*Demographics:  Students


2014: Overall Enrollment in Accredited Programs by Ethnicity & Gender

                                Source: NAAB 2014 Report on Accreditation in Architecture Education

Enrollment by Gender

14,092     (56%)     male

10,897     (44%)     female

From 2009 to 2011, percentage of male/female students 59/41; in 2012 and 2013, 57/43, with percentages statistically the same for the three degrees BArch, MArch, and DArch.

Enrollment by Ethnicity

11,435     (46%)    White

97                (0%)     American Indian or Alaskan Native

2,401       (10%)    Asian

46                (0%)     Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

1,236        (5%)      Black or African American

3,827     (15%)      Hispanic/Latino; 691 (3%) two or more races

3,765     (15%)      nonresident alien

1,491       (6%)      race and ethnicity unknown

2012                            Source: NAAB 2012 Report on Accreditation in Architecture Education

Reflecting data on all students (26,850 full- & part-time) enrolled in programs, public and private, accredited by NAAB

Enrollment by Gender

15,394    (55%)    male 

11,456    (43%)    female

Enrollment by Ethnicity

13,602     (51%)    White

    111      (0.4%)    American Indian or Alaskan Native

 2,742      (10%)     Asian

      63       (0.2%)    Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

 1,371       (5%)      Black or African American

 3,924      (15%)     Hispanic/Latino

 2,554        (2%)     Two or more races

 2,732       (10%)    Nonresident alien

 1,751         (7%)     Race and ethnicity unknown

Minority Enrollment by Degree Level

For the Bachelor of Architecture, 36% of students come from minority backgrounds; for the Master of Architecture, 23% minorities; for the Doctor of Architecture, minorities represent 56% of enrollment.