Website of Akihiko Monnai
Akihiko Monnai
Lecturer, Osaka Institute of Technology
Doctor of Science (received in Hatsuda Group, the University of Tokyo)
Department of General Education, Faculty of Engineering
5-16-1 Omiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-8585 Japan
Tel: +81(0)6-6167-6451
Research Interests
I mainly study phenomenological description for a hot and dense quantum chromodynamics (QCD) matter called quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. My recent studies cover the following topics:
Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics
Red hydrodynamic model for momentum dependent hydrodynamization
Tsallis statistics for hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions
Vortical effects on hadronic particle production
Theory of Landau and Eckart frames and its consequences in numerical analyses of heavy-ion collisions
Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and conserved charge densities
Constraints on the QCD equation of state based on particle spectra
Measurement of temperature-dependent viscosity with flow harmonics at forward rapidity
Analyses of two-particle pseudorapidity correlations with Legendre polynomial expansion
Longitudinal viscous hydrodynamics for rapidity distribution of the color glass condensate
Second-order relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics with multiple components and conserved currents
Bulk viscous effects on particle spectra due to modification of the phase space distribution at freeze-out
QCD at finite density and critical point
Four-dimensional QCD equation of state with baryon, charge and strangeness chemical potentials
Baryon junction and neutron skin effects in isobar collisions
Equation of state with baryon, charge and strangeness and particle production in hydrodynamic models
Baryon diffusion in the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model at beam energy scan energies
Effects of enhanced bulk viscosity near the QCD critical point on observables
Charged pion elliptic flow difference with finite-density analytical hydrodynamics
Analytical solutions of viscous hydrodynamics at finite densities for flow harmonics
Finite-density hydrodynamic evolution with diffusion and viscosities for the baryon stopping
Electromagnetic probes
Interplay of prompt, glasma and thermal photons in high-energy nuclear collisions
Thermal photon v2 with quasi-particle distributions motivated by lattice QCD equation of state
Development of azimuthal anisotropy of prompt photons by QCD medium refraction
Enhancement of elliptic flow of thermal photons with slow quark chemical equilibration
Initial state and approach to equilibrium
Early thermalization and chemical equilibration of heavy ion system by collinear parton splittings
Contribution of quarks to center domain structure and its implications for fluidity and opacity in the QGP
Recent Highlights
Four-dimensional QCD equation of state from A. Monnai, G. Pihan, B. Schenke and C. Shen, Phys. Rev. C 110, 044905 (2024).
QCD equation of state with Tsallis statistics from K. Kyan, A. Monnai, Phys. Rev. D 106, 054004 (2022).
Prompt, pre-equilibirum, and thermal photon spectra from A. Monnai, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 37(11n12), 2230006 (2022).
What's New
November 7, 2024 New! - I gave a talk "Four-dimensional equation of state of QCD matter with multiple chemical potentials" at Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2024 (HHIQCD2024) (October 14-November 15, 2024, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan).
October 4, 2024 - I gave an invited talk "Quark matter and equation of state at finite densities in nuclear collisions" at the 41st Heavy Ion Pub Meeting (October 4, 2024, Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan).
September 22-27, 2024 - We had an international conference The 12th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2024) in Nagasaki, Japan.
September 17, 2024 - I gave a talk "Photon emission of hot QCD matter with Tsallis statistics" at Annual Meeting 2024, The Physical Society of Japan (September 16-19, 2024, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan).
August 29, 2024 - I gave a talk "Diffusion dynamics of the QCD matter at finite densities" at Setouchi Summer Institute 2024 (August 28-30, 2024, Hiroshima (hybrid), Japan).
August 21, 2024 - I gave a talk "Four-dimensional QCD equation of state at finite chemical potentials" at the XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (August 18-24, 2024, Cairns, Australia).
August 2, 2024 - We are pleased to announce that the four-dimensional extension of the QCD equation state model NEOS-4D is officially available at
June 18, 2024 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, Grégoire Pihan, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen, "Four-dimensional QCD equation of state with multiple chemical potentials", arXiv:2406.11610 [nucl-th] (accepted in Phys. Rev. C).
May 31, 2024 - We submitted an original article: Gregoire Pihan, Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen, "Unveiling baryon charge carriers through charge stopping in isobar collisions", arXiv:2405.19439 [nucl-th] (accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett.).
April 1, 2024 - The research proposal "Integrated study of dense quark matter in nuclear collisions" (conductor: Akihiko Monnai) has been accepted for JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (No. 24K07030).
March 20, 2024 - I gave a talk "Diffusion processes in hot and dense QCD matter" at the Spring Meeting 2024, The Physical Society of Japan (March 18-22, 2024, online).
March 18, 2024 - I was awarded "IOP Trusted Reviewer" status by IOP Publishing (Institute of Physics, UK).
October 2, 2023 - I wrote an article "Quark soup at several trillion degrees" in the "Laboratory Voices" section of the Osaka Institute of Technology website.
September 21, 2023 - I gave a talk "Hydrodynamic model of hot and dense QCD matter in heavy-ion collisions" at Setouchi Summer Institute 2023 (September 20-22, 2023, Hiroshima University, Japan).
September 14, 2023 - My research seeds "Quark-gluon plasma: a world of several trillion degrees " is available for Innovation Days 2023 held by Osaka Institute of Technology (Japanese).
August 29, 2023 - I gave a talk "Phenomenologies of QCD equation of state in high-energy nuclear collisions" at the KEK Workshop "Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Its Applications" (August 28-30, 2023, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan).
April 24, 2023 - I gave a talk "Momentum-dependence of hydrodynamization in heavy-ion collisions" at The 9th Asian Triangle Heavy-Ion Conference (ATHIC 2023) (April 24-27, 2023, Hiroshima, Japan).
March 23, 2023 - I gave a talk "Hydrodynamic model of quark matter with low momentum components" at the Spring Meeting 2023, The Physical Society of Japan (March 22-25, 2023, online).
March 1, 2023 - I gave a talk "Red hydrodynamic model of quark matter in nuclear collisions" at Interdisciplinary Science Conference in Okinawa (ISCO 2023) (February 27-March 3, 2023, OIST, Japan).
January 3, 2023 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Hydrodynamic model of heavy-ion collisions with low momentum components", arXiv:2301.00588 [nucl-th] (published as J. Phys. G 50 (2023) 095103).
November 18, 2022 - I gave an invited seminar "Phenomenological aspects of QCD equation of state in nuclear collisions" at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan).
November 18, 2022 - My interview is now available in the "Young Researchers for Creating Tomorrow" section of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Forum website (Japanese).
September 28, 2022 - I gave a talk "Relativistic nonextensive hydrodynamic model of the hot QCD matter" at Setouchi Summer Institute 2022 (September 26-28, 2022, Hiroshima University, Japan).
September 6, 2022 - My research seeds "Quark-gluon plasma: a world of several trillion degrees " is now available for Innovation Days 2022 held by Osaka Institute of Technology (Japanese).
June 9, 2022 - I am happy to announce that my invited review "Direct Photons in Hydrodynamic Modeling of Relativistic Nuclear Collisions" has been published as Akihiko Monnai, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 37(11n12), 2230006 (2022).
May 3, 2022 - We submitted an original article: K. Kyan, A. Monnai, "QCD equation of state with Tsallis statistics for heavy-ion collisions", arXiv:2205.01742 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. D 106 (2022) 054004).
April 1, 2022 - I joined Department of General Education, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology as a Lecturer.
March 25, 2022 - I submitted an invited review article: Akihiko Monnai, "Direct Photons in Hydrodynamic Modeling of Relativistic Nuclear Collisions", arXiv:2203.13208 [nucl-th].
September 14, 2021 - I gave a talk "Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and net baryon densities in the QGP fluid" at the Autumn Meeting 2021, The Physical Society of Japan (September 14-17, 2021, Kobe University, Japan).
September 8, 2021 - I presented a poster "Hydrodynamic analyses of nuclear collisions in Landau and Eckart frames" at PANIC 2021 (September 5-11, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal (online)).
April 15, 2021 - We are happy to announce that our invited review "QCD Equation of State at Finite Chemical Potentials for Relativistic Nuclear Collisions" has been published as Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 36(07), 2130007 (2021) and highlighted as a feature article on the journal front page.
January 27, 2021 - We submitted an invited review article: Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke, Chun Shen, "QCD Equation of State at Finite Chemical Potentials for Relativistic Nuclear Collisions", arXiv:2101.11591 [nucl-th].
January 10, 2021 - I gave a bullet talk "Photon emission in initial and hydrodynamic stages of nuclear collisions" at Initial Stages 2021 (January 10-15, 2021, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (online)).
September 19, 2020 - I gave a talk "Relativistic hydrodynamic model of quark matter" (in Japanese) at the Annual Meeting 2020, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (September 18-20, 2020, Yamaguchi University, Japan).
September 14, 2020 - I gave an invited talk "Equation of state at finite densities for QCD matter in nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) for the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan at the Autumn Meeting 2020, The Physical Society of Japan (September 14-17, 2020, Tsukuba University, Japan).
September 5, 2020 - I wrote an invited article Equation of State of the Strong Interaction―From the Viewpoint of Nuclear Collisions (in Japanese) for Nihon Butsuri Gakkaishi (Butsuri), Issue of September 2020. The full article is available online for JPS members here.
June 19, 2020 - I gave an invited seminar "Prompt, pre-equilibrium and thermal photons in nuclear collisions" at BNL Nuclear Theory Virtual Seminar in Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY, USA).
April 1, 2020 - I joined Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University as a Full-Time Lecturer and launched Monnai Group.
March 31, 2020 - Featured news article "IPNS Postdoctoral Fellows Kota Nakagiri and Akihiko Monnai received the 14th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan in 2020" (in Japanese) is released by Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.
March 31, 2020 - Review article "Equation of state at finite densities for QCD matter in nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) for Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan is available in Genshikaku Kenkyu 64(2).
March 17, 2020 - I have received the 14th "Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan" for Theoretical Nuclear Physics.
March 17, 2020 - My invited lecture for the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan "Equation of state at finite densities for QCD matter in nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) is recognized in the Annual Meeting 2020, The Physical Society of Japan.
February 24, 2020 - We submitted an original article: Hidetoshi Taya, Aaron Park, Sungtae Cho, Philipp Gubler, Koichi Hattori, Juhee Hong, Xu-Guang Huang, Su Houng Lee, Akihiko Monnai, Akira Ohnishi, Makoto Oka, Di-Lun Yang (ExHIC-P Collaboration), "Signatures of the vortical quark-gluon plasma in hadron yields", arXiv:2002.10082 [nucl-th] (accepted in Phys. Rev. C Rapid Communications).
January 10, 2020 - I gave a seminar "QCD properties at finite densities in nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) in Nuclear Theory Group, Osaka University.
November 6, 2019 - I gave a talk "QCD equation of state at finite densities for nuclear collisions" at the Quark Matter 2019 (November 3-9, 2019, Wuhan, China).
November 1, 2019 - I was selected as a winner of the 14th "Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan" for Theoretical Nuclear Physics in 2020.
September 20, 2019 - I gave a talk "Photon production in non-equilibrium processes of quark matter" (in Japanese) at the Autumn Meeting 2019, The Physical Society of Japan (September 17-20, 2019, Yamagata University, Japan).
September 14, 2019 - I gave a talk "Viscous fluid dynamics in high-energy nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) at the Annual Meeting 2019, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (September 13-15, 2019, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan).
September 3, 2019 - I gave a poster and short oral presentation "Hydrodynamic analyses of heavy-ion collisions in Landau and Eckart frames" (in Japanese) at the Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Its Applications (September 2-4, 2019, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan).
August 19, 2019 - I gave an invited talk "Geometry and Glauber Model" (in Japanese) at the Tutorial Workshop "Physics of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions: Basics, Frontiers, Issues and Prospects" (August 19-21, 2019, RIKEN, Wako, Japan).
July 22, 2019 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Prompt, pre-equilibrium, and thermal photons in relativistic nuclear collisions", arXiv:1907.09266 [nucl-th] (published as J. Phys. G 47, 075105 (2020)).
April 26, 2019 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Landau and Eckart frames for relativistic fluids in nuclear collisions", arXiv:1904.11940 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 100, 014901 (2019)).
March 28, 2019 - I gave a talk "Hydrodynamic approach to nuclear collisions at beam energy scan energies" at the International Molecule-type Workshop "Hadron Interactions and Polarization from Lattice, Quark Model and High-Energy Collisions" (March 25-April 5, 2019, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan).
February 23, 2019 - We are pleased to announce that our QCD equation of state model NEOS is officially available at
February 16, 2019 - I gave an invited talk "QCD matter at finite density in relativistic nuclear collisions" at Nagoya Mini-Workshop "Phenomenology and experiments at RHIC and the LHC" (February 16, 2019, Nagoya University, Japan).
February 13, 2019 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke and Chun Shen, "Equation of state at finite densities for QCD matter in nuclear collisions", arXiv:1902.05095 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 100, 024907 (2019)).
November 30, 2018 - I gave an invited seminar "Exploring finite-density QCD matter in nuclear collisions" in Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan).
November 12-17, 2018 - We had an international conference The 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP 2018) in Tsukuba, Japan.
November 5, 2018 - I gave an invited seminar "The quark-gluon plasma fluid at finite density" at Quantum Hadron Physics Group in RIKEN (Wako, Japan).
October 19, 2018 - I gave an invited seminar "Phenomenological constraint on the equation of state and transport coefficients of QCD matter in nuclear collisions" (in Japanese) in Tsukuba University Particle Theory Group (Tsukuba, Japan).
October 3, 2018 - I gave a talk "Possible thermal photons in pp collisions and their effects in AA collisions" at Hard Probes 2018 (September 30-October 5, 2018, Aix-les-Bains, France).
September 24, 2018 - Our paper "G. S. Denicol, C. Gale, S. Jeon, A. Monnai, B. Schenke and C. Shen, Net baryon diffusion in fluid dynamic simulations of relativistic heavy-ion collisions" is published (Phys. Rev. C 98, 034916 (2018)) and selected for Editors' Suggestion.
June 30, 2018 - I gave an invited talk "Frontiers of hydrodynamic modeling of the QGP, initial states, chiral magnetic effect and vorticity" at the 35th Heavy Ion Cafe and 27th Heavy Ion Pub Joint Meeting (June 30, 2018, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan).
June 7, 2018 - I gave a talk "Constraining the QCD equation of state in hadron colliders" at New Frontiers in QCD 2018 - Confinement, Phase Transition, Hadrons, and Hadron Interactions - (May 28-June 29, 2018, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan).
May 24, 2018 - I gave an invited talk "Constraining QCD transport coefficients in hadron colliders" at the 20th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2018) (May 21-25, 2018, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan).
May 15, 2018 - I presented a poster "Constraining the QCD equation of state with identified particle spectra" at Quark Matter 2018 (May 13-19, 2018, Venice, Italy).
May 1, 2018 - I was recognized as an "Outstanding Reviewer" for Physics Letters B (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands) in October 2017.
April 27, 2018 - We submitted an original article: Gabriel S. Denicol, Charles Gale, Sangyong Jeon, Akihiko Monnai, Björn Schenke and Chun Shen, "Net baryon diffusion in fluid dynamic simulations of relativistic heavy-ion collisions", arXiv:1804.10557 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 98, 034916 (2018)).
April 1, 2018 - I joined KEK Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan as a KEK Postdoctoral Fellow.
March 8, 2018 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and conserved charge densities in the QGP fluid", arXiv:1803.03318 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 98, 034902 (2018)).
December 1, 2017 - I gave a talk "Effects of QCD critical point on electromagnetic probes" at Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter: From Lattice QCD to Heavy-Ion Collision Experiments (November 27-December 1, 2017, ECT*, Trento, Italy).
July 26, 2017 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai and Jean-Yves Ollitrault, "Constraining the equation of state with identified particle spectra", arXiv:1707.08466 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 96, 044902 (2017)).
February 14, 2017 - I gave a talk "Inhomogeneous thermalization of the quark-gluon plasma" at QCD in Finite Temperature and Heavy-Ion Collisions (February 13-15, 2017, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA).
February 8, 2017 - I gave a talk "Effects of enhanced bulk viscosity near the QCD critical point" at Quark Matter 2017 (February 5-11, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA).
October 12, 2016 - I gave a talk "QCD critical point and photons in heavy-ion collisions" at Rencontres-QGP France 2016 (October 10-13, 2016, Étretat, France).
August 1, 2016 - I gave a talk "Phenomenological signals of QCD critical point in heavy-ion collisions" at Extreme QCD 2016 (August 1-3, 2016, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK).
July 13, 2016 - I gave a talk "QCD critical point and thermal photons" at Strong and Electroweak Matter 2016 (July 11-15, 2016, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway).
June 3, 2016 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, Swagato Mukherjee and Yi Yin, "Phenomenological consequences of enhanced bulk viscosity near the QCD critical point", arXiv:1606.00771 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 95, 034902 (2017)).
April 1, 2016 - I joined Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT), CNRS/CEA in Saclay, France as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad.
January 22, 2016 - We organized a workshop: RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop "Opportunities for Exploring Longitudinal Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC" (January 20-22, 2016, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA).
December 7, 2015 - We submitted an original article: Gabriel Denicol, Akihiko Monnai and Björn Schenke, "Moving forward to constrain the shear viscosity of QCD matter", arXiv:1512.01538 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 212301 (2016)).
September 29, 2015 - I presented a poster "Photon flow harmonics vn with chemical equilibration and non-ideal gas distribution" at Quark Matter 2015 (September 27-October 3, 2015, Kobe, Japan).
September 23, 2015 - I gave a talk "In-medium quasiparticle distributions and QGP photons" at Yukawa Institute Molecule-type workshop "Selected topics in the physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions" (September 7-26, 2015, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan).
September 15, 2015 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai and Björn Schenke, "Pseudorapidity correlations in heavy ion collisions from viscous fluid dynamics", arXiv:1509.04103 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Lett. B 752, 317 (2016)).
July 17, 2015 - We submitted an original article: Yoshitaka Hatta, Akihiko Monnai and Bo-Wen Xiao, "Elliptic flow difference of charged pions in heavy-ion collisions", arXiv:1507.04690 [hep-ph] (published as Nucl. Phys. A 947, 155 (2016)).
June 30, 2015 - I gave a talk "Chemically non-equilibrated QGP and thermal photon elliptic flow" at Hard Probes 2015 (June 29-July 3, 2015, McGill University, Montreal, Canada).
June 9, 2015 - I gave an invited talk "Photon Elliptic Flow: Possible Mechanisms of Enhancement" at 2015 RHIC & AGS Annual Users' Meeting (June 9-12, 2015, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA).
May 23, 2015 - I gave an invited talk "Hydrodynamic description of QCD matter at finite densities" at Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics 2015 (May 19-24, 2015, Vail, Colorado, USA).
May 19, 2015 - We submitted an original article: Yoshitaka Hatta, Akihiko Monnai and Bo-Wen Xiao, "Flow harmonics vn at finite density", arXiv:1505.04226 [hep-ph] (published as Phys. Rev. D 92, 114010 (2015)).
April 3, 2015 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Effective distributions of quasi-particles for thermal photons", arXiv:1504.00406 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 92, 014905 (2015)).
March 19, 2015 - I gave a seminar "Relativistic hydrodynamic models at finite net baryon density" at Seminar in Hadronic Physics (McGill University, Montreal, Canada).
February 27, 2015 - I gave an invited talk "Baryon diffusion in heavy-ion collisions" at Theory and Modeling for the Beam Energy Scan: from Exploration to Discovery (February 26-27, 2015, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA).
February 6, 2015 - I gave a seminar "Elliptic flow of thermal photons in heavy-ion collisions" at Nuclear Theory Seminar (Columbia University, New York, USA).
January 8, 2015 - I gave a seminar "Quarks, gluons and photons in heavy-ion collisions" at Nuclear Theory Group Seminar (Osaka University, Japan).
September 26, 2014 - I gave a talk "Effects of quark chemical equilibration on thermal photon elliptic flow" at Hot Quarks 2014 (September 21-27, 2014, Almería, Andalucía, Spain).
September 5, 2014 - I gave a talk "Quark chemical equilibration and thermal photons in heavy-ion collisions" at RIKEN Symposium/iTHES Workshop "Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications" 2014 (September 3-5, 2014, RIKEN, Wako, Japan).
August 25, 2014 - I gave a talk "Elliptic flow of thermal photons in chemically non-equilibrated QCD medium" at PANIC 2014 (August 24-29, 2014, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany).
August 21, 2014 - I gave a talk "Quark chemical equilibration for thermal photon elliptic flow" at Thermal Photons and Dileptons in Heavy-Ion Collisions (August 20-22, 2014, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA).
August 8, 2014 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Medium-induced optical effects for prompt photons", arXiv:1408.1410 [nucl-th].
July 17, 2014 - I gave a talk "Thermal photons from chemically non-equilibrated QCD medium" at Strong and Electroweak Matter 2014 (July 14-18, 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland).
June 21, 2014 - I gave a talk "Effects of quark chemical equilibration on thermal photon v2" at Extreme QCD 2014 (June 19-21, 2014, Stony Brook University, New York, USA).
May 20, 2014 - I presented a poster "Early thermal and chemical equilibration of quarks and gluons" at Quark Matter 2014 (May 19-24, 2014, Darmstadt, Germany).
March 31, 2014 - We submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai and Berndt Müller, "Collinear parton splitting in early thermalization and chemical equilibration", arXiv:1403.7310 [hep-ph].
March 18, 2014 - I submitted an original article: Akihiko Monnai, "Thermal photon v2 with slow quark chemical equilibration", arXiv:1403.4225 [nucl-th] (published as Phys. Rev. C 90, 021901(R) (2014)).
March 13, 2014 - I gave a talk "Collinear parton splittings for early thermal and chemical equilibration" at Frontiers of Hadronic Physics: Brains Recirculate Two (March 13, 2014, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY, USA).
January 30, 2014 - I published a book from Springer Science+Business Media: Akihiko Monnai, "Relativistic Dissipative Hydrodynamic Description of the Quark-Gluon Plasma", Springer Theses, ISBN 978-4-431-54797-6 (2014). I would like to thank Prof. Tetsuo Hatsuda for his support.
December 13, 2013 - I gave a talk "Pre-equilibrium dynamics of QCD matter by gluon splitting" at New Frontiers in QCD 2013 (November 18 - December 20, 2013, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan).
September 26, 2013 - We submitted an original article: Kouji Kashiwa and Akihiko Monnai, "Quark contribution for center domain in heavy ion collisions", arXiv:1309.6742 [hep-ph] (published as Phys. Rev. D 89, 011501(R) (2014)).
July 1, 2013 - I joined RIKEN BNL Research Center (RBRC) in NY, USA as a RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher.
April 1, 2013 - I started my postdoc at Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science in RIKEN as a Special Postdoctoral Researcher.
March 25, 2013 - I received Ph.D. and graduated from the University of Tokyo. I also received Research Award of Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo for Doctor Course. I would like to thank Hatsuda Quantum Hadron Physics Group for the great research environments.
Old news can be found here.