I am an Assistant Professor at the Economics Department at Ashoka University, Sonipat, India. 

I am interested in studying the strategic interaction between the fully informed and partially informed agents to understand the underlying information structures and the information transmission, particularly in the settings such as Sender-Receiver Games, Bayesian Persuasion, etc. 

I am also interested in studying such information structures in other models such as Mechanism Design, Auctions, Congestion Games and Social Choice.

Before joining Ashoka, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Tel Aviv University, hosted by Prof. Eilon Solan and Prof. Ehud Lehrer

Before that, I was a postoc at Artificial Intelligence center, Czech Technical University in Prague, hosted by Branislav Bošanský

I completed my PhD in game theory at the Quantitative Economics department in Maastricht University, under the supervision of Dries Vermeulen, János Flesch and Mathias Staudigl. 

I completed my Bachelors and Masters at Chennai Mathematical Institute in India. 

You can download my CV here.