
Aiesha Anglin

aieshaanglin, painting, in the flesh

Artist Intent

My recent work demonstrates an new interest in installation art that incorporates photography, painting, and some form of visual communications of the human body, which is similar to the works of Cassandra Smith and Jessica Steeber in their use of material. I’m looking at the body as a point of reference to conceptualize my understanding and views of the human in a way that may be similar to their approach in creating work from the Haggerty’s permanent collection.

What struck me most about this exhibition is the unique conversations that take place between the works chosen from the Haggerty’s permanent collection displayed alongside the works of each featured artist. The act of creating something new from an existing works carried a new sense of presence for the permanent collection, and in turn reflected a fresh culmination of these experiences had by each artist with those works of the collection and their own directions in the contemporary world of art and this search for authentic meaning.

If given the opportunity, I would hope to learn how to fabricate a basic idea within a historical context that is relevant to the modern day in my own work, but present in the form of an installation that would visually communicate such ideas under Cassandra Smith and Jessica Steeber's guidance. I also want to know what it takes to form and curate a solo exhibition alongside other artists with various approaches to the same perimeters given for the work created.