Tutorial: AI for Smart City Innovations with Open Data

In conjunction with International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), at Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015


Date of tutorial is not yet confirmed within (25-27 Jul 2015).

Intended Audience

The intended audience is a beginner to medium experienced researcher who is curious about AI in general and sustainability applications in particular. The tutorial will expect the audience to have a basic Computer Science background consisting of data structures, algorithms, databases and search.

Related Tutorial

1. AAAI 2015 tutorial, AI for Smarter Cities. Hype or reality? A Study in Dublin, Bologna, Miami and Rio.

Related Workshops

  1. Workshop on Semantic Cities: Beyond AI Models, Proofs and Reasoning, In conjunction with International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13), Freddy Lecue, Biplav Srivastava, Alexandre Rademaker, Sheila McIlraith and Theo Damoulas.
  2. Workshop on AI and City
  3. In conjunction with Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference (AAAI-15)
  4. Theo Damoulas, Biplav Srivastava, Freddy Lecue, Sheila McIlraith
  5. Austin, Texas, USA - January, 2015
  6. Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities
  7. In conjunction with 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014)
  8. Payam Barnaghi, Jan Holler, Biplav Srivastava, John Davies, John Breslin, and Tope Omitola
  9. Riva del Garda, Italy – 20 October, 2014
  10. Workshop on Semantic Cities
  11. In conjunction with Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference (AAAI-14)
  12. Mark Fox, Freddy Lecue, Sheila McIlraith, Biplav Srivastava and Rosario Usceda-Sosa
  13. Québec City, Québec, Canada – July 27-31, 2014
  14. Workshop on Inclusive Web Programming – Programming on the Web with Open Data for Societal Applications
  15. In conjunction with 36th International Conference on Software Engineering
  16. Biplav Srivastava and Neeta Verma
  17. Hyderabad, India – May 31-June 4, 2014
  18. Workshop on Semantic Cities
  19. In conjunction with International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-13)
  20. Freddy Lecue Biplav Srivastava, and Ziaqing Nie
  21. Beijing, China – Aug 3-5, 2013
  22. The Semantic Smart City Workshop (SemCity-13)
  23. In conjunction with International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS-13)
  24. Tope Omitola, John Breslin, Biplav Srivastava, and John Davies
  25. Madrid, Spain – June 12-14, 2013
  26. Workshop on Semantic Cities
  27. In conjunction with 26th Conference of Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12)
  28. Biplav Srivastava, Freddy Lecue, and Anupam Joshi
  29. Toronto, Canada – July 22-26, 2012
  30. AI for an Intelligent Planet
  31. In conjunction with 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11)
  32. Biplav Srivastava, Carla Gomes, and Anand Ranganathan
  33. Barcelona, Spain – July 16-22, 2011


[23 July 2015] Tutorial slides are available on slideshare. (Backup location: Google drive)

[15 Feb 2015] Tutorial site is up.


In recent years, AI techniques have made tremendous progress in delivering high-quality analysis (e.g., predictions, optimizations) efficiently with large data at scale. However, to turn these advances into innovations rapidly needs the ability to tap into data freely available, use web standards to integrate and compose with sub-systems seamlessly and provide useful insights that can be further reused. A domain that calls for many rapid innovations is Smarter Cities, where cities around the world are aspiring to provide superior quality of life to their citizens while optimizing their cumulative resource footprint.

The aim of the tutorial is to make early and experienced researchers aware of the innovation potential with government and other open data, application programming interfaces (APIs) and AI techniques that enable deep analysis to deliver actionable, unprecedented insights. This area offers a rich avenue for applying AI techniques like machine learning, planning, scheduling, semantics, knowledge representation, data integration, logic, trust and agents. We aim to provide an insightful overview and whet the audiences’ interest to turn their research into useful, innovative, apps that are used for social good.


The topics we will cover are:

  1. Motivation
    1. Societal Challenges
    2. Innovations v/s inventions: selecting idea that matter and have least barriers to adoption
    3. New Triggers – Open data including from government, internet as development platform, mobile for delivering IT-based innovations
    4. Opportunities for social innovations using AI techniques and their common patterns

i. Health – predicting and managing diseases

ii. Traffic – journey recommendation

iii. Tourism – event management for long-term sustainability

  1. Open Data
    1. Open Data background – history and what is different now
    2. Peek into select government open data sites:

i. Country-level - data.gov, data.gov.in, and

ii. City-level – Chicago, London

    1. Opportunities and challenges in working with open government data
  1. Semantic Web and Open Data
    1. Need for semantics in the context of open data
    2. Linked Open Data, Linked Data with CitySDK
    3. SCRIBE ontology for city-level business events and applications
  2. APIs and their Composition
    1. Basics – Web APIs, Web Services, Services Oriented Architecture
    2. Importance of Web APIs for enterprise integration
    3. APIs usage with a national government open data
    4. APIs usage with city government open data

i. Open 311 APIs

ii. CitySDK APIs

    1. Tools for working with APIs
  1. AI-based analysis with open data
    1. Different types of analyses – descriptive, predictive, prescriptive
    2. Predictive analysis with machine learning
    3. Ontology and data integration
    4. Open-world decision making and planning
  2. Case Studies and Apps
    1. 1st and 2nd generation civic apps with government open data
    2. Examples in Health – predicting and managing diseases
    3. Examples in Traffic – journey recommendation
    4. Examples in Tourism – event management for long-term sustainability
  3. Practical considerations
    1. Going beyond open data – integrating with social and enterprise data
    2. API catalogs
    3. Anatomy of select apps available with open data and deep analysis
    4. Organizing and participating in Hackathons

The AI topics we will cover are:

  1. Data integration
  2. Semantics, knowledge representation and ontologies
  3. Machine learning
  4. Planning, plan management
  5. Trust and reputation
  6. Optimization
  7. Agent coordination
  8. Visualization, HCI


The tutorial will run for half day.


Biplav Srivastava, IBM Research - India, New Delhi; Email: sbiplav AT in.ibm.com