Adam Kapor



Aftermarket Frictions and the Cost of Off-Platform Options in Centralized Assignment Mechanisms (with Mohit Karnani and Christopher Neilson), Journal of Political Economy, July 2024.

Centralized School Choice with Unequal Outside Options (with Mohammad Akbarpour, Christopher Neilson, Winnie van Dijk, and Seth Zimmerman), Journal of Public Economics, June 2022.

Smart Matching Platforms and Heterogeneous Beliefs in School Choice (with Felipe Arteaga, Christopher Neilson, and Seth Zimmerman), Quarterly Journal of Economics, March 2022.

Heterogeneous Beliefs and School Choice Mechanisms (with Christopher Neilson and Seth Zimmerman), American Economic Review, May 2020.   Online appendix here.

Working Papers

Search and Biased Beliefs in Education Markets (with Claudia Allende, Patrick Agte, Christopher Neilson, and Nano Ochoa), June 2024 (submitted).

Transparency and Percent Plans, April 2024. NBER WP #32372. (third round resubmitted, Econometrica). This draft subsumes previous drafts circulated under the title "Distributional Effects of Race-Blind Affirmative Action". 

Interdependent Values in Matching Markets: Evidence from Medical School Programs in Denmark (with Ben Friedrich, Martin Hackmann, Sofia Moroni, and Anne Brink Nandrup), March 2024. NBER WP #32325. (Submitted).

Housing Search Frictions: Evidence from Detailed Search Data and a Field Experiment (with Peter Bergman and Eric Chan), March 2020. NBER WP #27209.  (Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy)

The Effects of Licensing Stringency on the Teacher Quality Distribution (with Brad Larsen, Ziao Ju, and Chuan Yu), May 2023. NBER WP #28158. (Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal-Economic Policy)

Work in Progress

College Admissions with Interdependent Values (with Sofia Moroni). 

Evaluating School Choice Mechanism Changes (with Christopher Neilson and Seth Zimmerman).