
Panelist of the joint seminar, hosted by RIKEN AIP in collaboration with 数理女子 (Suri-Joshi) (Tokyo, January 29, 2022)

Interview on 『現代数学』 (Gendai-Sugaku, literally means Modern Mathematics) Magazine 《輝数遇数――数学教室訪問》 (Kisu-Gusu, a wordplay on "odd and even numbers" - Sugaku-Kyoushitsu-Houmon, literally means A Visit to a Math Lecture Room) Section, April 2020.

九大理学部ニュース (Kyushu University School of Science News):

Articles on 数理女子 (Suri-Joshi, literally means Math Girls):

Also spoke at

名古屋大学ホームカミングデイ2022 (Nagoya University Homecoming Day 2022) 理学同窓会総会同窓生の近況報告」, 2022年10月15日

World Congress of Science & Factual Producers 2019 Ideas Salon: Technology of Tomorrow (Tokyo, December 2, 2019)

理研DAY:研究者と話そう 「数のふしぎ」 (Tokyo, March 17, 2019)

Only main works from 2018 onwards are listed. Others (mainly used for university advertisement purposes) are omitted.