Course Descriptions

Every professional career can be enhanced if you know computers and computer applications! You really need to question your educational plans if you don't include at least one computer course in your high school education. IT is an equal opportunity profession and computer knowledge can be the greatest equalizer of all in today's society for under-represented groups.

AP Computer Science Principles

Course Number: 11.0190010

Term: Y

Grades: 10-12

Prerequisites: None

Career Tech Pathway within AHS: Computer Science, Web Design, Programming, and Game Design

Description: This course will provide a foundation in computers which will help students with the personal, school, college and workplace application of computers -- regardless of whether they plan to pursue a career in computers or they plan to enter a field in which computers can be utilized creatively as tools for greater effectiveness. Students will acquire a fundamental understanding of the operation of computers, computer hardware, operating systems, computer networks, web development, programming, multimedia, graphics, the human-computer interface, career possibilities, ethical issues, Microsoft Office, and the application of computers to potentially solving problems and addressing challenges in many industries and occupations.