Chapter 1

Chapter 1

ADHBD - A History of Psychology, the DSM & Modern Mental Health Care

ADHBD is a diagnosis, not a disorder.

With the correct treatment and medicine,

folks with this diagnosis can excel and prosper.

The Evolution of the Diagnosis of ADD...

ADD/Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHBD/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Brain Diagnosis

Progressive Treatment for

Attention Deficit Disorder

The NEW ADD Psychology Perspective

for the Modern Age


Attention Deficit Hyper- Active Brain Diagnosis,

A strength based approach to ADD/ADHD treatment”

Cognitive Therapy, Conscientious Personal Development, Life Coaching and

Mental Health Public Awareness Advocate & Recovery Program.

A 2013-forward progressive view of mental health for a progressive forward looking society in Generation G, the Age of Information Generation.

ADD is not viewed as a Disorder, because neurologically, there is nothing wrong in the brain, compared to other mental illness and disorders (like schizophrenia).

People with ADD are gifted members of society,

with an Added Dimension.

If otherwise ignored or mistreated, those people will suffer unnecessary pain and suffering.

    1. Cognitive Therapy,

    2. Conscientious Personal Development,

    3. Life Coaching

    4. Mental Health Public Awareness Advocacy

    5. Recovery Program.

A History of Psychology

A edited history from Wikipedia, The Free Encylapedia


DSM-I - 1950

DSM-II - 1975

DSM-III - 1980

DSM-IV - 1982

DSM-V - 1995

DSM-VI - 2012

Quick story about the great progress that the DSM has made over the past century. The DSM has a long and elustrious yet controverial history. The DSM is modern psychology's best clinical desciption of all of the human brain's disorders, dianogsis, mental health state of mind, quarks, problems, differences, abnormalities, ticks, various states of conscienciouses and classifications. We are currently on the sixth official editions, with each edition progressively getting better and better. Each generation of psychologist, psychiarits, NPPs and doctors study their respective special fields, specializing only in one narrow field or disorder, preferably if the doctor has that disorder themselves (for example specializing in bi-polar or schicophriena only). Far from perfect and sometimes completely wrong, the DSM is always improving. The DSM with each revision is still modern science's best attempt at accuratly discribing the human mental condition and all of its variations. These discriptions are very, very important not only to psychologist, but to society as well. They have many clinical and practical applications and real life consequences. For example, the details of specific symtoms in a dianogsis in the newest DSM may make the difference in an official clinical dianogisis, directly effecting whether a health insurance company will pay for your prescition or not.

In the not so distance past (less than 30 years ago) the DSM classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. Unbelievable I know, but that was supposedly the best quess at the time. Thankfully we have evolved past that ignorance and GLBT (gay, lesibian, bisexual and transgendered) are more accectped in society. Side note; sexual identity disorder is a real psychological problem, being gay is not.

Modern Mental Health Care


The American Psychiatric Association recently published DSM-V, the first major revision to the diagnostic manual for psychiatric disorders since 1994. In DSM-V, ADHD is included in the section on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, rather than being grouped with the disruptive behavior disorders, i.e., Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. This change better reflects the way ADHD is currently conceptualized.

Your actions today will determine your future tomorrow.

The place you are today is a direct result of our actions a few weeks ago. The harder you work today, the farther ahead you will be tomorrow.

Here I am today, so busy with work and all my projects, that I have almost no free time at all. It is a nice change of pace. And I am doing something that I believe in. I believe that I will be successful if I keep up the momentum. I have made tremendous progress in the past few months.

I really set my mind to something, and I keep thinking about it everyday, all day long. And it is just a matter of time before I get to where I am really trying to go in the first place.

Stay focus. Stay positive. Stay motivated.