Engaging Students Through the Power of Creation

Getting Started:

Are you hesitant to assign group work because you can already hear the moans and groans of your students when you announce it? Studies have shown that group work increases academic achievement, leads to long term retention, and enhances critical thinking skills, however, many students are resistant to the idea which can influence faculty into not assigning it.

In this workshop we will focus on how to change the group activity into an active learning environment that engages students through the power of creation using technology. Participants will be introduced to free technology tools that students can use to create a product relevant to the topic at hand - which can then be shared with the larger group for continued learning discussion.

Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:

    • Identify technology tools that can be used to enhance group presentations

    • Create instructions for using technology tools in the classroom

    • Discuss the benefits of group activities and the power of creation based on research

Information about group work and team-based learning:

  1. Group Work that Works (Even in Large Classes!) [Chronicle of Higher Education]

  2. Introduction to Team Based Learning [Team Based Learning Collaborative]

  3. Higher Education Advocate - Team Work Works! [National Education Association]

  4. *7 articles in one place! Special Issue: Team-Based Learning: Small Group Learning's Next Big Step [New Directions for Teaching and Learning]

  5. Team-Based Learning Enhances Long-Term Retention and Critical Thinking in an Undergraduate Microbial Physiology Course [Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education]

  6. Assessing Online Team-Based Learning [EDUCAUSE.edu]

*Quick Access:http://bit.ly/ESTTPOC