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Assignment for 10/26/2018 - Section 2: Scandals during Grant's Presidency

The postwar era was marked by widespread political corruption. Dishonest scalawags and carpetbaggers enriched themselves in state and local governments of the South during Reconstruction. Cities in the North were not immune to the prevailing greed where the infamous Tweed Ring of New York City set the standard for urban corruption. On the national level the two Grant administrations established a woeful record, although few doubted the president`s personal honesty.

Use the following links to complete the assignment for station 2. You do not need to use all of the links to complete the assignment. Choose the links and sources you think would be the most interesting and the most reliable/trustworthy.

Credit Mobilier

United States House of Representatives Website

Black Friday

The History Channel

The New York Times

The Whiskey Ring

The National Archives

The University of Richmond's History Engine

Stanford University

Missouri History Museum

The Indian Ring

The New York Times