Welcome to my personal webpage!
I am
a tenured assistant professor at the Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control (OPAC) group at the Eindhoven University of Technology,
an assistant professor at the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI), and
an affiliated assistant professor at the University of British Columbia.
I am also a Member of the scientific steering group of the 4TU Resilience Enginnering Center, a co-organizer of the Robust Optimization Webinar (ROW) series, and a co-chair of ISMP2027.
My research focuses on Mathematical Optimization from a practical perspective. More specifically, I am doing research in the area of Robust Optimization and Data-Driven decision-making.
In general, I am interested in:
Data-driven decision making
Robust Optimization
Resilient Engineering
Convex Optimization
Convex relaxation for Nonlinear Optimization
Regarding applications, I am interested in Supply Chain Networks and High-Tech industries.
To find my citations, you can go to my google scholar page. Also, you can find my peer-review activities in my WebOfScience WebOfScience website. Furthermore, my Curriculum Vitae (updated in August 2022) can be found here.
PhD Students:
Sina Shahri Majarshin: 2023-present
Alireza Yazdani Esfidvajani: 2021-present
Marloes Remijnse: 2021-present
Zhao Kang: 2020-present
On December 3, 2024, I have been part of the PhD committee Minakshi Punam Mandal from ESSEC Business School, France.
ISMP2027 will be held in Amsterdam, and I will be a co-chair.
August 9, 2024: our paper "Managing Customer Waiting Times in an Inventory System Using Conditional Value-at-Risk Measure " has been accepted in the Annal of Operations Research.
June 11, 2024: our paper "A scalable optimization approach to the intervention planning of complex interconnected infrastructures" is accepted at Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
April 26, 2024: our paper "Robust spare part inventory management" has been selected as the College of Supply Chain Management's best student paper of the Annual POMS Conference.
December 24, 2023: Our paper "A New Dual-Based Cutting Plane Algorithm for Nonlinear Adjustable Robust Optimization" has been accepted in the Journal of Global Optimization.
October 1, 2023: My interview at 4TU-Resilience Engineering Center is published.
August 15, 2023: our paper "An exact algorithm for the static pricing problem under discrete mixed logit demand" has been accepted at EURO Journal on Computational Optimization.
August 6, 2023: our paper "An oracle-based algorithm for robust planning of production routing problems in closed-loop supply chains of beverage glass bottles" has been accepted at Omega.
August 2, 2023: our paper "An exploration of drivers of opinion dynamics" has been accepted at JASSS.
April 24, 2023: our paper "Efficient Sensitivity Analysis for Parametric Robust Markov Chains " has been accepted at CAV 2023.
April 22, 2022: our paper "Value of intermediate imaging in adaptive robust radiotherapy planning to manage radioresistance " has been accepted in Ann. Oper. Res.
Dec 24, 2021: Our paper "Disjoint Bilinear Optimization: A Two-stage Robust Optimization Perspective" has been accepted for publication in INFORMS Journal on Computing.
July 22, 2021: Alireza Yazdani will be a Ph.D. student working on the robust explainable data-driven supply chain, under the supervision of Lijia Tan, Rob Basten, and myself.
July 15, 2021: Marloes Remijnse will be a Ph.D. student working on the data-driven cold chain, under the supervision of Sonja Rohmer, Tom van Woensel, and myself.
July 12, 2021: Our paper on "Dual-channel remanufacturing closed-loop supply chains under carbon footprint and collection competition" has been accepted in Sustainable production and consumption.
May 15, 2021: The book "Mathematical Optimization for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks" is available now.
May 15, 2021: The AI planner of the future will start breathing soon. We are looking for 10 PhD candidates. You can apply here.
Our proposal on "Data-driven robust optimization in the presence of human decision makers – Theory and Experiment" has been approved.
Our paper Extending the scope of robust quadratic optimization has been accepted for publication in Informs Journal on Computing.
Our paper Robust Finite-State Controllers for Uncertain POMDPs is accepted in AAAI21.