
Higher Segal Spaces and Lax A-infinty algebras (joint with Elena Gal)

Hall algebras and KLR Categorification (joint with Elena Gal and Kobi Kremnizer)

Autoequivalences of the category of schemes (joint with Avraham Aizenbud), Journal of Algebra

A geometric approach to Hall algebras I: Higher associativity (joint with Elena Gal)

Symmetric self-adjoint Hopf categories and a categorical Heisenberg double (joint with Elena Gal), 2014, to appear in Q.J.Math

A geometric approach to Hall algebras II: The bialgebra structure (joint with Elena Gal and Kobi Kremnizer), in preparation

Recovering the braiding on Rep(GLn, Fq) via an extension of the Waldhausen construction (joint with Elena Gal and Mark Penney), in preparation