Keyboarding Curriculum

Scope and Sequence for Keyboarding and Computer Technology

Grades K-5

Kindergarten Goal: The student will learn the basic operation of a computer and the use of associated software.

Learning Objective: Students will:

1. Learn the basics on the keyboard, monitor, mouse.

2. Learn to turn the computer on and off.

3. Learn to care for appreciate the computer through simple applications.

4. Be able to identify desktop and icons.

5. Use the keyboard to interact with programmed software.

6. Navigate links for students on the district home page.

First Grade Goal: Introduction to the keyboard's layout and basic uses of the computer.

Learning Objectives: Students will:

1. Be introduced to the computer, cursor and backspace.

2. Use the functions of the mouse such as click and drag, double-click.

3. Use the space bar, return, escape, arrow keys and shift.

4. Use correct keyboarding posture.

5. Use right and left hands for correct home row key placement.

6. Have a variety of experiences using the computer. These experiences would include but are not limited to:


Age appropriate software such as Microsoft Office Word, Publisher, PowerPoint

7. Continue to develop respect for computers and related materials.

8. Navigate links for students on the district webpage.

Second Grade Goal: Develop basic computer skills.

Learning Objectives: Students will:

1. Continue their understanding and application of home row placement (touch typing skills not emphasized yet).

2. Use the computer to reinforce writing skills.

3. Produce small samples of written work (ex. poems and stores).

4. Learn the keyboard letters at a basic level with the introduction of keyboarding.

5. Be introduced to the computer terms of edit, word processor, hardware, software, file, save and delete.

6. Have a variety of experiences using the computer. These include the following but are not limited to Microsoft Office Word, Publisher, PowerPoint.

7. Navigate links for students on the district webpage.

8. Use electronic sources for information.

Third Grade Goal: Further develop keyboarding and writing skills using the computer.

Learning Objective: Students will:

1. Write, edit, proofread, spell, save and publish using a word processor.

2. Increase keyboarding skills through the use of keyboarding software.

3. Use home row key touch typing skills.

4. Use electronic sources for information.

Fourth Grade Goal: Continue to develop keyboarding, word processing and research skills.

Learning Objective: Students will:

1. Continue the development of writing editing, proofreading and spelling using the word processing program.

2. Create, edit and publish a specific assignment using a word processing program.

3. Continue developing keyboarding skills with an emphasis on additional key locations.

4. Research topics using the Internet to create and locate information.

Fifth Grade Goal: Learn to organize and create information with technology:

Learning Objective: Students will:

1. Organize information in a database format and perform simple functions like sorting.

2. Keyboard at 10 wpm using the touch typing skills.

3. Continue 4th grade objectives on research and writing.