Membership and Funding
Memberships are important for AJA to operate.
Many people who attend AJA meetings are tertiary students or on working holiday visas and so we have set our annual membership fee at a very low rate in order to encourage financial membership. Membership is $20.00 pa for an individual and $50 for organisations and business entities. By becoming a financial member you can help us to pay for the Public Liability insurance we have to take out to protect you at events we organise or run.
Member benefits and other information are listed below:
Members receive our AJA bulletin before every AJA meeting to keep them up with our coming activities.
Discounts on some events.
AJA's financial year begins from July 1st and ends on June 30th the following year; all memberships now fall due at the end of June each year. Get your membership form at a conversation meeting or contact us via email at .
Other fundraising efforts include special functions, the occasional raffle, festivals, and donations from well-wishers and supporters. Apart from these, our only source of income is the interest on the Roy Tirrell Trust Fund which we have invested to safeguard our future. All that the AJA committee and members do is voluntary and the AJA of SA has only occasional Government or other funding to support us in our activities.