Entity Framework FAQ

  1. Architecture

      1. What are the key justifications to Entity Framework as ORM solutions.

      2. Why we should use ORM framework at all.

      3. In what type of application we should use entity framework.

      4. What are the performance consideration of using entity framework.

      5. Can entity framework handle bulk transaction and high volume of concurrent transactions

  2. Conceptual Models

  1. Mapping

  1. Entity Sets

  1. Relationships and Entity Mapping

  1. Object customization

  1. Stored Procedure and Functions

  1. Code Generations and Customization

  1. Architectural Discussions

  1. Object Context

  1. Connection and Transaction Management

  1. Querying Data

  1. Serialization and web Services

  1. Data Binding

  1. Concurrency

  1. Miscellaneous

  1. Performances


  1. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/3737.entity-framework-faq.aspx