
Working Papers

Revise and Resubmit at the Review of Financial Studies

ESG Sentiment: A Revealed-Preference Approach (with S. Pegoraro and R. Zambrana)

The Role of Reputation in Financial Markets: The Impact of Broker Dark Pool Scandals on Institutional Order Routing (with R. H. Battalio, S. A. Corwin, R. H. Jennings and R. Zambrana) 

What Drives Corporate ESG? Disentangling the Importance of Investors, Managers, and Firms (with V.J. Bermejo and M. Zakriya)

Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Financial Intermediation

The Real Effects of FinTech Lending on SMEs: Evidence from Loan Applications (with A. Eça, M. Ferreira, and M. Prado)

Is the Stock Market Biased Against Diverse Top Management Teams? (with A. Manconi and O. G. Spalt)


Identity, Diversity, and Team Performance: Evidence from U.S. Mutual Funds   (with R. Evans, M. Prado, and R. Zambrana)

Management Science, forthcoming

Friendly Investing and Information Sharing in the Asset Management Industry  (with B. Golez and R. Zambrana)

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (2023) 1-30

The equity value implications of court ideology: Evidence from federal judge turnover  (with S. Cassella)

Journal of Corporate Finance, (2023), 79