
[2024a] Tuboly Ádám Tamás (2023). „Review of Chiara Russo Krauss: The Philosophy of Joseph Petzoldt: From Mach’s Positivism to Einstein’s Relativity.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1): 237-241. URL =

[2022a] „Review essay of David Edmonds and Karl Sigmund on logical empiricism”, in Donata Romizi, Monika Wulz and Elisabeth Nemeth (eds.), Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist. Cham: Springer, 389-396.

[2021a] "The Forgotten Past: Nikolay Milkov on the history of analytic philosophy." History of European Ideas, online first. DOI: 10.1080/01916599.2021.1922058

[2020a] “Review of George A. Reisch’s The Politics of Paradigms.” HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (2): 605-608. DOI: 10.1086/707988.

[2020b] “Review of Monika Gruber’s Alfred Tarski and the ’Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages’”. In Radek Schuster (ed.), The Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook. Cham: Springer, 195-198.

[2020c] “Review of Michael Turk’s Otto Neurath and the History of Economics.” Review of Radical Political Economics 52 (1): 164-168. DOI: 10.1177/0486613419868046

[2020d] “Review of Sanford Shieh’s Necessity Lost.” History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (1): 97-100. DOI: 10.1080/01445340.2019.1683268.

[2020e] „Review of the Collected Works of Carnap.” Philosophy in Review 40 (3): 99-100.

[2019a] “Review of Christian Damböck’s Deutscher Empirismus Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830–1930.” Archive für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (1): 145-152. DOI:

[2019b] “Review of J.D. Trout’s Wondrous Truths.” Philosophy in Review 39 (1): 52-54.

[2019c] “Learning to Understand Quine. Review of Sander Verhaegh’s Working From Within.” Metascience 28 (2): 309-312. DOI: 10.1007/s11016-019-00401-5[2019d] “Review of William S. Davis's Romanticism, Hellenism, and the Philosophy of Nature.” Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (1): 89-91. DOI:10.1080/17570638.2019.1600337

[2019e] “Miscalculating happiness: Review of Bruno S. Frey’s Economics of Happiness.” Journal of Economic Methodology 26 (2): 167-171. DOI:10.1080/1350178X.2019.1589946.

[2019f] “Review of Lapointe’s and Pincock’s Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy.” Philosophy in Review39 (2): 77-79.

[2019g] “Review of The Cambridge Companion to Popper.” KRITERION – Journal of Philosophy 33 (2): 119-122.

[2019h] “Review of Quine’s The Significance of the New Logic.” Organon F 26 (2): 306-310. DOI:

[2019i] “Review of Kevin C. Elliott’s A Tapestry of Values.” Philosophy in Review 39 (3): 124-126.

[2019j] “Review of Sean Morris’s Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory.” Filozofia: Journal for Philosophy 74 (6): 505-508. DOI: 10.31577/filozofia.2019.74.6.7

[2019k] “Review of James McElvenny’s Language and Meaning in the Age of Modernism.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 22: 255-257.

[2019l] “Review of Jutta Schickore’s About Method.” Dynamis 39 (2): 531-534.

[2019m] “Quine the Naturalist in a Physical World. Review of Science and Sensibilia.” Diametros 16 (62): 95-100. DOI: 10.33392/diam.1343.

[2019n] “Review of Karl Sigmund’s Sie nannten sich der Wiener Kreis and Exact Thinking in Demented Times.” The Berlin Review of Books. 2019/December.

[2018a] „Review of Aaron Preston’s Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History.” Philosophy in Review 38 (1): 36-38.

[2018b] „Review of Roberto Lalli’s Building the General Relativity and Gravitation Community during the Cold War.” International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4): 457-460.

[2018c] “Review of Kevin A. Morrison: A Micro-History of Victorian Liberal Parenting.” Victorian Review 44 (2): 294-296.

[2017a] „Kuhn, Kuhn, Kuhn – New Wine into Old Bottles. Review of Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions at Fifty Reflections on a Science Classic.” Journal for General Philosophy of Science 48 (4): 601-604. DOI 10.1007/s10838-016-9359-3

[2017b] „Review of Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science.” Philosophy in Review 37 (2): 62-64.

[2017c] „Building a New Picture of Neurath: Review of Groß’s Die Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths.” Opus et Educatio 4 (2): 223-2227.

[2017d] „Unity, (Inter)nationalism, Science. Review of Pursuing the Unity of Science.” The Berlin Review of Books2017/6.

[2017e] „Review of Borghini’s A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Modality.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy16 (3): 463-465.

[2016a] “From Vienna to Vienna: Europen Philosophy of Science. [Review of Galavotti. Nemeth, Stadler (ed.) European Philosophy of Science.” Science & Education 25 (7): 939-942. DOI: 10.1007/s11191-016-9850-6

[2016b] “Review of Friedrich Stadler’s The Vienna Circle.” Philosophy in Review 36 (1): 26-29.

[2016c] “Review of Quine and His Place in History.” Philosophy in Review 36 (3): 121-123.

[2016d] “Review of Ontology after Carnap.” Philosophy in Review 36 (6): 244-246.

[2016e] “Review of The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism.” Organon F 23 (4): 556-560.

[2016f] “Review of Christian Damböck (ed.) Influences on the Aufbau.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, vol. 19.

[2016g] „Review of Felix Kaufmann’s Theory and Method in the Social Sciences.” The Berlin Review of Books. 2016/5-6.

[2015a] “Normal Science and Normal Kuhn – Review of Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions — 50 Years On.” Avant. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (3): 96-101.

[2015b] “A Classic Statement of Logical Empiricism.” [Review of Eino Kaila’s Human Knowledge]. The Berlin Review of Books, January, 2015.

[2015c] “Explicating explication: Carnap’s Ideal.” [Review of Pierre Wagner (eds.) Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism].” The Berlin Review of Books

[2014a] “Unifying historical perspectives – Carnap Tarski and Quine at Harvard in 1940-41.” [Review of Frost-Arnold’s Carnap, Tarski and Quine at Harvard – Conversations on Logic, Mathematics and Science]. The Berlin Review of Books.

[2014b] “Metaphilosophy at work – Kripke on reference and existence.” [Review of Kripke’s Reference and Existence]. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 17: 221-226.