Articles and other publications

Journal articles

2019 "Rethinking Digital Health:  Data, Appisation and the (im)possibility of ‘Opting out” (with Esperanza Miyake and Sam Martin), Digital Health 

2019 “The Paradox and Continuum of DigitalDisengagement: Denaturalising Digital Sociality and Technological Connectivity” (with Esperanza Miyake), Media Culture and Society

2019 “Towards a paradigmatic shift in sustainabilitystudies: a systematic review of peer reviewed literature and future agendasetting to consider environmental (un)sustainability of digital communication” (with Imogen Rattle), Environmental Communication.

2019 “Socio-Political Figurations of Our Digital Everyday: Reflecting on Virilio’s Notions of Dromology, Civilianisation of Military Technologies, and the Information Bomb”, special issue in memory of Paul Virilio, Media Theory, 3/2 .

2019 (и Екатерина О. Богданова, Элли Я. Пономарева, Анна А. Щетвина) ‘Отказ и ограничение использования интернета в среде российских IT-специалистов’, Социология власти, специальный выпуск: Дигитальная социология, 3. 

2019 “From digital solutionism to materialist accountability: The urgency of new interventions”, Journal of Environmental Media 1/1.

2013 (with Jin Haritaworn and Silvia Posocco) 'Murderous Inclusions', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 15 (4), 445-452.

2013 (with Jin Haritaworn and Silvia Posocco) 'Obligation, Social Projects and Queer Politics', in conversation with Elizabeth Povinelli, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 15 (4), 554-564.

2012 (with Noor Al-Qasimi) 'Introduction', Journal of Middle Eastern Women's Studies, 8 (3), 1-13.

2012 (with Sanaz Raji) '"Israelis and Iranians, Get a Room!": love, hate and transnational politics from the "Israel loves Iran" and "Iran loves Israel" Facebook campaigns', Journal of Middle Eastern Women's Studies, 8 (3), 143-154.

2011 (with Debra Ferreday) 'Introduction: Haunted Futurities', Borderlands, 10 (2).

2011 (with Debra Ferreday) Interview with Anne-Marie Fortier, Borderlands, 10 (2).

2011 'Digital Archives of Feelings and their Haunted Futures', Borderlands, 10 (2).

2011 (with Rebecca L. Stein) 'Digital Suspicion, Politics, and the Middle East', Critical Inquiry.

2010 ‘Webs of Hate in Diasporic Cyberspaces: The Gaza War in the Russian-language Blogosphere’, Media, War and Conflict, 3 (3), pp. 299-313.

2010 'Online Memories, Digital Conflicts and the Cybertouch of War', Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 4, pp. 1-12.

2010 (with Rebecca L. Stein) 'Another War Zone: Social Media in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict', Middle East Report, September 2010.

2009 ‘"With a shade of disgust": Affective politics of sexuality and class in memoirs of the Stalinist Gulag’, Slavic Review, 68 (2), pp. 308-328.

* This article is the winner of the 2010 Heldt Prize for the best article in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian women's studies.

2009 ‘The Currency of Victimhood in Uncanny Homes: Queer Immigrants' Claims for Home and Belonging Through Anti-Homophobic Organising’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35 (1), pp. 133-149.

2008 'Shadows of the Past: Memoirs of the Gulags and Contemporary Homophobia', Kultura.

2008 ‘The Soldier and the Terrorist: Sexy Nationalism, Queer Violence’, Sexualities, 11 (1), pp.159-187.

2008 ‘Between Gulags and Pride Parades: Sexuality, Nation and Haunted Speech Acts’, GLQ: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies, 14 (2-3), pp. 263-287.

2008 ‘Written in Bl ood: Contested Borders and the Politics of Passing in Israel/Palestine and in Cyberspace’, Feminist Media Studies, 8 (3), pp. 2 67-283.

2008 ‘Queerness as Europeanness: Immigration, Orientalist Visions and Racialised Encounters in

Israel/Palestine’, Dark Matter, 3.

2007 ‘"Error: No Such Entry": Haunted Ethnographies of On-line Archives’, M/C: Journal of Media and Culture, 10 (5) October 2007.

2004 ‘Cyberethnography as Home-Work’, Anthropology Matters, 6 (2).

2003 ‘Double Homecoming: Sexuality, Ethnicity and Place in Immigration Stories of Russian Lesbians in Israel’, Women’s Studies International Forum, 26 (4), pp. 299-311.

Book chapters

2023 “Digital Solutionism Meets Pandemic Imaginaries”, in Kuntsman, Miyake and Martin (eds) Digital Disengagement: COVID-19, Digital Justice and the Politics of Refusal, Bristol University Press.

2020  “Reverberation, affect and digital politics of responsibility”, in  Affect, Algorithms and Propaganda: Interdisciplinary Research for the Age of “Post-Truth” Media, edited by Megan Boler and Elizabeth Davis, Routledge.

2020 “Civil freedoms, collective memory and the environment in the age of digital inevitability: rethinking digital futurities”, in Information Technologies and the Civil Society, edited by Gregory Asmolov, Greenhouse of social technologies, Moscow (in Russian) .

2014 'Introduction: Queer Necropolitics' (with Jin Jaritaworn and Silvia Posocco), Queer Necropolitics, Routledge.

2012 'Introduction: Affective Fabrics of Digital Cultures', in Athina Karatzogianni and Adi Kuntsman (eds.), Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect and Technological Change,  Basingsoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

2012 ‘"A place by the latrine"? Sexuality, nationalism, violence and belonging’, in Julia Lerner and Rivka Feldhay (eds.), 'Russians' in Israel: The Pragmatics of Culture in Migration, Jerusalem: Van Leer (in Hebrew).

2010 'Queer in Russian: A View from Abroad', in Valerij Sozaev (ed.), Is 'Queer' possible in Russian? LGBT Studies, an interdisciplinary collection, St. Petersburg.

2010 (with Jin Haritaworn and Jennifer Petzen) ‘Sexualising the “War on Terror”’, in Salman Sayyid and Vakil Abdoolkarim (eds.), Thinking through Islamophobia, New York: Hurst, Columbia Press.

2010 ‘“Disgusting creatures”: Sexual politics of disgust in memoirs of Gulag survivors’, Jan Plamper, Schamma Schahadat and Marc Elie, Rossiiskaia imperiia chuvstv: Podkhody k kul'turnoi istorii emotsii, Moscow: NLO (In Russian).

2009 'The Politics of Remembering and Forgetting:Same-Sex Relations in Memoirs of the Soviet Gulags', in Concentrationary Memories: The Politics of Representation 1945-1985, University of Leeds (Conference Proceedings).

2008 ‘Genealogies of Hate, Metonymies of Violence: Immigration, Homophobia, Homopatriotism’, in Esperanza Miyake and Adi Kuntsman (eds.), Out Of Place: Interrogating Silences in Queerness/Raciality, York: Raw Nerve Books.

2007 ‘Hospitality in flames: queer immigrants and melancholic be/longing’, in Jennie Germann Molz and Sarah Gibson (eds.), Mobilizing Hospitality: The Ethics of Social Relations in a Mobile World, Aldershot: Ashgate, 145-158.

2007 ‘Belonging through violence: Flaming, erasure and performativity in queer migrant community’, in Kate O’Riordan and David J Phillips (eds.), Queers Online: Media technology and sexuality, New York: Peter Lang, 101-122.

2004 ‘From "Sexless in Russia" to "Proud Israeli Lesbian": Immigration Stories of Coming Out’, in Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and Erella Shadmi (eds.), Sappho in Holy Land: Lesbian Existence and Dilemmas in Contemporary Israel, Suny Press, New York, 153-171.

Book reviews

2020 Book  review of Chiara De Cesari, Heritage and the Cultural Struggle for Palestine, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2019), International Journal of Middle East Studies.

2019 Book review of Dan Healey, Russian Homophobia from Stalin to Sochi (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), Slavic Review. 

2016 Book review of Smadar Lavie, Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture  (New York: Berghahn, 2014), Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies.

2013 Book review of Maya Eichler, Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription and War in Post-Soviet Russia, Stanford University Press, 2012, Slavic Review

2011 Book review of Elisabeth Eide, Risto Kunelius and Angela Phillips (eds.), Transnational Media Events: The Mohammed Cartoons and the Imagined Clash of Civilizations, Nordicom, 2008, Media, War and Conflict.

2011 Book review of M. Dobson, Khrushchev’s Cold Summer: Gulag Returnees, Crime, and the Fate of Reform after Stalin, Cornell University Press, 2009, HSozKult.

2011 Book review of E. Gutiérrez-Rodrígues, Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: A Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labor, Routledge: New York and London, 2010, Critical Sociology.

2010 Book review of A. Khoo, Life as the River Flows: Women in the Malayan anti-colonial struggle, Merlin Press, 2007 , Feminist Review, 96.

2010 Book review of T. Boellstroff, Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, Transformative Works and Cultures.

2009 Book review of L. Kaganovsky, How the Soviet Mad was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity under Stalin, Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press, 2008, Europe-Asia Studies, 61 (8), 1483-1484.

2008 Book review of P. Kuppers, Disability and Performance: Bodies on the Edge, Routledge, 2003. RCCS: Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.

2008 Book review of M. White, The Body and the Screen: Theories of Internet Spectatorship, MIT Press, 2006. RCCS: Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.

2005 Book review of J. Campbell, Getting It on Online: Cyberspace, Gay Male Sexuality and Embodied Identity, Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2004. RCCS: Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies.