[Congratulation!] Prof. Dongkyoung Lee appointed as the guest editor of 'Materials'

Post date: Jun 26, 2020 4:49:34 AM

Dongkyoung Lee, a professor of mechanical and automotive engineering at Kongju University, has been appointed as the guest editor of ‘Journal of Materials in MDPI (IF=2.972)’, an authoritative international journal in the field of manufacturing and materials engineering. 

 This is the result of Professor D. Lee's steady presentation of research papers on the laser manufacturing process over the past ten years, and his outstanding research achievements on the interaction of laser and composites, especially by applying laser cutting technique to cementitious composites. 

 The guest editor is selected to make a special issue on a specific subject in the journal. "Journal of Materials" will publish a special issue under the theme "Advanced Design for Manufacturing Processes" by the second half of 2020 since 2019. As a guest editor, Professor D. Lee will be in charge of a vital role in acquiring content and leading the review process for publications under the theme of the special issue. 

Currently, Professor D. Lee is also a reviewer of 11 international SCI(E) journals in addition to 'Journal of Materials' and is reviewing whether to publish the papers in each journal.