AFA Membership Information

All schools attending the NST must include at least one person on their roster/staff/faculty that is a member of the AFA. This is not NST membership, but membership to our parent organization: the AFA. Membership can be obtained as follows: a) the director/coach can join for $85 with the journal; b) the director/coach can join for a non-journal membership at $50; c) any student on the team can join for $25 as either an undergraduate or graduate. Entry into the NIET will require the name of the school’s AFA member. Failure to provide this information will result in a $50 fee assessed, in addition to the $85 AFAfee in order for the school to attend.

Here is a link to the American Forensic Association:

Here is a direct link to purchase your individual AFA membership:

Here is a direct link to purchase a student membership: