
Most things are now on GitHub, which may be more up to date than this list.


    • clusterdb: quick/dirty searching for known galaxy clusters near some position (Python)

    • fgas-cosmo: evaluate the cosmological likelihood of cluster gas-mass fractions (C++)

    • NonGaussianity: evaluate non-Gaussian mass functions (C)

    • SPA: measure the dynamical state of galaxy clusters (C++)


    • cstat: utility functions for computing the Cash statistic and its expectation (C, Python)

    • incredible: utilities for assessing monte carlo Markov chains and computing credible intervals and regions (Python)

    • LMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling (Python)

    • LRGS: multivariate Bayesian linear regression via Gibbs sampling (R, Python)

    • RGW: the MCMC sampler of Goodman & Weare (2010) (R)

Not code:

  • cosmo-contours: repository to aid comparisons of cosmological parameter constraints