
Some of the example codes, I used (more to be added soon) ...

[1] Autochemotactic walk of particles using Finite Difference Scheme in Python [Code]

[2] Designing microfluidic geometries for CFD simulations using Salome Platform [Code]

[3] Magnetic field calculations from permanent magnets using Finite Element Method [Code]

[4] Image processing for quantification of droplets in microchannels using ImageJ [Code]

[5] Microfluidic circuit simulations using QUCS [Code]

[6] Conformal mapping (Schwarz-Christoffel) for field calculations using Mathematica [Code]

[7] Droplet formation at T Junction using OpenFOAM [Code]

[8] Two dimensional Finite Difference Method with reactive sources [Code]

[9] Simulating cyclic voltammetry for a reversible reaction using Python. [Code]

[10] Newtonian dynamics of particles in Python [Code]

[11] Interaction potential between lablets (microscopic chiplets) and dock. [Code]