[Congratulation!] Youngjin Seo passed his Master thesis defense

Post date: Jun 15, 2020 5:00:55 AM

On June 9th, 2020, Youngjin Seo, a student of Prof. Dongkyoung Lee team (ADLAMLAB), presented his thesis titled " A Experimental Study on High-Power Laser Cutting of Cement-Based Materials." 

This paper was 1) investigating the applicability of laser cutting for cement-based materials, 2) observing and analyzing the variation in microstructure of cement-based materials after laser cutting. 

During Master's Science course, Youngjin Seo achieved 6 journal publications (including 3 SCI-E papers), 25 conference papers, and 2 granted patents. 

Later, he is going to enter the graduate school of mechanical engineering at Kongju National University as a Ph.D.