Gérard F. (2011) "Comparison of numerical simulations of reactive transport and chemostat-like models", Computational Ecology and Software, Vol. 1(4), pp. 224-239.

[A14] Ranjard L., Dequiedt S., Jolivet C., Saby N., Thioulouse J., Harmand J., Loisel P., Rapaport A., Fall S., Simonet P., Joffre R., Chemidlin-Prévost Bouré J., Maron P.-A., Mougel C., Martin M., Toutain B., Arrouays D. and Lemanceau P. (2010) "Biogeography of soil microbial communities: a review and a description of the ongoing french national initiative". Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 30 (10), pp. 359-366.

[A13] Martinet V., Thébaud O. and Rapaport A. (2010) "Hare or Tortoise? Trade-offs in Recovering Sustainable Bioeconomic Systems". Environ Model Assess, Vol. 15, pp. 503-517.

[A12] Dumont M. , Harmand J., Rapaport A. and Godon J.J. (2009), "Toward functional molecular fingerprints", Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. Vol. 11 (7), pp. 1717-1727.

[A11] Harmand J., Rapaport A., Dochain D. and Lobry C. (2008) "Microbial ecology and bioprocess control: Opportunities and challenges", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 865-875. 

[A10] Lobry, C., Mazenc, F. and Rapaport, A. (2006), "Sur un modèle densité-dépendant de compétition pour une ressource", Comptes-rendus Biologie, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 329(2), pp. 63-70.

[A9] Alcaraz-Gonzalez, V., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A., Steyer, J.P., Gonzalez-Alcarez, V. and Pelayo-Ortiz, C. (2005), "Robust interval-based regulation for anaerobic digestion processes", Water Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 1-2, pp. 449-456.

[A8] Alcaraz-Gonzalez, V., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A., Steyer, J.P., Gonzalez-Alcarez, V. and Pelayo-Ortiz, C. (2005), "Application of a robust interval observer to an anaerobic digestion process", Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3-4, pp. 267-278.

[A7] Ami, D., Cartigny, P. and Rapaport, A. (2005), "The Role of Marine Protected Area in the Optimal Management of Fisheries", Comptes-Rendus Biologie, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 328(4), pp. 357-366. 

[A6] Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Dramé, A. (2004), "Optimal Design of two interconnected enzymatic bioreactors", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 785-794. 

[A5] Harmand, J., Rapaport, A. and Trofino, A. (2003), "Optimal design of a series of two reactors - some new results", American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1433-1450.

[A4] Alcaraz-Gonzalez, V., Harmand, J., Rapaport, A., Steyer J.P., Gonzalez-Alcarez, V. and Pelayo-Ortiz, C. (2002), "Software sensors for higly uncertain WWTPs : a new approach based on intervals observers", Water Research, No. 36, pp. 2515-2524.

[A3] Rapaport, A. and Harmand, J. (2002), "Robust regulation of a class of partially observed nonlinear continuous bioreactors", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 291-302.

[A2] Gouzé, J.L., Rapaport, A. and Hadj-Sadok, Z. (2000), "Interval observers for uncertain biological systems" Ecological Modelling, Vol. 133, No. 1, pp. 45-56.

[A1] Rapaport, A. and Bernhard, P. (1995), "On a planar pursuit game with imperfect knowledge of a coordinate" Automatique Productique Informatique Industrielle, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 575-601.