Curriculum Vitae


Senior Economist DG-R Financial Research Division since September 2020

Economist DG-R Financial Research Division September 2014-2020

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Financial Institutions Center, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, September 2011- August 2014


Ph.D. in Economics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, July 2011

Master in Economics (Laurea Specialistica), Università Federico II di Napoli, Department of Economics, Honors: 110/110 Cum Laude, 2007

Bachelor in Economics (Laurea Triennale), Università Federico II di Napoli, Department of Economics, Honors: 110/110 Cum Laude, 2005

Research Interests

Financial Intermediation, Financial Crises and Regulation, Competition Policy

Awards & Certificates

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale SECS-P-01-Economia Politica, Settore Concorsuale 13/A1- Economia Politica since 13.05.2019

Fondation Banque Centrale du Luxemburg, Best Ph.D. Thesis on Financial Stability, 2012

European University Institute, Fourth Year completion grant, 2010

Ministry Of Foreign Affair Ph.D. scholarship, 2007-2010

Referee Activity

Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, Management Science, Economic Theory, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability, International Journal of Central Banking, Review of Network Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Other professional activities

Co-organizer (with D. Evanoff, G. Kaufman and S. Manganelli) of the 2016 International Banking Conference “Achieving Financial Stability: Challenges to Prudential Regulation”, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the European Central Bank

Paper selection committee for the following conferences: IFABS Asia 2017; 1st and 2nd Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster on “Financial stability, macroprudential regulation and microprudential supervision”

Secretary of the Lamfalussy Fellowship since October 2018

Member of the selection committee for the Lamfalussy Fellowship 2016, 2017

Member of the selection committee for the ECB Women in Economics Scholarship 2019, 2020, 2021

Member of the selection committee for the ECB Summer Research Graduate Programme 2017, 2018, 2019

Teaching Assistant for Prof. Carletti, Course on Financial Crises, European University Institute, 2010, 2011, 2012

Research Assistant for Prof. Elena Carletti, European University Institute, 11/2009-2/2010


Franklin Allen,

Elena Carletti,

Itay Goldstein,