
Vibrotactile Braille Output Using Smartphone and Smartwatch For Visually Impaired


In this paper, we present TACTBACK, a novel way to haptically represent braille characters on a off-the-shelf mobile device and a smartwatch using vibration. TACTBACK can be used for a wide variety of scenarios such as training braille characters to the deaf-blind, providing secure non-audio feedback for pin/password entry, and as an educational tool for learning braille. We discuss the details of design and implementation of TACTBACK, and report on a preliminary user study with 15 participants. Our evaluation shows that participants could recognize individual braille characters with minimal training using TACTBACK. We present some of the scenarios where TACTBACK could provide substantial benefit over traditional talkback.


Artra Dhar, Aditya Shekhar Nittala, Kuldeep Yadav

TACTBACK: VibroTactile Braille Output Using Smartphone and Smartwatch for Visually Impaired

In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Annual 13th Web for All Conference 2016 (W4A'16), Montreal, Canada.
