Lab Members

Lab Members

Topher Hockaday - MS student (Completed Spring 2023)

                        Thesis: Examining Functional Morphology of Darters in Relation to Abiotic Stream Gradient Features in the Pomme De Terre River, Missouri

Austin Mueller - MS student (Completed Fall 2022)

                            Thesis: Implementing environmental DNA methods to identify and manage Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka) populations in Missouri                           

Kelly Hoyer - MS student (Completed Spring 2020)

                       Thesis: Impacts of a stream temperature gradient on reproductive capacity and population densities of the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdii                       

Samantha Holcomb - MS student (Completed Spring 2019)

                                     Thesis: Assessing habitat use and morphological differences among co-occurring sculpin (Cottidae): A test of interspecific                                              resource partitioning in Missouri stream systems

Juliana Hitchcock - MS student (Completed Spring 2019)

                                  Thesis: The effects of rehabilitative captivity on neophobia and exploration in Barred Owls (Strix varia)

Daniel Akin - Undergraduate honors researcher (Completed Spring 2019)

                        Project: Impacts of anthropogenic environmental alteration on fish body shape


Molly Takacs - Undergraduate honors researcher (Completed Spring 2019)

                               Project: Darter movement along a Missouri stream gradient