Research Overview

PhD advisor: Prof. Kohji Matsumoto (松本耕二 教授)

Research interest: analytic number theory, analytic properties of zeta functions and L-functions, zeros of derivatives of zeta functions and L-functions, relation to the distribution of prime numbers, average number of Goldbach representations, pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, density of low-lying zeros of L-functions

Address: Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University (九州大学大学院数理学研究院)

 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan

E-mail address: adeirmasuriajaya [at]


ORCID ResearchGate

MR ID: 1127084 (require access to MathSciNet)

@ 九州大学 大学院数理学研究院 教員紹介 / researchmapページ

@ 理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム メンバー紹介

Research papers (preprints can be found on

27.   Karin Ikeda and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The average number of Goldbach representations over multiples of q, preprint in arXiv:2405.04315 [math.NT].26.   Keith Billington, Maddie Cheng, Jordan Schettler and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The Average Number of Goldbach Representations and Zero-Free Regions of the Riemann Zeta-Function, to appear, preprint in arXiv:2306.09102 [math.NT].

25.   Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, Ade Irma Suriajaya, and Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh, An Unconditional Montgomery Theorem for Pair Correlation of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function, Acta Arith. 214 (2024), 357–376, doi: 10.4064/aa230612-20-3.

24.   Jörn Steuding and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Mean-Values Associated with Generalized Schemmel's Function, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comput. 54 (2023), 307--319.

23.   Athanasios Sourmelidis, Jörn Steuding, and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The a-points of the Riemann zeta-function and the functional equation, Number Theory in Memory of Eduard Wirsing (2023), H. Maier et al. (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 307321, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-31617-3_21.

22.   Daniel A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, On a smoothed average of the number of Goldbach representations, Number Theory in Memory of Eduard Wirsing (2023), H. Maier et al. (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 145–156, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-31617-3_10.

21.   D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, On an Average Goldbach Representation Formula of Fujii, Nagoya Math. J. 250 (2023), 511–532, doi: 10.1017/nmj.2022.44.

20.   Sneha Chaubey, Suraj Singh Khurana, Ade Irma Suriajaya, Zeros of derivatives of L-functions in the Selberg class on Re(s)<1/2, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 151 (2023), 1855–1866, doi: 10.1090/proc/16251.

19.   D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The Prime Number Theorem and Pair Correlation of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function, Res. Number Theory 8 (2022), article number: 71, doi: 10.1007/s40993-022-00371-4 (SharedIt).

18.   Shingo Sugiyama and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Weighted one-level density of low-lying zeros of Dirichlet L-functions, Res. Number Theory 8 (2022), article number: 55, doi: 10.1007/s40993-022-00359-0 (SharedIt).

17.   Athanasios Sourmelidis, Jörn Steuding, and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Riemann-Type Functional Equations -- Julia Line and Counting Formulae --, Indag. Math. 33 Issue 6 (2022), 12361262, doi: 10.1016/j.indag.2022.08.002 (free online access until October 12, 2022).

16.   Athanasios Sourmelidis, Jörn Steuding, and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Riemann-Type Functional Equations -- Dirichlet Polynomial Approximations and a Weak Gram Law --, Acta Arith. 204 (2022), 97–113, doi: 10.4064/aa210111-13-4 (online first version available).

15.   John B. Friedlander, Daniel A. Goldston, Henryk Iwaniec and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Exceptional zeros and the Goldbach problem, J. Number Theory 233 (2022), 78–86, doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2021.06.004 (free online access until Nov 13, 2021).

14.   D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, A singular series average and the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function, Acta Arith. 200 (2021), 71–90, doi: 10.4064/aa200821-24-2.

13.   D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The error term in the Cesàro mean of the prime pair singular series, J. Number Theory 227 (2021), 144–157, doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2021.03.004.

12.   Athanasios Sourmelidis, Jörn Steuding, and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Dirichlet Series with Periodic Coefficients and their Value-Distribution Near the Critical Line, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 314 (2021), no. 1, 238–263, Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory: Special issue in commemoration of the 130th birth anniversary of Academician Ivan Matveevich Vinogradov, doi: 10.1134/S0081543821040118. Also published in Russian: Collected papers. In commemoration of the 130th birth anniversary of Academician Ivan Matveevich Vinogradov, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova 314 (2021), 248–274, doi: 10.4213/tm4188 (English page).

11.   Shōta Inoue, Sumaia Saad Eddin and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Stieltjes constants of $L$-functions in the extended Selberg class, Ramanujan J. 55 (2021), 609–621, doi: 10.1007/s11139-021-00391-1.

10.   Leonid G. Fel, Takao Komatsu, Ade Irma Suriajaya, A Sum of Negative Degrees of the Gaps Values in Two-Generated Numerical Semigroups and Identities for the Hurwitz Zeta Function, In: Nathanson M.B. (eds) Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory IV. CANT 2020. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 347. Springer, Cham. (2021), 151-160, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-67996-5_8.

9.   Leonid G. Fel, Takao Komatsu, Ade Irma Suriajaya, A sum of negative degrees of the gaps values in 2 and 3-generated numerical semigroups, Ann. Math. Inform. 52 (2020), 85–95, doi: 10.33039/ami.2020.08.001.

8.   Jörn Steuding and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Value-Distribution of the Riemann Zeta-Function along its Julia Lines, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 20 (2020), no. 3-4, 389–401, doi: 10.1007/s40315-020-00316-x.

7.   Fan Ge and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Note on the number of zeros of $\zeta^{(k)}(s)$, Ramanujan J. 55 (2021), 661–672, doi: 10.1007/s11139-019-00219-z.

6.   Junghun Lee, Athanasios Sourmelidis, Jörn Steuding and Ade Irma Suriajaya, The Values of the Riemann Zeta-Function on Discrete Sets, Proceedings of Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions — in honor of Professor Kohji Matsumoto’s 60th birthday, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 84 (2020), 315–334, doi: 10.2969/aspm/08410315.

5.   Hirotaka Akatsuka and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Zeros of the first derivative of Dirichlet L-functions, J. Number Theory 184 (2018), 300–329, doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2017.08.023.

4.   Ade Irma Suriajaya, Two estimates on the distribution of zeros of the first derivative of Dirichlet L-functions under the generalized Riemann hypothesis, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux 29 (2017), no. 2, 471–502, doi: 10.5802/jtnb.988.

3.   Junghun Lee and Ade Irma Suriajaya, An ergodic value distribution of certain meromorphic functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 445 (2017), no. 1, 125–138, doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.07.064.

2.   Junghun Lee, Tomokazu Onozuka, and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Some probabilistic value distributions of the Riemann zeta function and its derivatives, Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 92 (2016), no. 7, 82–83, doi: 10.3792/pjaa.92.82.

1.   Ade Irma Suriajaya, On the zeros of the k-th derivative of the Riemann zeta function under the Riemann hypothesis, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 53 (2015), no.1, 69–95, doi: 10.7169/facm/2015.53.1.5.

Other papers:

12. Ade Irma Suriajaya, ゴールドバッハ表現の平均個数とリーマンゼータ関数の非零領域 (The Average Number of Goldbach Representations and Zero-Free Regions of the Riemann Zeta Function), RIMS Kyokyuroku no. 2285 (for RIMS Workshop 2023 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

11. Ade Irma Suriajaya, Re(s)<1/2におけるセルバーグクラスL関数の導関数の零点 (Zeros of derivatives of L-functions in the Selberg class on the left-half plane and the left-half of the critical strip), RIMS Kyokyuroku 2023.7, no. 2259-22 (for RIMS Workshop 2022 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

10. Man Yang, Ade Irma Suriajaya and Jörn Steuding, The Hardy Z-Function and Algebraic Differential Equations, preprint.

9. Ade Irma Suriajaya, ゴールドバッハ表現に関する平均、リーマンゼータ関数の零点のペアコリレーション及び素数定理の誤差項との関係 (The average number of Goldbach representations, pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta function and error term of the prime number theorem), RIMS Kyokyuroku 2022.6, no. 2222, 113–127 (for RIMS Workshop 2021 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

8. D. A. Goldston and Ade Irma Suriajaya, Note on the Goldbach Conjecture and Landau-Siegel Zeros, arXiv:2104.09407 [math.NT]. (only preprint)

7. Ade Irma Suriajaya, Hardy-Littlewoodの特異級数のRiesz平均における誤差項 (Error estimates for the Riesz mean of Hardy-Littlewood singular series), RIMS Kyokyuroku 2021.8, no. 2196, 43–57 (for RIMS Workshop 2020 "Problems and Prospects in Analytic Number Theory") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

6. Ade Irma Suriajaya, リーマンゼータ関数の導関数の零点の個数評価における誤差項の改良 (Improved error estimate for the number of zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function), RIMS Kyokyuroku 2020.7, no. 2162, 42–53 (for RIMS Workshop 2019 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

5. Ade Irma Suriajaya, リーマンゼータ関数の臨界領域内等差数列における値の分布 (Values of the Riemann zeta function on vertical arithmetic progressions in the critical strip), RIMS Kyokyuroku 2019.10, no. 2131-19 (for RIMS Workshop 2018 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

4. Ade Irma Suriajaya, リーマンゼータ関数とディリクレL関数の導関数の零点の分布, RIMS Kyokyuroku 2018.11, no. 2092, 9–14 (for RIMS Workshop 2017 "Analytic Number Theory and Related Areas") (non-refereed proceedings, in Japanese)

3. Ade Irma Suriajaya, On the zeros of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function under the Riemann hypothesis, RIMS Kyokyuroku 2016.12, no. 2013, 33–43 (for RIMS Workshop 2014 "Analytic Number Theory - Distribution and Approximation of Arithmetic Objects") (non-refereed proceedings)

2. Ade Irma Suriajaya, 综述黎曼ζ函数的零点分布, NU Ideas 5 (2016), issue 1 (in Chinese)

1. Ade Irma Suriajaya, On the Zeros of the Second Derivative of the Riemann Zeta Function under the Riemann Hypothesis, arxiv:1309.7160 [math.NT]. (only preprint)

External research funding:

3. Inamori Research Grant 2024

2. JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) for young researchers, project number: 22K13895

1. JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi) for young researchers, project number: 18K13400

Research visits:

17. Université de Lille (Lille, France) // Mar 27 – 30, 2024

16. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn, Germany) // Mar 6Apr 4, 2024

15. Université Paris Cité (Paris, France) // Sep 17–21, 2023

14. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn, Germany) // Aug 29 – Sep 1, 2023

13. University of Würzburg (Würzburg, Germany) // Jun 29 – Jul 1, 2015; Aug 1 – Sep 4, 2016; Jul 9–15, 2017; Sep 9 – Oct 7, 2017; Apr 22–28, 2018; May 20 – Jun 20, 2018; Apr 4–9, 2019; Aug 6–30, 2019; Nov 2–4, 2022; Aug 325, 2023

12. San Jose State University and American Institute of Mathematics (San Jose, CA, USA) // Aug 3 – Oct 4, 2022; Dec 7, 2022 – Feb 28, 2023; Mar 13 – Jun 7, 2023

11. Oberwolfach Workshop 2245: Analytic Number Theory (Oberwolfach, Germany) // Nov 6–12, 2022

12. UIUC (Champaign, IL, USA) // May 25–29, 2020

11. SJSU and  AIM (San Jose, CA, USA) // Apr 1 – May 24, 2020

10. China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing (Beijing, P. R. China) // Sep 14 – 25, 2019

9. Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand) // Sep 1 – 7, 2019

8. IMSc (Chennai, India) // Feb 10–16, 2019

7. UNSW Sydney and Canberra (Sydney and Canberra, Australia) // Sep 20 – 30, 2018

6. University of Rochester (Rochester, NY, USA) // Oct 21 – Dec 1, 2016; Feb 19 – Mar 19, 2017; May 6–17, 2017; Jul 3–7, 2018

5. Shandong University Weihai Campus (Weihai, Shandong, P. R. China) // May 7 – 12, 2018

4. MSRI (Berkeley, CA, USA) // Jan 23 – Feb 10, 2017; May 1–5, 2017; Jan 7–24, 2018

3. Nagoya University (Nagoya, Japan) // Aug 14–25, 2017

2. San Jose State University (San Jose, CA, USA) // Apr 26–30, 2017

1. Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) // Jun 11–30, 2016

4. RIKEN iTHES/iTHEMS Number Theory Seminar:

3. RIKEN coffee meeting:

2. 第8回ゼータ若手研究集会 (The 8th Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions), February 13–16, 2015

1. Chacha-zemi, November 17, 2011 – January 29, 2015